Friday, March 7, 2014

Too Late to Turn Back Now!

I haven't had an occasion to post more than once in a week for a long time...but couldn't wait to share my news...I think I need to recreate more of these moments...

I can finally go public with my intentions as mentioned earlier in the year...

Tonight I turned a corner and finished up the first stage of one of my projects I was working on since late last year...and that is my workshop material...that's my Big news: I will be conducting motivational workshops commencing in May....There! I've said it...whew!

Some of my closet friends and family already know and have been asking, so now the secret is out. I've been struggling with this concept for a while now...years even...I thought about it briefly after I delivered my first few public addresses at school Career Days, my high school alma mater's graduation (which was my Moment of Truth) and also at Eastfield College, Dallas Texas a few years ago. All of those experiences were exhilarating to say the very least and received well.  Yet self-doubt stepped in when I thought about following this dream and making it my calling, so I shelved the idea for a while.

Then a friend introduced the idea to me again upon reading my book early last year around this time to be exact. He said to me to build the workshop around my book because it contains fundamental truths that are timeless and would never grow old. That was an amazing thing that he did for me...I just didn't know it yet. Of course at the time I protested and did not think I could or should be doing it. Weird but true.

The comments from people that actually read the book and newspaper column years before were also heart melting! I remember receiving texts and emails locally and overseas from strangers, old work colleagues and persons who I had lost contact with, person-to-person thank you's and encouragement from my bank officer, my professor, my doctors and dentists...all ages, religions and walks of life! Most of them shared MY book with at least one other person - whether it was their mom, dad, aunt, kids, sisters, mother in law! A friend said he left it on his desk at work and a whole bunch of people read it and told him: "that's a good book you have right there man!" lol...One of my work colleagues even said she heard two women talking about my article in a taxi! I felt like doing cartwheels (on the inside of course:)

But please don't mistake my sheer bliss for conceit. I am still in awe that all of these wonderfully diverse people were able to relate to what I was saying and the fact that it made them think about their own life. I felt like I was doing something right. It felt of the greatest feelings in the world. Yet I thought maybe public speaking can be an option way into the future when I'm at that "place" in my life when everything is perfect...

Then I read the Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson and it all made sense. I know I wanted to start my own business a couple months prior to reading this book, but I did not make the decision in my heart to incorporate the speaking element. The author addressed all of my's as though he was reading my mind as I eagerly read the pages. 

He spoke of the feeling of unworthiness experienced by his clients and likened it to Moses' journey in Exodus of the Bible (which I just finished reading!). He spoke about the flood of doubts everyone has when they are about to step out of their comfort zone and pursue their dreams. Then another friend of mine told me the same thing one fateful Sunday evening in November back in Tobago, whilst getting ready to leave my apartment for the evening. She said that I have a gift and if God calls me to do this and inspire people, who am I to refuse His call. She said a lot of speakers and influencers admit to feeling this way in the beginning...even Moses himself. And that did it for me. I guess the rest is history. It's much too late to turn back now...even if I wanted to.

So after burning the midnight oil for the past 4 months...I'm finally finished...YAY! It's now time to practise and fine tune my delivery. I've been doing my research on public speaking and subscribed myself to so many newsletters and emails that my head is bursting to share what I've learnt and put all my knowledge, talent and advice to the test.

Next I have to review all of my info one more time, finish my budget, finalize a venue/catering....then set a date! My pilot session comes first then ready or I come! :-) (p.s. I'm coming to Tobago tooo! Then who knows where else is next...)

Thanks to all of those special people that helped with the process from inception...who believed in me and continue to support me. Bless your heart! I owe you soo much. Words cannot do justice. Can't wait for your feedback at the pilot!

If you haven't picked up my book as yet, you can order yours here >>

Or at any of the following bookstores locally: RIK, Paper Based at Normandie Hotel and Metropolitan Booksellers.

If you have already done so and liked what you read, please post a review!


Happy Friday!

Until next time...

Peace & Love