Yesterday I had several wow moments when I attended a full day of HR sessions facilitated by Mr. Robert Garcia - Director of Global Business Development at the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) - USA held at the Carlton Savannah Hotel.
The theme for the breakfast symposium was based on The Future of HR - What's next for the profession and was hosted by the Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad & Tobago of which I am now a board member.
Most of all I was enthralled by the delivery of Mr. Garcia as he reeled us in with his funny anecdotes encountered whilst working in the field and hosting sessions all over the world. He proved that learning can indeed be fun and inspired me to transform my own workshops into an even better learning experience.
Throughout the day's activities: the Rountable and a series of meetings, I met and had the opportunity to listen to many amazing HR practitioners in the country. People are the lifeblood of any successful organization and HR is an integral part of all spheres of business. We all need to know our rights as well as tap into the right resources to find our niche and shine as best we could.
I learnt that trust is key to maintaining and attracting a healthy workforce, so too is flexibility in today's dynamic and ever-changing world. Recruiters and leaders must learn to change and adapt and so too must employees be accountable and ethical in their relationship with their employers and clients.
Happy people = productivity, growth, development and success!
So many stories packed into 4 short hours...I think I had more fun in those hours than my entire 7 and a half years in HR! No...but seriously, everyone has their own special and unique gift and Robert is a true public speaker...he makes people happy and transfers knowledge without his participants even realizing that they are learning!
The Rountable spoke about the various HR certifications SHRM has to offer, the different changes being implemented and its impact on members.
It was a day well spent at HRMATT! Glad I could be a part of it.
Thanks for joining me...till next time.