photo credit - grammarly.com |
After working assiduously on my manuscript since January...I have finally finished 8 chapters...only 2 more to go! Receiving feedback is what this journey is all about. One of my sisters and a friend of mine have reviewed 3 chapters so far and I'm elated to hear what they had to say...my sis says it makes her feel relaxed and at peace. My friend said it is very good and can inspire young people and writers embarking on their own journey...many others can also benefit. She said Chapter 2 makes persons living in Trinidad and other parts of the world want to know more about Tobago.
"It shows your growth as a person and as a writer as you reflect on your many life experiences and what you have learnt along the way." As I edited the contents over the past few months, I did in fact realize that this is meant to target writers and other artistes so this confirms it! Many of my mum's church friends are also asking and waiting to read book #2 I can't wait to share...this book is so much more of me...I feel very proud of how far I've come having begun this journey since 2009. I'm glad I made the choice to continue...
photo credit - travelated.com |
When I write I let my fingers lead the way. It's pure inspiration...I never know where it will end as the words just flow! I come alive and happiness fills my being. When I read it sometimes I can hardly believe this is what I wrote...it's a gift and I learn about myself in the process. I feel truly humbled and blessed......Thank you for joining me on my journey and thanks to all those who helped along the way...
Next week I take a much needed time-out and slow the pace as I work on my book proposal and enjoy some sun, sand and sea in my little piece of #paradise....Just my kindle, my laptop and ME! The countdown is on...Stay tuned to this space! Have a lovely Easter everyone! xoxoxo