Monday, December 29, 2014

Freely, Freely You Have Received, Freely Freely Give

For once I'm at a loss for words...What should I blog about today? This daily blog is harder than I thought (and I did miss yesterday!). Write about my life? Who wants to hear about that all the time? Inspiration? That's overdone...Ahh write about your life while inspiring others to action or transformative thought...There's an idea!

photo credit - Stonehaven Beach, Tobago
Carolyn Correia all rights reserved.

For many persons reading on, this life is .... *fill in the blanks* with the first words that come to mind...
  • Unpredictable
  • Amazing
  • Unfair?
  • "What You Make It"
  • "A Dream"
  • Short
  • "Promised to no one"
Life is a short, amazing, unpredictable, sometimes unfair dream. It is what you make it and it is promised to no one. 

It's up to us to make each moment count and live every day as if it our last so that there would be no regrets when all is said and done. Each person's life is different. We experience pockets of enjoyment, sorrow, heartbreak, success, disappointments and grief....some more than others. What is important is that we never ask why, but instead take it all in stride as God never gives us more than we can bear. He gives us our share of all these things in order to shape and mould us into the unique person we were meant to become. 

I am no different from you, nor you from me or the next person. It's what we learn from these experiences that matter most and how we can transform our present state into something meaningful to assist ourselves and those around us. "...Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8

As this year winds down, I will be doing my Ole Year's (New Year's Eve) ritual on my porch and penning my thoughts about the year. What have you learnt in 2014 and what are you going to do different? Who would have thought that the end of your year would find you here! It certainly did not start out this way....Feel free to connect and share on this space...

Peace & Love