At the moment I'm working on a project for Spanish class....procrastination I swear should be a crime! I completely forgot about this project on the weekend...I'm usually not this complacement.
I'm also on a weight loss drive...must get back to my old self before it gets out of control. People who know me are probably wondering what weight but I know! So yesterday saw me at the gym right after errands and Spanish class. I wasn't the only one there at that hour...the gym comes alive after 7pm!!
Today I did a demo for voice-overs...*excitement* absolutely love it! Apart from writing, this is my new growing passion. Will really like to get to read for documentaries as well as some commercials.
Also looking into the possibility of turning my book THINKING OUT LOUD into an audio book this is good thing that I stumbled upon. At the beginning of the year...I prayed that I would be led to this and less than 3 months later! Voila! It's happening:-) See folks anything is possible once you believe...think and speak it into action. I didn't even know where to begin or how it was going to happen and now I'm here. But easy does it...small steps is what I'm going to take because I have a lot going on already But it's all very exciting nevertheless...can't wait!! Can you?
Stay tuned.
It's hasta luego for now...until next time.
Stay tuned.
It's hasta luego for now...until next time.