Greetings folks,
I've been neglecting my blog:( I just had to log in tonight to blog about the wonderful day I had! It was just fabulous from beginning to end. Got to catch up with an old friend this morning and it just kept getting better. Sold a few books this morning and then again this evening to the most wonderful readers! Everyone just had the greatest things to heart just expanded. Lunch time I almost got emotional...teary eyed even (which may be in part due to the perfume I was wearing! lol). I think this is the whole purpose for writing in the first place. This evening I attended a networking session with Caribbean Ideas...I can't believe this is the first one I've been to. It was fantastic! I got to meet a bunch of very successful, bold, creative and successful women. This session was in honour of International Women's Day that was celebrated a few weeks ago and boy did we honour them. Truly inspirational. Looking forward to many more!
Hats off to us women!
For those globally interested in purchasing my book THINKING OUT LOUD, it's available on amazon via the following links:
Happy Reading!!