Customer and Media Book Reviews


Thinking out Loud - "Learned, inspired, heartfelt. This is a charming and nicely written philosophical collection.”       
—Lulu Enterprises, Inc (USA)
Enterprise Hub · January 21, 2012 at 1:08pm 

·We salute all Weekend Entrepreneurs! Yes, those of you who work a regular 8.00 to 4.00 day-job and then run your business on a weekend. Power to you! It takes lots of dedication, commitment and single-mindedness, and work-life balance is that much harder to achieve. There's a saying that before you even do a business plan you should do a life plan. A plan that spells out the bigger picture, the real purpose, the grand scheme of things not just for your business but for yourself as a person.

With that in mind, we are pleased to recommend a wonderfully insightful book - Thinking Out Loud - by inspirational author Carolyn Correia. The book is a collection of articles that deal with themes of self-discovery, building relationships, and letting go of fears and inhibitions and reaching for one's dreams. It's the journey that all successful entrepreneurs make.

The book is available for purchase at and locally at RIK Bookstores nationwide. We are honoured that Carolyn is also a guest blogger on our website this month so we invite you to check out as well for just a few of her pearls of wisdom.

Cheers to the reading weekend!

Review by HOT107.7! Syracuse NYC posted April 8, 2014

Have you ever went for walk on a beautiful day, and just listened to the 'sounds' of life? It is amazing how grateful you become just for the opportunity to listen to the birds chirp on warm, summer day. Life is such a beautiful thing, and it is quick, so I always felt that you should follow your passions. Such a great article from Elite Daily, by Carolyn Correia, breaking down the 5 reasons why you should follow your passions. Correia suggests, finding fulfillment; I love this because it is so easy to go through the motions, but today you will change it up, and follow your heart! Cherish love, keep a humble heart, and a healthy mind. Be Original, Be You!- DeMario

Read more:

Trinidad Express newspaper -

Trinidad and Tobago Guardian newspaper

Island Entrepreneur magazine -

The author also received a First Time Author Appreciation Award 2012 from the National Library of Trinidad & Tobago

Life Lessons By Marsha Gomes-Mckie - Founder, Caribbean Books Foundation

Carolyn’s, how to find yourself and claim what’s yours is a personal journey which is narrated by the author during her times of self-actualization. Throughout the book Carolyn takes us back and then brings us to the present as she shares what worked for her and what can work for us. The book is genuine as Carolyn, in her desire to make a difference as she lays life lessons at your feet.


How To Find Yourself & Claim What’s Yours
Deliberate self reflections in an age of instantaneity! By Marie-Ella Williams on June 17, 2015

In an age of instantaneous delivery, Correia takes time to reflect on her experiences, deliberate on her feelings and bring every detail to life as she navigates her own growth passages and offers up words of encouragement for all on the path to self-development.

 “Thinking out Loud is inspirational, fun and down to earth, as it gets to the heart of the issues and everyday real life experiences.  This is the main reason why many people (including myself) love to read Carolyn's work as it addresses a wide range of topics from finding your passion in life, getting older, holiday fun and much more.  Not to mention, when I read her articles it feels like déjà vu and she's speaking directly to me as I have had many of the same experiences. I am quite sure, her audience would be able to relate. I look forward to reading more from this author and wish her continued success and many blessings.”  
 —Shelley Lord (Toronto, Canada) Educator/Child Youth Worker (ages 4 –19 years)

 Amazon Review by Michelle Gordon - Tampa Florida
5.0 out of 5 stars Embracing Life, April 20, 2012 This review is from: Thinking out Loud (Kindle Edition)

This short book reflects the lives of individuals and how common traits are shared among strangers from various backgrounds. It provides thoughts that many of us have daily but are too afraid or have repressed emotions so we stray from what needs to be said to another. The concept is beautifully touches on life's bountiful choices where we at adolescence ignore, and as we approach the mark of adulthood we scramble to organize; realizing that time is passing quickly.

The book describes special moments in life that we share with family members, friends and loved ones close to our heart, it explains the value of time and why waiting may have consequences. The author described her journey of life eloquently. She exposed her memories of great times with friends she expressed how her father and mother's love were always unconditional that when she needed a laugh or a shoulder they were there regardless of the circumstance - no critique, the encouragement was her inspiration.

In closing I would have to say it touched me dearly, it encouraged me to reflect on my own life's journey and my hidden fears of what is to come and what has passed me by, I would recommend this short book to anyone wanting inspiration and a smile.

 4.0 out of 5 stars An introspective read, November 9, 2012 By Candice Barrow

Thinking out Loud allowed me to take the time to reflect on my own life journey. By sharing herself Carolyn encouraged me to stop and reflect on my own life experiences. In doing so I was able to view them from a different perspective.

Two chapters in particular touched me. Firstly the chapter that focused on friendships and letting go of friendships that we may have outgrown. This struck a chord with me because this is a lesson I have had to relearn during my journey. Secondly the chapter on parents because I have a sound relationship with my parents that transitioned from parent and child to friend and advisor. Carolyn, thank you for sharing yourself and for allowing individuals to realise that it is our similar experiences that make us one.

 A Must Read - 5 STARS By Rhonda Thomas on February 24, 2014

The book entitled "Thinking Out Loud" is a must read. It is very applicable to our everyday lives. I started reading the book and found myself reading chapter after chapter...this book just keeps you wanting more. Further, it is easy to read and touches different aspects of life. It is truly motivational and I recommend it to all readers. Ms. Correia is a young, vibrant and talented writer who has a lot to offer. Keep up the good work.

 Get it on Amazon:

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