Over the past month or so I've been meeting a lot of entrepreneurs like myself, all with various skill-sets and levels of experience. I've also met with a couple larger companies. It does wonders for my spirit to learn about the exciting things they are involved in. I've also realized that we all connected in some way...6 degrees of separation.
It's funny how each of our individual experiences (both personal and professional) play a vital role in how the rest of our life plays out. You never know at the time how important an experience is, until you are able to look back with amazement and gratitude for having been a part of it.
As entrepreneurs, our lives intersect either by who we know or the way our respective businesses can impact each other or someone else we know. I think referrals are key, especially for start-ups.
Part of entrepreneurship/consulting is a nerve racking wait and see and follow up process, but the approach is important and it's all a part of the excitement. Even the opportunity to meet with other like-minds are a step in the right direction. It fuels our desires to aspire for more and help where we can.
All of a sudden, I feel like I am part of an interconnected circle of creative, industrious minds who are passionate about their dreams and what they do to help others. Every time I meet with a potential client, I get a greater sense of the market and I am inspired by their journey. There's a free flow of information that goes both ways as we share ideas, advice, creativity, experiences and challenges.
As a newcomer to business, I'm aware of what worked in 2014 and where I need to improve. 2015 has just begun, but I'm getting a good feeling. I don't know what it will bring, but I'm ready for the adventure.