Sunday, August 31, 2014

13 Reasons to be Thankful but Who's Counting!

While we are celebrating our Independence Day here in T&T, our North American neighbours are celebrating Labour Day. There’s enough fun to go ‘round for the long weekend of weekends. We must however remember to pause and reflect on the meaning behind the celebration.

Really, I was taking a break from blogging, though this week has revealed many lessons and a myriad of reasons to be grateful. What began as a tense week, ended with my mind at ease. 

At midnight, I broke my routine, tore myself away from my desktop, dusted off my laptop and watched the rerun of the MTV Video Music Awards (something I haven’t done in a long time). I did this while I resurrected and edited my manuscript. The result was that many emotions emerged…not sure if it was the awards or the manuscript! Lol

But I digress. I was never the preaching type, but these past few years have strengthened my faith soo much…to epic proportions. As usual I can’t disclose at this moment precisely how amazing and wondrous my God is, but you must know by now that you can trust my judgment…somethings are a given...He just is!! Wow! There must be a reason everyone else is sleeping and I am up at 3 am. 

I remember reading my psalms nightly last year when dealing with some challenges and saw an improvement…however when I stopped, after a while they reoccurred. Alas! I resumed and never stopped and they disappeared altogether! In fact the situation reversed and completely went in my favour. 

This January I began reading my bible from cover to cover. (I haven’t been as persistent as before within recent months however and it is gnawing away at the back of my mind) I have seen even more blessings manifest itself in my life and the lives of those around me.

This year has taught me about tolerance and patience. Although I have not mastered it fully as yet…the lessons thus far have been priceless. While waiting on my insurers to settle my claim after my car was wrecked in my accident a couple months ago…I learnt more about patience and faith while I was confined to these four walls of my home. 

The lack of mobility and independence and having to rely on a driver was frustrating to say the least (and costly). A couple of my friends helped a bit, but having the convenience of my own vehicle was irreplaceable.

I realized that the longer my claim was delayed; it gave me more time to pray and plead with God for things to work in my favour. Voila! After four weeks, my insurance company settled the entire claim with just a small deductible…that’s nothing short of amazing, since everyone was telling me about their horror stories. Although I was extremely tense and having a real hard time coping and recovering emotionally from the accident, I never gave up hope.

This is just one of the many reasons to be thankful. Since returning home, despite the pitfalls, I have become closer to my family and spent quality time with my dad as he copes with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s hard at times to watch since last year he was still very talkative and physically strong. I try not to focus on the negative, but find solace in the positive.

Last night however a friend of mine was telling me about his dad who is in his mid-to-late 80’s and still driving and moving around, with all his sensibilities sharp as a tack. It’s sad…and we should not bemoan our fate or compare our journey or struggles with others, but this made me think more about the rapid decline and how much I missed out on last year while residing on the sister isle.

However those experiences I’ve had whilst there and the people I’ve met, led me to this moment and the person I am today. I cannot replace or mistake the lessons I’ve learnt and how much I’ve grown. Although I am cognizant of the fact that I still have a way to go and many more lessons to learn in life, my friends and former colleagues have all remarked how I’ve changed after living away from home for so long. In retrospect it’s hard giving all that up, but this time too is precious and priceless.

After reading over my manuscript and preparing another book proposal, I realize that I would have never been able to write from my heart, had I not taken up this job offer in Tobago last year. I am so grateful for all of my experiences. I have removed my rose-coloured glasses and looked at the experience thru a different lens. 

With the advantage of perspective, as distance and time separates me from the many scenarios that have played over and over again in my head, I see the silver lining in all those situations and know everything happened exactly as it should have for a reason. I have free will to choose and I chose, learnt and grew. Today and tomorrow I can benefit from my choices with the wisdom and experience of yesterday.

