Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My New Book Now available online!!!!

I am overjoyed to announce that my new book is now available online at for sale!!! So to my online global community that have joined me on my journey, you can now have your own personalized copy of my thoughts. It is a collection of my articles. This is my pride and joy and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing and compiling it. It was made especially with you in mind! Local sales will commence soon and will be announced. I look forward to your support. And please send me your feedback!! Many thanks. Please click here to purchase! Peace & Love...Carolyn:)
Isn't the cover image just fab??!! courtesy Neville B. Alexander EllivenEye photography

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.    

My 1st Career Day!!

Today I visited a school to speak at their Career Day as our Company was invited to address the Forms 3, 4 & 5 students. This was the first time that I ever did anything like this and I must say that it was a "rush." It was very liberating and satisfying to see all these young faces giving you their full attention and absorbing every word. I made it interactive and they all participated and seemed to relate to what I was saying. They were very attentive, friendly and helpful. It was well organized so much so that as soon as I drove into the parking lot, a group of about 4 kids came to greet me and even opened the car door for me and offered to help with my bags and ushered me upstairs into the classroom to set up. How lovely! My colleague and I did 3 forty-five minute sessions. At the end of it all they even gave me a hearty round of applause...I was taken by surprise. Even the parents and teachers seemed moved by my motivational talk with the kids. Most of the stuff I spoke about was taken from my book in the article "Fruits of our Labour." I must say I am glad that I went. I have to admit that initially I did not want to go...I never really did public speaking before except for brief interludes. I was really proud of myself that I overcame my fear and memorized almost all of my speech as I was able to speak for 15-20 minutes without barely looking at my script.

Is this a sign of more things to come?! Hmmm. Perhaps. It was a good launching pad for my book. One thing I would like to achieve is that these kids put some of the things I spoke about into motion and one day remember my words. I still remember the guest speakers at our school ages ago! Those things stay with you and if I could achieve that, I would have fulfilled my purpose. Could it be that I have found my calling??!! My colleague seemed to think so. I actually attended an interview some years ago and the interviewee told me that I should not be job hunting but should be doing motivational speaking, writing books and start my own company!

Maybe some day I will take that plunge! But for right's survival of the fittest! Please look out for my new book Thinking out Loud...coming sooon!!!

Here's to new beginnings!