Last evening I attended Network 4 NetWorth 2 at the President's box at the Queen's Park Oval. The event was hosted by the Nova Committee of the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry & Commerce of which I am a member of the latter.
It was an evening of new connections, like-minds, lots of ideas, good conversation, scrumptious hors d'oeuvres and a fully stocked bar. I'm having a hard time deciding which one I enjoyed the kidding...the purpose of the event was fulfilled and well executed in my opinion. I have no complaints and I can't wait for the next one.
I have attended other networking events in the past and even proposed to host my own at a couple organizations of which I am/was affiliated, so this was a great experience for me. Most if not all of the persons were new to me, so I worked my way around the room trying to get to know a bit more about everyone and also share what I do. Some were even interested in my business and me theirs.
I did not know what to expect at this particular event, so in lieu of business cards, I printed flyers for my book and business. Each business was supposed to be paired with other companies that can benefit from each other. Though I never met my partners (not sure if they showed up), I am satisfied with the result.
This weekend I will be planting seeds and see what springs root. I am excited and thrilled by the idea of possibly working with so many SME's and inspirational business owners and assisting to bring their dreams to life while exercising my own creative talents.
I got some advice about blogging in general and others are reviewing my sites and assisting me with info on how to get over the hurdles of placing my audio book online. I met someone whose business involved the delivery of fresh produce to your door...Market Movers Ltd...and you can even order online! Did not even know this existed in Trinidad. Amazing. I met those who are involved in the manufacture of soaps and some who are in the same field as myself.
I'm excited and can't wait to start putting these ideas into practice and reaching out. Hopefully photos to follow soon!
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