Earlier tonight I was talking to my mother and realized that still waters run deep. I have lots to be thankful for this year… though it’s not done yet. I’ve seen a couple people on social media talking about their gratitude challenge. I don’t know about challenges, but I do this on my blog (and in person) every now and then. In 2014, I give thanks for soooo much, which includes but is not limited to the following:

1.Finding my deeper purpose for coming back home, making my dad smile, watching his improvements and taking my parents on outings…For this I am super happy and grateful.

2. The success of my dental surgery where I removed 4 wisdom teeth (yikes)…very difficult and technical surgery that I have been postponing for years due to sheer fright…With the expertise of a very skilled and experienced surgeon by the name of Dr. Ebenezer Scipio who hails from Tobago, but lived and studied in San Francisco (now living in Trinidad)…I say a GAZILLION THANK YOU’s!! (January)

3. The registration and launch of my business…I am grateful! (February)

4. The successful completion of research and scriptwriting for an environment Documentary! I am grateful (February)

5. Writing for a US based magazine: Elite Daily. This has surpassed my expectations…I am thankful! (February)

6. The successful pilot/launch of my Motivational Speaking Workshops and career (March)

7. The completion of 8 chapters of my new book…I am grateful! (April)

8. Being voted in and appointed to the Executive Board of a non-profit professional association in the capacity of Education/Research Officer and Editor-in-Chief of their annual HR magazine…what an exciting, fun and learning experience…I give thanks! (May)

9. My life being spared in what could have been a tragic and fatal road accident…saved by another Tobagonian who mitigated further catastrophes! For this I am grateful! (June) 

10. My insurance settlement and repair of my vehicle like new…I give thanks! My straightener is also Tobagonian!! (July) (Seems I’m inextricably tied to Tobago!)

11. The completion of my Audio Book of Thinking out Loud…it’s been long in coming. I am elated and grateful! (July)

12. Getting over my past! It took a while but for this I am super happy and grateful! (August)

13. Always having ENOUGH of everything I NEED to keep me going! (All the time!!!)

Did not realize there was so much for which to be thankful!! And there’s many more things in the works and more announcements to make in the coming weeks and months…for this I am hopeful and filled with immense gratitude! God is GREAT! I told you I was not kidding around!

I know God is working in your own life…even if you don’t realize it now…but if you acknowledge Him and surrender all, you would have the pleasure of watching Him do His work and work miracles in you life! You must be persistent though…and continue to praise Him daily, hourly, moment by moment!

Infinite thanks as always for joining me on my journey…Please stay tuned.

It’s now 4:30 am…I can now go to sleep :-)

photo credit - Bloody Bay 2013  Carolyn K. Correia All rights reserved

Happy Independence Trinidad & Tobago!

A melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, we stand as one people under one sun, celebrating and dancing to the beat of our own drum. 

No matter what part of the world our journey takes us, we always find our way back as there is no place like home. 

Talented, creative and resilient, our motto rings true: "Together we aspire, together we achieve." 

As we remember the sacrifices of our founding fathers, let us look toward the future with hope for a land filled with peace, love and harmony.

Happy Independence Trinidad & Tobago! 

photo credit - C. K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved
 National Bird (Trinidad) Scarlet Ibis, Caroni
photo credit - C.K. Correia 2013 All rights reserved
Parlatuvier, Tobago

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's 2014: How to Move on and Get Over Your Past Already

First published on Elite Daily. Read it here:

Just like that, it happened: We’re now in the month of August, eight months have already passed in 2014, and yet some of us are still stuck in 2004. Where did the time go?

Many of us have already celebrated birthdays and others look forward to another year of wisdom. This no less will bring with it an awakening of sorts and a load of new experiences: some good, some bad.

Nevertheless, this is all a natural part of life. The important thing is how we process what has happened to us and learn to transform it into something meaningful and positive.

I must admit, and my friends will tell you, I am sometimes one to cry over spilled milk. Who spilled it and how could they do such a thing to me?!

But what I’ve learned is that you can’t change the past or even destiny to a certain point. You also can’t change the intentions of other people, which may not always be so honourable.

