Today we ushered in the first day of December and boy did we get here fast!!! Don't you remember January like it was just yesterday!? Wow....time certainly flies while you're having fun. And fun it was for me this year...I published my first book and many more milestones I am grateful for. The Lord has been showering his blessings upon me these past few years and for this I am elated, humbled and thankful. From time to time, we often complain about all and sundry...I know I am certainly guilty of that! There are things that I wish were different or more blessings I wish to receive but you know what? We are exactly where we need to be at any given moment. Right here in this moment...[yeah this one right now!] I am MOST grateful for life, the simple things that we take for granted like my sensory abilities, my health and I am equally grateful for the many gifts and talents that I possess, the people in my life...every single one that have been placed along my path....all the experiences I have had for they have shaped who I am today. We all need to be thankful and take a closer look at our lives and all the blessings we have for it is very easy to bemoan our situation or wish for one of those TV lives or something that someone else has, but you don't know that person's story and what they had to go through or are going through to enjoy that supposed "perfect life." All that glitters is certainly not gold.