Image © C. K. Correia |
It’s been a while since I've blogged. It’s not because I didn't want to but, I just got caught up with other things…infinite apologies. #worklifebalance. I got
invited to Fashion Week and also a great chorale in concert last weekend…so
unfortunately time was against me. But apart from that...'on the go' internet
is just not the same…ooh how I miss regular High Speed Internet!
This weekend
was quiet, yet I got a lot done. Just came back from showing a client a venue to
host her event and been working on a presentation for work…I’m prepping to teach
a Life Skills workshop – hopefully all goes well. The past few weeks have been
good, a lot of hard work but I feel like I've accomplished a lot and broken
down a lot of barriers and built meaningful relationships. Let’s hope I can stay in my happy place beyond today...
I've also started back going to church which has been really
good! Since I've gotten here I've only gone twice prior to my recent stint.
This is now my 5th time! The parish priest is charismatic and he
makes the sermon come to life with his dynamism. He thoroughly does his research and brings a new spin to things. I also really like the location and
whole atmosphere and feel of the church as well. The parishioners are also friendly and homely.
For a minute there I had lost my exuberance for my new
locale but almost in the same breath I realized what was causing this feeling wasn't worth it! In essence I love what I do and I’m good at it too (if I do
say so myself…others have also said it:) and that's all that matters.
Today I am on my porch with my laptop and a cuppa and I feel
at peace. There’s no one here but me and I feel at one with nature and the
world around me. The atmosphere is cool and the birds are chirping and I even saw an agouti come up to the bottom of this tree!
Yesterday I had a feast…I went into the garden and picked a
couple grapefruits, breadfruit and mangoes…YUM! Can’t get better than this:-) This is what I moved
to this island for…peace and relaxation…to catch up on my writing. I finished
my presentation and now I am going to continue along my journey to writing my
second book…so far so good! I'm also going to have guests next week....can't wait...
Food for thought: Sometimes it takes a little challenge to
open our eyes and make us realize our true worth. When we look to the Creator
for guidance, there’s nothing or no one that can stand in our way to our climb
to excellence. When we do this, doors open for us, people welcome us and we
attain our zenith as our inner light shines forth to outshadow the darkness. Faith
moves mountains! We can do anything once we believe.
Cheers to a great week ahead!