We can however shape our destiny by the choices we make, as we are all given free will. I was taught and strongly believe that what is to be will simply be.

It is important to consider that each moment was instrumental in where you are today and to the person you have become. I talk about this further in my book, “Thinking Out Loud.”

The faster you learn to cope with the past, the sooner you will be able to reap the benefits of the present and be ready for the future when it happens.

I know all too well that different people have different coping abilities, techniques and thresholds of pain, but I must continue to stress that the mind is one of the most powerful tools we have. If we learn to condition our minds and tap into that inner strength we all possess, we can better learn to guide our lives to our desired outcomes.

It is useful to give ourselves a goal or time limit within which to push ourselves to achieve a particular milestone. Whether it’s trying to come to terms with that school we did not get into, the job or client we did not get or that relationship that ended.

We are not machines and our emotions don’t function like clockwork, but if we continue to nurse our pain, angst or grief, we will make ourselves miserable and become stuck in a time warp.

We will find that all the people we encounter are moving on with their lives and seemingly having fun and accomplishing dreams, while we are wallowing in self-despair and pity. This is self-defeating behavior and serves no purpose in our life, it can only cause us to remain in a negative state of fear and defensiveness.

Instead of becoming and remaining a victim, find things to occupy your mind and time when you feel like moping. Get involved, go out and meet new people.

If you can afford it, take a trip solo or with friends, experience a new culture, ambience and cuisine. Splurge: Treat yourself to a spa day, lunch at a new restaurant or a ride at an amusement park.

Interestingly enough, when you do these things, especially if you do them alone, you get to learn more about yourself and enjoy your own company.

You will achieve a greater sense of independence and change your perspective physically, emotionally and spiritually. As distance and time separate you from your past, you are able to transcend those situations.

You find yourself in a better place in your life, where you realize that people and circumstances don’t create your happiness, but, in fact, you do.

When you begin to find your place in this world and know who you are independently, you find the strength to get over your past and work on becoming the best you can be.

It’s 2014: Live in the moment and make it count!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Waiting Game is When You Discover the Most

No one likes the waiting game, but it is the way of life. To not conform, is to live in a utopia and a delusion. Leaving my corporate job of 7 and a half years to move to Tobago and then back again to start my own business, has taught me a thing or two about patience and waiting. 

I am no expert on entrepreneurship, as this is my first time and I am learning as I go along. But despite the pitfalls and periods of seeming inertia, I must say that I am enjoying the ride. Something is always happening in the background. My brain is always working overtime and I have many light bulb moments of inspiration, about a new initiative to get my blood pumping and the old brain working. 

I'm surprised and amazed each time it happens. Last week I had one in the shower and then again when I was just about to doze off. Over the years I've had dreams that resemble movie scripts that leaves me dazed and confused in waking hours, as I try to figure out if it was real!

As I reflect on the most recent decade as an employee to now, I don't really miss it. In the first instance people depended on me, now I rely on others to get things started and also complete my job. I wait on other service providers to get settled in and get all the tools I need to operate a professional business: bankers, graphic artists, photographers/videographers, publishers, editors, studio producers, room rentals, caterers....

Of course you need clients in order to measure your level of success, so phone calls, emails and follow ups must be done. Not all the time things go according to your timing. It's just something you must learn to deal with as an entrepreneur.

With respect to service providers, I believe that is a cultural issue why things often times take so long and several reminders are needed. But what can you do about it?  At first, I thought it was my approach, but this was not the case as I spoke to other persons. 

It's a mindset. You must be firm, yet diplomatic. Command respect without offending and burning your bridges. Failing that, you can either do one of two things: take your business elsewhere or if it's too late to do that, make up your mind to wait.

