The author of this blog is someone who is in a constant state of change. My life is fluid, always in motion and evolution...that's embedded in my nature. I stay committed to my purpose and seldom give up. In fact I can't remember giving up in the last 10 years or so.
New people I meet feel my passion and they are also drawn to my purpose. I have fortuitously met so many of them with whom I share an affinity within the last few months and years, even up till this morning. For this I am grateful beyond words.
photo credit - C.K. Correia 2013 All rights reserved Arnos Vale, Tobago |
The hook....
My personal trainer and long time friend feels my pain and tells me this soon shall pass. My other friends say that's what happens when you are doing well and others feel threatened. But what do I have?
Everyone who knows me is aware that there's one thing I could have never done in all my years, which is lie with a straight face...sometimes I think I am doomed to selling myself out.
When I first started corporate life at the age of 17 before I returned to study, my co-workers often told me: "You can't lie? Well you better learn!" Ha! It's been many years and I never did. So when I encounter a lack of impartiality, I am truly taken aback because I think this is something that is on par with grievous harm which eats away at the very fabric of integrity.
The moral....
I struggled for many years with sharing my faith in my writing, but many have encouraged me to do so. I know I may have a few less followers to my pages as a result of my beliefs, but I stand firm in what I believe, since this has propelled me forward as I go through my life.
As I drove home, I listened to a CD my mother loaned me by Father Richard Ho Lung and Friends. I never really liked gospel music before, but this Reggae version has been on repeat for the past two days at home and in the car. My favourite track is "Who's that Man." I rely on these words to see me through in the upcoming months as I face this particular challenge:
"Who's that man they persecute? Blessed are the persecuted for great is their reward...Fyah, Fyah (fire) come and dwell in my soul (Alleluia)...He suffered and He died, He died but He rise...He rise up high on the cross...Spirit enter your kingdom (yeah), spirit enter my soul (oh)...(refrain). Who's...Who's...Who's...That. Man? Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God...Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth......"
Peace & Love
+1 more day for feedback from my book editor...Stay tuned. *Keeping focussed and positive*