Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Festival of Lights

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Various countries all over the world at this time celebrate the Festival of Lights known as Divali. It symbolizes light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. Many Hindus commemorate the holiday by the lighting of little clay lamps known as "deyas" and the cooking and sharing of meatless curry dishes before which time they engage in fasting and prayer. Candied sweets such as Kurma, Ladoo, Gulab Jamun, Jalebi, Peera and Barfie make many people with a sweet tooth happy. Persons can be seen in traditional East Indian garb such as saris and shalwars during the season and many people can be seen visiting various displays of lit deyas strategically placed over bended bamboo poles. However the most prominent display in our country can  probably be be seen at the Divali Nagar site in Chaguanas, which is transformed into a big flea market and cultural information hub the week leading up to the festival and culminating with fireworks on the last night. It's a nice precursor to Christmas and many persons from all religious denominations look forward to the celebration and bonding experience it brings, especially in a multicultural nation such as ours.

Let's join the Hindu community around the world to wish all a Shubh Divali.

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