With regard to clients, as someone told me a few months ago, you must find creative ways to reinvent yourself and diversify your product in your down time as you build your rep. If you are a naturally creative person, this should be easy to do. It will spur you on to excel at your craft and serve your clientèle and potentials well. In fact, down time won't seem so down because you're busy having fun, learning new skills and honing your talent(s). In this way, you may encounter new people and also opportunities eventually find their way to you. 

photo credit - CK Correia 2014 All rights reserved. Pigeon Point, Tobago
Patience is key and nothing happens before it's time. Most business owners usually experience a huge turn around, when they are down to their last penny...literally. Just keep occupied and market yourself the right way. Make ample use of your innate talents and utilize the free tools such as the internet.

The same person also told me that if you have a talent, truly love what you do and are doing it for the right reasons (i.e. to make a difference) you will never be broke. Besides, if you've come this far, it's pointless to turn back now. I have the support of my family so it's easy for me to say that, but nothing great comes without risk and sacrifice. 

My own journey is one of growth and faith. Others tell me that I am inspiring them, so I think I must be doing something right! Sometimes I have doubt and think about going back to a cushy job next year that can afford me the ability to travel and shop as I like, but I feel content with my present reality and the great things that are happening in the background.

It's all about perception. Every day/week I find something new to do and explore and contribute my time and talent. In fact, I find myself not having enough hours in the day to complete it all--believe it or not! I love it. It beats an 8-4 job any day. No two-way rush hour traffic. No endless meetings and phone calls. No entangled webs of office politics and bureaucracy. 

I am a free agent. 

Instead, my meetings are on location, fruitful, concise and fun. I seldom encounter traffic except if it's an early morning meeting or conference. My hours are my own and flexible. Midnight, noon or 2 a.m. I work from home and balance my time between my writing, workshops, communications, marketing, follow-ups, research, tweaking my content/delivery, family, exercise, meetings, errands, household chores and down time. Because of the nature of my work, I can work from a coffee shop, the beach or some other location. I need to explore that more however and make the most of it.

My only problem is sleep. I don't get enough. I also wish I can exercise more but I am sometimes so consumed, that I can't tear myself away long enough to go to the gym.

Speaking of's now past the midnight hour. This is when the true magic begins for so many artistes I've discovered. But today there is the need for sleep. It's true what they say: "The early bird catches the worm..."

If you can relate, please post a comment or drop me a line on the contact form on your right.

Until next time.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Why Feel Bad When People Leave or UN/DIS-LIKE?

Had to share this one! 

So I usually email my blogs to some of my friends and family whenever I post. Sometimes they comment, 99% of the time positively...this morning my friend Nigel told me that he did not like my post...when I asked why, this was his response!! 

"So basically

'LIke' no longer stands for that transient, impulse driven, non-permanent, often baseless, personal element of choice, expressed in relation to things like color, cars, design or even people and jokes. But 

'Like' seems to have become linked to a definition of character, a tool of craft for the great façade of our online persona, an ever-shifting metric of acceptance, the floating currency of popularity our trifling internet economy.

Alas, I will like what I like when I like it, and if I change what I like, I will reserve that right to do so without being harnessed to the choices and feelings of the moments past. I will not be made a liar by my former or future self but will remain a reflection of the now that I am, now!


Had to be a QRC boy! lol...I'm still laughing...

I was in fact feeling a bit offended since whenever I speak about God and spirituality, some persons from my facebook author's page or twitter account leave...why should I feel bad if a few ppl leave right? 

Silly me trying to please's impossible to do I know! Not everyone is going to see things your way or like the things you like no matter how strongly you feel or try to convince them.

But such is life...I try not to make this a religious blog, as I know everyone has different beliefs, but every now and then I must pay homage to the source of my inspiration and give credit where credit is due. 

I cannot sacrifice my beliefs and convictions and walk on eggshells for those that do not owe their abundant blessings to a Higher whichever name you call Him...He is ominipotent, omnipresent, supreme.

Moral of the lesson & Note to self: Don't take things soo personally.
Thank you Nigel Roach!!

