Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Do You Want to Chart Your Destiny?

 #ChartingYourDestiny 2015 is finally here! :-)

If you're in Trinidad, you won't want to miss this event on Saturday 23rd May, 2015. Based on the tenets of my first book #THINKINGOUTLOUD....Here are some of the things we will talk about:
  • Finding your true passion/purpose in life... 
  • Discovering what are the most important people and things in life...
  • Letting go of fear and negativity which may be inhibiting the path to your dreams...
  • Realizing your full potential/self-actualization....
  • Letting go of the past and so much more! 

All in a FUN atmosphere:-)

The group activities and ice-breakers causes you to reflect and bring about a catharsis.

Includes the tastiest, gourmet lunch & post workshop celebration that won't burn a whole in your pocket with the early bird specials and group discounts! 

Want to learn more? Email hicomegaconsulting@gmail.com for a registration package with details, my full bio and photos of alumni. Looking forward to seeing you there
20 seats max, so don't delay!

Fore more you can "Like" me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkingoutLoudbyCarolynCorreia


"We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests." - Sheryl Sandberg

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