Saturday, May 5, 2012

¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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Just a note to say a Happy cinco de Mayo for all those who are celebrating the Battle of Puebla today! It's an important date in Mexican history as Mexico won a valiant victory in 1862 over the French whose army was much bigger and stronger.

You can learn more here --->
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For cinco de Mayo recipes check out this link -->

Isn't the world a diverse and culturally rich melting pot?! We all stand to benefit from each other globally by a unique blend and wealth of culture, history, food, music, dance, languages and more.

Why not try something new today~!

ps great news! I aced the first level of my Spanish course ---- 19 out of 20 in my Oral Exam! And 18 out of 20 Total in projects, written assignments and quizzes! That's 90%!! So starting next week I'm moving onto Basico dos - Basic 2 Spanish!! YAY for me:) Feels great! I'm on my way to becoming bilingual. ¿Habla Español? Drop me a line!

Have a great weekend folks! Want to say a special thanks for all the support of my blog. A special hello to all my visitors in the US, Russia and Germany! Greetings and salutations. Please visit often, post your ratings & comments and tell me what's happening in your part of the globe and how you can relate to my posts and of course share with your friends!