I do wish that you would stay though! If you wish to follow my journey on facebook or twitter, you can do so here:

My twitter handle is @lyncorr

Until next time,
Peace & Blessed Love

Nothing in Life Happens by Chance

Saw something earlier that said: Nothing in Life Happens by Chance. While I could not endorse everything, I had to add my own personal truths...which may differ from person to person and situation to situation. We all make choices every day that determine our reality. 

We were given free will to choose right or wrong, left or right...yes or no. When we deviate from this and move away from that inner voice (of God/Holy Spirit) that lives and speaks within all of us (depending on how well you nurture it) and act on a whim or fancy, we experience pain and displeasure. 

However, I agree that nothing in life happens by chance and for every (perceived) bad thing that happens to us, there is a silver lining and benefit(s) to be derived. 

Maybe something good happened despite the bad, maybe we learnt something about ourselves or others, maybe we've cultivated good memories, developed strength that we did not know we had, shared/healed ourselves or assisted those around us. 

Still yet in other cases, perhaps we were saved from something which could have had a worse outcome had we endured.

It's the weekend. While we're shedding our inhibitions and having fun, let's still remember to listen to that inner voice and make the right choices.

Even if we falter, it's all a part of life. What's important is that we learn the lessons, let go and move positively forward.

Peace & Love.

photo credit - Lake Ray Hubbard, Dallas Tx, C.K. Correia 2012 All rights reserved

Friday, August 15, 2014

How to Land Your Dream Job in 6 Ways

Useful for young professionals and to serve as a reminder to others.

It is said that once you find a job that you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. There has never been a statement that has resonated with more truth.

Here are some ways to get a head start if you’re just starting out on the job market or maybe simply looking to find your niche and purpose:

List it

First thing’s first: You must know what you like and don’t like. The first step is knowing yourself inside out. Sit quietly and do some soul searching. What kind of job do you like? Do you like to be in an office environment or out in the field? Do you like working with adults, children, animals or computer work?

Ask yourself what are your strengths and weaknesses and make a list of all your talents, abilities and passions. What would you do if money was not an issue and you did not have to work for a living? How would you spend your time in a meaningful way to help others?

I knew from an early age that I had a fascination with words. I can’t imagine life without the ability to write and pen my thoughts. I did not pursue it right away, but always found a way to channel my talents in the right direction.

Sooner or later, I found my way back to my first love. Although I have not hit the jackpot just yet, writing has exceeded my wildest expectations. I still have hopes of becoming a best-selling author one day.

Have a game plan

Once you have identified your talent, create some practical goals and work towards them one day at time. As you progress, you can widen your scope and take it up a notch.

For example, if you want to be a chemical engineer, you can work on taking those chemistry classes as early as high school. Volunteer at a lab during your summer vacations, enter competitions and take part in science fairs.

While in college, apply for internships where you can get to practice what you’ve studied. That way, after you graduate, it’s easier to get a job in your field with the hands–on training you’ve acquired while interning. Once you land that job, design a plan that will take you from point A to Z up the career ladder of your dreams.

Paper the world

Once you have developed a game plan, work on your career skills to get you an interview. Develop a winning résumé by a simple Google search. Whether you are just starting out, or simply want to change jobs, it’s important to market yourself in the right way.

In order to transition fields, you may want to adopt a functional, as opposed to a chronological, résumé; the former highlights all of your similar work experiences together. This is also useful if you have gaps in your employment record.

Visit company websites in your field and subscribe to job alerts. Sign up to employment agencies and participate in career seminars and job fairs at your campus.

Be sure to write a professional and descriptive cover letter that demonstrates your ability and personal attributes, and also sells the recruiter on why you are right for the job.

Think of yourself as a member of the HR department and think about what would make your résumé and cover letter stand out above the rest.

Look the part

Be sure to invest in a few well-tailored and professional power suits. Dark or neutral colors are best; stay clear from form-fitting, tight, short, shiny or revealing clothes. For the ladies, be sure to keep it simple: well-manicured nails, neat hairstyles and jewelry.

The same goes for the guys minus the jewelry. Cover up all tattoos and piercings. Remember you can only make a first impression once.

