So Christmas is here and what did I say about the time flying! It seems like just the other day we were ushering in the month of December. I hope we made the most of it and savoured every moment. Christmas is not only about gift giving but it's about the feeling it see the smile on a child's face, the atmosphere of peace and joy, and those special memories that we create with each other. Christmas is for everyone...the child in each of us...let us take with us the cherished moments of yesterday and make each Christmas a special time...Let's hope it was a good season and as we celebrate with our families and friends let us remember the 'reason for the season' - Christ our Saviour who was born in a manger to bring salvation to us all.
May your Christmas be filled with love, joy, peace and laughter ...and may you take a little piece of Christmas with you throughout the year as we remember the sentiments this wonderful season brings. God bless.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!! Felix Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Natale Alegro! Vrolijk Kerstfeest! Frohe Weihnachten!