Sunday, August 31, 2014

13 Reasons to be Thankful but Who's Counting!

While we are celebrating our Independence Day here in T&T, our North American neighbours are celebrating Labour Day. There’s enough fun to go ‘round for the long weekend of weekends. We must however remember to pause and reflect on the meaning behind the celebration.

Really, I was taking a break from blogging, though this week has revealed many lessons and a myriad of reasons to be grateful. What began as a tense week, ended with my mind at ease. 

At midnight, I broke my routine, tore myself away from my desktop, dusted off my laptop and watched the rerun of the MTV Video Music Awards (something I haven’t done in a long time). I did this while I resurrected and edited my manuscript. The result was that many emotions emerged…not sure if it was the awards or the manuscript! Lol

But I digress. I was never the preaching type, but these past few years have strengthened my faith soo much…to epic proportions. As usual I can’t disclose at this moment precisely how amazing and wondrous my God is, but you must know by now that you can trust my judgment…somethings are a given...He just is!! Wow! There must be a reason everyone else is sleeping and I am up at 3 am. 

I remember reading my psalms nightly last year when dealing with some challenges and saw an improvement…however when I stopped, after a while they reoccurred. Alas! I resumed and never stopped and they disappeared altogether! In fact the situation reversed and completely went in my favour. 

This January I began reading my bible from cover to cover. (I haven’t been as persistent as before within recent months however and it is gnawing away at the back of my mind) I have seen even more blessings manifest itself in my life and the lives of those around me.

This year has taught me about tolerance and patience. Although I have not mastered it fully as yet…the lessons thus far have been priceless. While waiting on my insurers to settle my claim after my car was wrecked in my accident a couple months ago…I learnt more about patience and faith while I was confined to these four walls of my home. 

The lack of mobility and independence and having to rely on a driver was frustrating to say the least (and costly). A couple of my friends helped a bit, but having the convenience of my own vehicle was irreplaceable.

I realized that the longer my claim was delayed; it gave me more time to pray and plead with God for things to work in my favour. Voila! After four weeks, my insurance company settled the entire claim with just a small deductible…that’s nothing short of amazing, since everyone was telling me about their horror stories. Although I was extremely tense and having a real hard time coping and recovering emotionally from the accident, I never gave up hope.

This is just one of the many reasons to be thankful. Since returning home, despite the pitfalls, I have become closer to my family and spent quality time with my dad as he copes with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s hard at times to watch since last year he was still very talkative and physically strong. I try not to focus on the negative, but find solace in the positive.

Last night however a friend of mine was telling me about his dad who is in his mid-to-late 80’s and still driving and moving around, with all his sensibilities sharp as a tack. It’s sad…and we should not bemoan our fate or compare our journey or struggles with others, but this made me think more about the rapid decline and how much I missed out on last year while residing on the sister isle.

However those experiences I’ve had whilst there and the people I’ve met, led me to this moment and the person I am today. I cannot replace or mistake the lessons I’ve learnt and how much I’ve grown. Although I am cognizant of the fact that I still have a way to go and many more lessons to learn in life, my friends and former colleagues have all remarked how I’ve changed after living away from home for so long. In retrospect it’s hard giving all that up, but this time too is precious and priceless.

After reading over my manuscript and preparing another book proposal, I realize that I would have never been able to write from my heart, had I not taken up this job offer in Tobago last year. I am so grateful for all of my experiences. I have removed my rose-coloured glasses and looked at the experience thru a different lens. 

With the advantage of perspective, as distance and time separates me from the many scenarios that have played over and over again in my head, I see the silver lining in all those situations and know everything happened exactly as it should have for a reason. I have free will to choose and I chose, learnt and grew. Today and tomorrow I can benefit from my choices with the wisdom and experience of yesterday.

Earlier tonight I was talking to my mother and realized that still waters run deep. I have lots to be thankful for this year… though it’s not done yet. I’ve seen a couple people on social media talking about their gratitude challenge. I don’t know about challenges, but I do this on my blog (and in person) every now and then. In 2014, I give thanks for soooo much, which includes but is not limited to the following:

1.Finding my deeper purpose for coming back home, making my dad smile, watching his improvements and taking my parents on outings…For this I am super happy and grateful.

2. The success of my dental surgery where I removed 4 wisdom teeth (yikes)…very difficult and technical surgery that I have been postponing for years due to sheer fright…With the expertise of a very skilled and experienced surgeon by the name of Dr. Ebenezer Scipio who hails from Tobago, but lived and studied in San Francisco (now living in Trinidad)…I say a GAZILLION THANK YOU’s!! (January)

3. The registration and launch of my business…I am grateful! (February)

4. The successful completion of research and scriptwriting for an environment Documentary! I am grateful (February)

5. Writing for a US based magazine: Elite Daily. This has surpassed my expectations…I am thankful! (February)

6. The successful pilot/launch of my Motivational Speaking Workshops and career (March)

7. The completion of 8 chapters of my new book…I am grateful! (April)

8. Being voted in and appointed to the Executive Board of a non-profit professional association in the capacity of Education/Research Officer and Editor-in-Chief of their annual HR magazine…what an exciting, fun and learning experience…I give thanks! (May)

9. My life being spared in what could have been a tragic and fatal road accident…saved by another Tobagonian who mitigated further catastrophes! For this I am grateful! (June) 

10. My insurance settlement and repair of my vehicle like new…I give thanks! My straightener is also Tobagonian!! (July) (Seems I’m inextricably tied to Tobago!)

11. The completion of my Audio Book of Thinking out Loud…it’s been long in coming. I am elated and grateful! (July)

12. Getting over my past! It took a while but for this I am super happy and grateful! (August)

13. Always having ENOUGH of everything I NEED to keep me going! (All the time!!!)

Did not realize there was so much for which to be thankful!! And there’s many more things in the works and more announcements to make in the coming weeks and months…for this I am hopeful and filled with immense gratitude! God is GREAT! I told you I was not kidding around!

I know God is working in your own life…even if you don’t realize it now…but if you acknowledge Him and surrender all, you would have the pleasure of watching Him do His work and work miracles in you life! You must be persistent though…and continue to praise Him daily, hourly, moment by moment!

Infinite thanks as always for joining me on my journey…Please stay tuned.

It’s now 4:30 am…I can now go to sleep :-)

photo credit - Bloody Bay 2013  Carolyn K. Correia All rights reserved

Happy Independence Trinidad & Tobago!

A melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, we stand as one people under one sun, celebrating and dancing to the beat of our own drum. 

No matter what part of the world our journey takes us, we always find our way back as there is no place like home. 

Talented, creative and resilient, our motto rings true: "Together we aspire, together we achieve." 

As we remember the sacrifices of our founding fathers, let us look toward the future with hope for a land filled with peace, love and harmony.

Happy Independence Trinidad & Tobago! 

photo credit - C. K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved
 National Bird (Trinidad) Scarlet Ibis, Caroni
photo credit - C.K. Correia 2013 All rights reserved
Parlatuvier, Tobago