Walk the walk

Make sure you can look the part and talk the talk. Have you ever seen someone who looked very professional, but were mortified when he or she opened his or her mouth? Let this not be you when you walk into the room and the recruiter asks you a question.

Practice role playing with your friends or family. Let them ask you a few interview questions and talk freely about what comes naturally as opposed to rehearsed responses. Practice being calm and talk about what you know.

Be prepared to talk about anything, including your past job experiences, your extra-curricular activities and your ability to work extra hours.

Be courteous and speak standard English at all times. Always remember that no matter what the recruiter says, don’t get too comfortable or mistake kindness for friendship. I’ve seen everything during my years in human resources, and I’ll never forget one candidate who swore at the interview.

Hone your talents

During your job search and even after you land your dream job, never stop working on you. Whether it’s a short course, an advanced degree or diploma, it will all pay off in the long run, even though you may not appreciate it right now.

If you have a hobby or pastime, develop it. You could also volunteer in your spare time, even if it’s in a soup kitchen or reading to kids at the library.

All in all, it’s your life. Several years down the line, you don’t want to live with regret, thinking of what you should have done if only you had the guts to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on life. There’s no time like the present to do what your heart tells you to do and Make it Count.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Have We Lost Touch by Constantly Staying in Touch?

I find myself in an intermittent state of procrastination of late. This is also so
not me. In the past when I wanted (to do) something, it barely had time to linger and germinate in my mind before my thoughts start racing and I put a plan into action to achieve my goal. That's just the way my mind works. So it baffles me what could be the root of this hesitation and stalling...I must have some kind of latent depression! lol....But I digress...

I just read a post on a friend's facebook profile a few seconds ago shortly after beginning this blog post. It went something like this (to paraphrase lest I offend some!): Make yourself happy because no one else really cares...My mind is such a complex over-thinking machine (at least that's what my friends tell me) that this simple, yet layered statement caused me to reflect on the many innuendoes and half truths even in my life. 

Before I hit the "like" button, I had to pause and determine what image this can potentially project. How can myself--a published inspirational writer/author and upcoming motivational speaker endorse and have such a dismal thought!? Easy: I am human. To use the words of Shakespeare with a modern day twist: I bleed and have feelings like everyone else. The important thing is that it remains only a fleeting, transient thought and emotion.

Needless to say, I did not hit like.

photo credit - Grafton Beach 2013 All rights reserved
For reasons of my own, I thought that I should set the example since some come to me for advice and look to me as a rock and beacon of hope, or so I'm told :-) Yikes! That's a huge standard to live up to; one in which I embrace and welcome. When did that happen? I guess ever since I can remember. Even persons I have only just met (both genders), feel comfortable enough to share and open up about their history and personal thoughts. 

What I would say is that we have to find and face the truths in our own lives that resonate with us for one reason or another. Recently I have had to re-evaluate the relationships in my life...the people that remain in my life to this day and the ones who did not survive (the storm and seasons)...some through no fault of my own. 

The close ones, the in-between ones and the ones that are just hanging by a thread. The ones whom I communicate with daily, the ones with whom I only communicate once in a while but are somehow still connected in thought, the ones who seek me out and vice versa and the ones that are barely there.

With so many ways to communicate nowadays and the many different levels of 'friendship' with the advent of facebook, twitter, whatsapp, google, youtube, LinkedIn, bbm, skype etc...have we lost touch by constantly staying  in touch???! It's so easy to 'spy' or check out what your friend is saying on social media: what they are wearing or eating today or if it's their birthday. If they are having a bad day or on top of the world...all this by not even talking to them. 

We forget telephone numbers and birthdays because the old fashioned way is long forgotten when we live in an age where everything is 'programmed' and built into our apps, computers and hand held devices instead of in our memories and hearts....(for this reason I removed my data from social media some years ago.)

