Sunday, January 27, 2013

Leap of Faith!

Enjoying the sangria at afterwork lime:)
Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend! Happy Birthday to all of those that are celebrating this weekend and in the coming week! For those in trini-land @ Pan or elsewhere...hope you're having fun! For everyone else, hope you're soaking up all of the goodness of this feel good Sunday because soon it will be back to the grind. I had a relaxing weekend myself, still settling in nicely to my new life and catching up on things. Had some visitors (family) over for a bit and it was just wonderful. Still very grateful and humbled every day I awake as I could have never envisioned this a year ago. If you're looking for change, I say to you...Keep the faith and Never Give UP! Just trust His timing!! Peace &


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back UP!

Hello all!
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Guess what?! Great news: I'm back to the land of the living:) My internet is UP and runnning!! *exhales* Welcome to ALL of the new and returning visitors...22,000+ visits!! Thank you for joining me.
Feel free to LIKE, retweet and share! As always your comments are welcome.
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Don't you just love it when you're #ThinkingOutLoud :D 
Peace & ♥


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Free your Mind!

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It seems that I am finally getting my won't be long again for regularly scheduled posts. Had a long journey recently and your mind sometimes wanders on so many things. (I still think I think too much but I guess the busier I get, the less the likelihood of that happening.) I was in my happy place this week when my applecart was titled slightly to the right...#FarAwayButNotFarEnough

I've blogged about this before, but you know it never ceases to amaze me some things about the human condition. For instance, not everyone thinks the same way and reacts the same to events or circumstances in life. I've proved it time and time again that perhaps different people are just wired differently:S 

I've come to this conclusion since not every time they would interpret or see things how I see it. At first I thought that maybe it was me in certain circumstances, but sometimes when you think that you are reaching out and despite your best efforts to oh so carefully try not to offend it seems that some persons are just predisposed to playing the victim. For some reason, their insecurities kick in at the most inopportune times to sabotage their very co-existence on this planet with other kindred souls. 

I just did a little experiment to further clarify my latest conundrum and it revealed that 5 out of 6 persons interpreted my intention how it was meant to be! (The 6th person of course being the victim themselves). C'mon already can't we all just  get along? Why oh why can't the intended party just open their minds and hearts to receiving the very well placed intentions that the universe is pouring out for their benefit!?

It's sort of frustrating and so sad to constantly be fighting at cross purposes to convince people that they are worthy and the world is not out to get them. The past is the past and sooner or later everyone needs to bury the hatchet and get on with the business of living their life and move positively forward. It's the only adult, healthy and rational thing to do. Everyone has their own cross to bear and although we don't ask why is how we treat with our hurdles and difficulties that puts us in a better position to really overcome and also for good things to follow. 

If we constantly speak about what has befallen us, we are in fact asking God why and not accepting the lesson and cross He has given us to bear. When we do this we are never going to learn the lessons He is trying to show us. Perhaps it is to strengthen our faith, or show us where we need to change or perhaps give us a greater appreciation for others in our lives sooner rather than when it too late. Many people have so many afflictions and sometimes we are none the wiser because of how they deal with it. They never complain or bemoan their situation or the hand(s) they have been dealt in life, or where they have come from, their losses or their rocky journey throughout this life. They just try to put the past behind and think positive thoughts so they can move forward into the future with a fresh slate, a clean heart and mind that is free from negativity, pettiness and heaviness about their past.

I've learnt that in life, sometimes you just have to protect yourself in situations like this. Steer clear of the crazies and drama before you become part of the problem and not the cure! Because in the end, everyone has to be guided by their own truth, intuition and judgement because people come and people go, but what is ever present is ourself. We must be able to live with ourselves after all is said and done...when the party ends and people go home and the doors are shut to the outside world. People will only tell you what you want to hear and in the end we have to learn to be silent and listen to God's message for us, how He wishes us to live our life and the lessons he wants us to learn before it is too late.

Wishing you an enjoyable Sunday, a fabulous, productive and drama free week ahead!


