There are so many things to be grateful for, yet we are human.
I've discovered that it's okay to have an off not be barrels of fun and just lay low. My turn was today. Although I was busy going to meetings and getting things done, in those quiet moments I felt an unease. I felt it as I awoke this morning and the feeling lingered even as I worked out at the gym. I think it's partly because I feel for my Mom who is still coming to terms with my father's death.
I try my best to reassure and comfort her daily, but her memories and emotions run deeper than I thought. Tonight I listened to her tell stories of when she and my Dad were young and in love and it kinda made me sad too! But I must pull myself together since I am helping a friend with the eulogy for her Dad and reading it on her behalf at his funeral this week.
I was so dry-eyed when I did it for my own father that I think I should be okay. Maybe this will be part of my healing process. Anything for a sister (in Christ). I will be okay.
Tomorrow is another day and baby steps is all it takes.
Divine Order.
Peace & Love