And I ask myself for the ones that exist on the various echelons of 'friendship': are these healthy, authentic, two-way connections? Am I being treated how I want to be treated? Do I treat others how I would like to be treated? Am I too petty/nit-picky, spoilt, needy or intense for my own good? Did I in some way cause the ones that did not make it, to go away? And finally to end my tirade of open-ended questions: did I too hastily and abruptly end things with others in the past?

These are some questions that may also resonate with you. If I take a closer look, I know I have the answers to these questions at the tip of my tongue if only I have the courage to admit it to myself.

We all have our weaknesses. Some are able to discern, heal and chart a positive way forward. Others may be unable to recognize and own up to them even if they are point out by a third party. I am happy that I can step out of my little bubble and see myself from the outside daily as others would see me. It's not always easy to face the 'man' in the mirror, but it's the only way to improve and evolve. We are all a work in progress.

It's a skill that comes with practise and meditation over several years. Not some deep transcendental meditation or one with bells and chants (not to knock anyone's beliefs). But one of quiet stillness, reflection, introspection and prayer. Wait for it...the answers will come. Maybe not right away, but one day while you're driving down the highway or on the tube/subway, doing household chores, listening to music or chatting with a me, it will come. When it does, it's important to embrace it with quiet acceptance and release.

Pray for guidance and a way forward. For healing and transformation. Change doesn't come overnight, but may take several years, retries and do-overs...but it's important to never give up and take it your Creator in prayer. Faith moves mountains. Sometimes we don't get a chance for a do-over when it comes to certain things and people, that's why it's important to remain grounded in the present and revel in all it's splendour for before you know it, this moment is gone...Poof! And there it goes...

For now, I accept, I embrace, I release as I find my centre once again and nip procrastination and all negativity in the bud!

Before I go, I must pay tribute to the oh so talented actor and comedian Robin Williams who made us laugh for decades. We remember how he make us laugh till we cried in Mrs. Doubtfire and other fabulous's sad how nobody knew his pain and couldn't do the same for him in his time of need.

I've observed how it is often some of the most creative and outgoing souls that are the ones who (silently) carry the most sadness inside. Your memory/legacy will live on through your movies...No one can ever take that away from you. Condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Robin Williams on his passing. May perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul Rest In Peace.

Peace & Love

Here and Now

Final sneak peek from my audio book. Location: Jolly Old England. 

As a product of the 21st century we have to ask ourselves: “Am I a product of this life? Or is this life my production: a production to behold and let unfold the way in which we would like?” 

ps excuse my amateur video skills! lol...last one...

Production is under way and it's just a few more days for delivery! Can't wait...Coming to local bookstores soon!

Hope you enjoy! Listen here: 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mom: Am I Big Yet?

Another clip from my soon to be launched audio book of Thinking out Loud - Mom: Am I Big Yet? 
selected from Chapter 3: Family & Relationships

Photos shot in beautiful Grenada!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm Doing Me!

Hi, I'm a blogoholic and it's been 6 days since my last blog...


I hate to admit it, but I've lost speed somewhere along the line which is soo unlike me...but I plan on fixing that right now. I'm re-thinking the direction of my blog. I think one of the areas I need to work on is to not let what other people say (or not say) consume me and pervade my being! 

For about a year sporadically a very close friend of mine have been telling me that I need to provide more personal anecdotes in my writing, as did a couple of my siblings over an extended period of time. When I did do that...somehow it did not feel right. I felt like deleting the blog post before anyone can see it! (Funny these are also the posts that I got the most feedback on :S )

I also found myself filtering my subscribers to only allow "certain" people to see my latest revelation and adventures and sharing it on only selected social media fora. Writing's not supposed to be like that...I know right?

Prior to this a few persons who bought my book on Amazon took the time to email as well as others who just came across my blog via facebook or google. Yet I still get bogged down by what other people think. 

Why is this you ask! Just trying to be a people pleaser I guess. After all I don't write in a vacuum just for my consumption. Recently I have been told by some of the same people that I share too much...ahhh the agony! My friend still maintains her view but to each his/her own.

