Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy July!

1ST Blog post for July!

Whew! I’ve been delinquent…Boy do I miss high speed internet…and a desktop computer. But no excuses…

photo credit - CKCorreia - a coworker and I saw this after working late one day
HAPPY JULY!  To my American neighbours to the north hope you had a great 4th July Independence Day and Canada Day!

July is a month very special to me but apart from that, it heralds in warm weather for so many people, the kids are home from school for the longest vacation of the year and there’s no traffic! 

On my end many things are happening. Work has been very busy and many activities going on there. My parents away from home (landlords) are back from their extended trip and I’m glad to see them. I’m so proud of myself to have survived 3 months totally on my own! I also have great neighbours and friends who have been checking on me sporadically.

photo credit C.K.Correia - this was the backdrop of a meeting off site
It was great being back home last weekend and my real parents looked fabulous! When I got in Thursday night my dad opened the gate and was all smiles…that was priceless. And thanks to my mom, I have the comfort of not having to cook for a couple weeks as she packed me her famous baked treats as well and seasonings! YUM!

I’ve been out on the field three times this week and I’m getting to know my island…it’s great. Although exhausting at times, it’s really exhilarating to be out and about and independent. It’s also very beautiful and you can see. After this who knows, the sky is the limit, but I can’t go too far away due to other commitments presently. However I am thinking of taking a trip this December or January…still exploring the possibilities.

Well I must say I’ve discovered many lessons thus far on my journey. It’s been just about six (6) months and I have lots to process. The more I see and the more people I talk with, the more I learn. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher the truth among the untruths but sometimes you have to go with your gut. The harsh realities of people and all their dimensions are still a tough pill to swallow but I guess I still have a lot to learn and digest.

photo credit - C.K. Correia - saw this on a road trip to the country side
I’m on the threshold of a new birthday, it signals many things and I hope to become a bit wiser as I celebrate this milestone. Many things to be thankful for like life, good health, strength, vitality, family, friends, ways and means, abilities, new ambitions, peace and quiet! Yes the Lord has been good to me and for that I am forever grateful and pray earnestly that he continues to bless and show me favour.

There have been some rough patches though but those times are minuscule compared to the good, happy times and pleasant memories. I am grateful for the connections I’ve made and the persons that have remained in my life thus far…that is a priceless gift. Much thanks to all my friends from trini that have dropped by since I’m here! It’s been loads of fun :-)

So as I embark on another year, I look forward to new adventures, meeting new people, new challenges, experiences and opportunities to make a difference. After all that is all life is…it’s remarkable the feeling when people tell you that you have been sent by the Holy Spirit to their situation! I know I’m not perfect…in fact no one is…but everyone has a purpose. It is important to look inside every now and then and re-evaluate that purpose. You have the power to touch lives and make a difference. Lead by example and seize the day…grasp it in both hands and don’t let go until you’ve lived every last drop. I plan to...

Hope you enjoyed the sites!

Peace & Love.