Sunday, July 6, 2014

46,000 HITS!

Hello my lovelies, 

I just wanted to take the time out to say a heartfelt 



 46,000+ HITS and counting!

It's been a long journey...

I just love me some google analytics: 450+ hits overnight 
and throughout today Sunday...Ah-may-zing!

For the past month or so I've seen a resurgence in page views and I feel honoured and blessed to have so many new and returning visitors to my blog! 
I reckon I must be doing something right :)

Please keep the comments, retweets, shares and ratings coming!

I thank you!

USA, France, Turkey, Russia, Sweden, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Ukraine, Netherlands and more....

You may also follow me on facebook on my author's page: 

or on twitter @lyncorr

And if you still want more, you can check out my book Thinking out Loud 
on Amazon here:

or at local bookstores: RIK and Metropolitan Booksellers

Much Peace Love,
Carolyn xo