For me writing is based on energy. If I feel good or inspired to write or vent...I do. I share what comes naturally and feels good in my heart. I don't necessarily think that a blog or inspirational writing should read like a diary, but rather an outlet for expression that is intended to help, inspire or motivate others. There must be a message to which others can identify. I agree that this must be illustrated by way of examples, but after perusing other blogs and books, this is not always the case and it does not necessarily have to be your own experiences. 

With that said...I have decided that I will turn inward and follow my heart and see where that leads. In this life, if you take time to listen to everyone you would be forever blowing to and fro in the wind like a palm tree. For too long I have allowed others to dictate my pace and from this moment on I have decided to make a conscious effort to think on my own, make my own decisions and just LET GO and DO ME. 

I must say that this week has been eventful. I had the opportunity to present my workshop for a couple friends and former colleagues and it exceeded my expectations...the feedback was overwhelming. They thought it to be a very valuable and inspiring eye-opener and gave me some useful tips to market it to all niche markets. It was so great re-connecting with old friends and sharing my passion! I felt immense peace and elation. 

I also met with an intellectual property attorney who again shared some valuable advice and tips on publishing, blogging and freelancing. To make things even better, I met a young man (Trinidadian) who is a translator living in Venezuela and writes poetry...this meeting took place when I took in an early movie by myself a few days ago. Interestingly enough he is also desirous of becoming a blogger and author. I have been waiting for the right moment to share with my readers that I am thinking of publishing an e-book which will be a collection of poetry...

I never thought that I could write poetry until now, because I thought that this was what only truly creative people do...until some experiences prompted me to pen my innermost thoughts and emotions so as to find my release and much needed healing and catharsis. Some years ago it was also suggested that I translate my book into another language. I will cross that bridge when I get to it!

I have been praying for a few months for God to send someone my way who can provide guidance on the form and structure of my poems and voila! As always my God provides! My new friend Shane also thinks that it was not by chance that we were the first two patrons in the cinema to see Think Like a Man Too.

Life is fraught with highs and lows...but it is only when we recognize the beauty in the simple things and gestures that we can bounce back and recover from the troughs...

Many other exciting things in the the launch of my audio book in the next couple weeks...more workshop non-profit work on the editing of a magazine, planning of events and much much more...I'm excited!

Hope your week was well spent and you Made it Count! Continue doing YOU!

As always if you can relate or have a question, please feel free to drop me a line in the contact form to the right of your page.

Until next time...

Peace & Blessed Love

For more updates and inspiration, you can LIKE me on facebook:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy August!

It seems that July is over :( As another month ends and we get ready to wind down the year, before we say gone too soon, let's recount all the highs and lows and give thanks for them all. Both the negatives and positives have contributed to the persons we are today. For all the July babies (including myself) as we reflect on the past year and all the many moments it has brought to our lives, let us look back with a smile and find the silver lining in every situation.

Even though things may have changed, we will always have our memories upon which to reflect. Each moment holds significance as it is filled with new lessons, joys, achievements, goals, milestones, even sorrow and disappoint for there is always something on which to build, improve and work towards. If you made a mistake, you now know better for next time. If you stumbled and fell, you can now get up, try again and take pride in your strength and commitment.

photo credit - CK Correia  © 2013 All rights reserved

As we look toward August and the remaining 5 months of the year, let us condition our minds and set the pace for achieving our goals. Let it be our best time yet. It is never too late to start over, make a plan, dream Big dreams and when you do: Dream to Win! This moment is ours forever to cherish...No one can ever take it away from us.

Goodbye July...Hullo and Welcome August!

Wishing you much enjoyment, sweet bliss, magical moments under the stars, peace, love and abundance as the holidays wind down...enjoy the kiddies/ "Me" time, snow cones/ice-cream...and warm weather and ... Remember to Make it Count~ xo

Peace & Love my loves,
Carolyn xoxo