Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Learning can be Fun! HR and You.

Yesterday I had several wow moments when I attended a full day of HR sessions facilitated by Mr. Robert Garcia - Director of Global Business Development at the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) - USA held at the Carlton Savannah Hotel.

The theme for the breakfast symposium was based on The Future of HR - What's next for the profession and was hosted by the Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad & Tobago of which I am now a board member. 

Most of all I was enthralled by the delivery of Mr. Garcia as he reeled us in with his funny anecdotes encountered whilst working in the field and hosting sessions all over the world. He proved that learning can indeed be fun and inspired me to transform my own workshops into an even better learning experience. 

Throughout the day's activities: the Rountable and a series of meetings, I met and had the opportunity to listen to many amazing HR practitioners in the country. People are the lifeblood of any successful organization and HR is an integral part of all spheres of business. We all need to know our rights as well as tap into the right resources to find our niche and shine as best we could.

I learnt that trust is key to maintaining and attracting a healthy workforce, so too is flexibility in today's dynamic and ever-changing world. Recruiters and leaders must learn to change and adapt and so too must employees be accountable and ethical in their relationship with their employers and clients. 

Happy people = productivity, growth, development and success!

So many stories packed into 4 short hours...I think I had more fun in those hours than my entire 7 and a half years in HR! No...but seriously, everyone has their own special and unique gift and Robert is a true public speaker...he makes people happy and transfers knowledge without his participants even realizing that they are learning! 

The Rountable spoke about the various HR certifications SHRM has to offer, the different changes being implemented and its impact on members.

It was a day well spent at HRMATT! Glad I could be a part of it.

Thanks for joining me...till next time.

How to Get Up and Get Your Act Together: Ways to Nip Procrastination in the Bud!

This article was first published on Elite Daily. Read it here:

We all have these feelings from time to time — you know, the ones that seem to fuel your fears and gnaw away at your consciousness; the ones that make you feel like giving up, doing the mundane and conforming to the status quo.

We look around and see that the world is full of amazing people who all strive for greatness. Stop and really consider the truth. We don’t want to merely exist and live boring lives. In fact, we want to live unfettered, utilize our full potential and make a difference.

It’s easy to get lost in the crowd in such a diverse world, but the reality is that we are all created uniquely, with definitive purposes and voices.

What we do during our years on this planet dictates the extent to which we can really fulfill that purpose. Our ability to succeed is strongly rooted in our mental fortitude since the mind is a powerful tool. When we condition our minds to achieve our desired outcomes, we tap into that creative powerhouse stored within us and the sky becomes the limit to our destinations in life.

It is human nature to think that we have an infinite amount of time to be all we want to be in life. However, the wise tell us to never to put off for tomorrow what you can do today because “tomorrow is promised to no one.”

When procrastination gets the better of us, tomorrow will turn into next week and suddenly, 10 years have passed us by and we find ourselves still stuck in the same spot. Self-doubt and fear takes over and we sit on our goals, listening to what others tell us. It’s important that we always take a step back and listen to what our hearts tell us.

Set your goals high so as to never settle for second best. Listen to that voice within that tells you it is okay to dream even if you fail. Soon, you won’t even think about failing because it is suddenly not an option. If we are consistent in our efforts, in time, we will be exactly where we want to be amongst the truly successful and courageous.

All of your goals are worthy, no matter how small. I always list my goals at the beginning of each year. I review the list monthly to ensure that I am staying true to myself and working my way from Point A to Point B.

Sometimes, it is difficult to keep up with the rigors of your life’s routine, but it’s important to keep the adrenaline going and to never lose heart. Find creative ways to build the momentum and picture the outcome in your mind. Reward yourself for your hard work and persistence.

When you’re on the fence about something, do yourself a favor and don’t get too many people involved in the decision-making process. If you want something badly enough, go for it!

Once it doesn’t pose a great challenge for you, by all means, act on it. The longer you take to think things over in your head, the greater the chances are that you will change your mind. Some of the best decisions I’ve made in life were based on gut feelings upon which I promptly acted. Your heart will never lead you astray and the rewards are endless.

If I can offer one last piece of advice, it is to surround yourself with like-minded people who inspire you and support your dreams. The journey to greatness is always best traveled in the company of people who are truly brave, free-spirited and proactive lovers of life. Don’t be afraid to chase big dreams.