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Whole New World

Hello world,

It's been a while but I still do not have internet where I have relocated to. It's a good change and I feel refreshed and have adapted to the new lifestyle easy as 123. Living on my own on a new island and luving it! Have learnt the roads and ins and outs of life here. People here are hospitable and's like a breath of fresh air. New job is exciting and totally rewarding as it completely explores my creative juices and potential. Lots of events are planned for this calendar year already: Valentines Day's dinners, Thanksgiving service, Mother's Day and Father's Day dinners, Roadshow, documentaries, graduations, magazines, newsletters, Career Days, an opportunity to facilitate motivational workshops and lots more. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a fun ride.

As for living on my own: I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and I cool down with a glass of wine, my laptop and a beautiful sunset!! Can't get better than that. Folks say I will get lonely but I have enough books (hard copy and kindle which I haven't touched yet!) and chores to keep me busy. I'm now a master, laundry the works. I even made me some wholewheat banana fritas for breakfast on Sunday...YUM! Necessity is the mother of invention...I think that's the saying if I'm not mistaken...we learnt that at Econ class eons ago.
This was lunch today!

On the personal front. I went to my first afterwork lime Friday night: Barbeque dolphin and complementary Yellow Tail! Then Kareoke and clubbing. Got home at 4am! Twas fun! Haven't done that in a long time...

Will keep u posted...stay tuned.

My posts will not be as frequent as before as I sort out my internet availability until then I have to rely on friends and wifi at various the hotel my brother's at.

Catch u later!


Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Beginning

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Greetings my lovelies,

Hope the New Year is treating you right and 2013 is off to a good start.

I am happy to announce that I have completed the recordings for my audio book of Thinking out Loud. YAY! So now, I just have to wait for the editing to be completed and then the sound effects. This should be completed by the end of January. Can't wait!

On another note, today marks the day of my 'big' transition. Soon I'll be blogging from a different location and posting picturesque photos. Finally I have the chance to use my professional camera! It would take me a little while to get settled, unpack and hook up my new internet but I will be with you in spirit until that time comes :-)

December has been a busy month indeed...I feel like I need a vacation from my vacay...:( but it has been an exciting and fruitful experience all at the same time.

If I did not fully express my New Year's sentiments for you before, here goes.

Let 2013 be your best year yet. May you accomplish all of your innermost hopes, dreams and ambitions to be the best you can possibly be. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back from making that change you so desire in your life right now. Sometimes the greatest things don't cost a thing but just requires a little sacrifice, faith, fortitude and willpower. And believe me when I say, you will be surprised when YOUR change comes at the most unexpected time!

  • If you want to lose weight ---it can be yours!
  • If you want that new job or promotion----work towards it...never give UP!
  • If you want that new house or car----continue to save and sacrifice!
  • If you want to kick that habit or turn over a new leaf---exercise some willpower daily and stick to it and you will!
  • If you want to meet that man or woman of your dreams---continue to ASK God to open your heart and mind and lead you to that person or for he/she to be lead to YOU!
  • If you want to be reunited with family---pray about it and it will be yours!
  • If you want to heal that broken friendship or relationship---pray for healing!
  • If you want to recover from an illness or injury....take care of your body and mind and ask God for healing!

True wealth, happiness, peace, love, success and abundance is yours once you walk in faith! 

I place my intentions with the Heavenly Father and release it unto Him and I know I will receive same when the time is right. I know this because I believe with all my heart and all my soul and I receive signs daily that I am indeed blessed and highly favoured!!

Until next time...stay positive and alwayz remember to Make it Count!!


Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Possiblities...

December is gone and Christmas is officially over :(  #sniffsniff

Hope you had a great yuletide season spent with loved ones and Made it Count! May the spirit of the season stay with you throughout the year.

Special thanks to you for the support in 2012 and I sincerely hope that we can continue to stay connected in 2013.

Wishing ALL of you nothing but the best this New Year. Best wishes for great things in 2013 and beyond. May infinite peace, love, happiness and abundance be yours!!

Let's celebrate the magic moments of 2013 together. Let's celebrate You, let's celebrate Me, Let's celebrate LIFE!!!

Peace & ♥