Sunday, October 26, 2014

Rapunzel With A Twist!

Good Sunday evening greetings to you!

I just returned from storytelling at NALIS in Association with Courts' 8th Annual Celebrity Tale-A-Thon at the main library down town Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. 

What a rush! There were tons of screaming kids and adults!!!

Although I am far from a celeb...I had a ball of a time entertaining the kids with the story of Rapunzel! It was Rapunzel with a little twist...twas fun!

At first I did not think I could dramatize...but I surprised myself.  Upon coming off the stage, one of the library's ushers said that I got a good crowd response! Wow! 

No matter how many times I've done public speaking, I still get jitters but today I celebrate putting those fears away once and for all! I am thankful for my friends who were in the crowd and backstage cheering me on! 

Here's to next time! 

Details and photos coming soon!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Can't Believe What Just Happened!

I said I was not going to blog till after my exam, but I could not help myself. Too much excitement and good news. After all, this doesn't take long. I'll be very brief tonight.

I can't begin to tell you how great (my) God is. So much stuff magically falling into place (as always). I feel so blown away by his kind majesty. I'm humbled and grateful.

photo credit - C.K. Correia All rights reserved
Grand Mal Grenada
Just in two days I got someone to retouch my car for free, I got an offer to design the cover of my new book (again for free) and I got someone to work pro bono on strategic planning and structuring of my business!! 

Whoopee...I am elated and doing cartwheels as I type! They all said to me in different ways how much they would enjoy working on these projects as it is in alignment with their goals. 

Tonight my new Strategist Partner said how much my work inspires him and that I have a great writing style! How about that?!

I am excited to begin these new projects and work with these wonderfully talented people. I will update you as I progress. This could not come at a better time as my business is still soo very young and I am on a shoestring budget.

To make things more interesting, I received two emails also over the last couple days that made my day when I woke up and checked my phone. One was to set up a meeting to possibly partner with a reputable organization to do workshops (based on a referral), the other from a magazine in Dubai praising my writing style and confirming our partnership.

Last week the Arima library called me to be a part of their Speed Dating Meet the Authors initiative in keeping with their National Library Week, but unfortunately I don't write poetry or short stories just yet (which is what they were looking for) I referred them to another poet/writer friend of mine. 

This weekend I was asked to read stories to kids at the Main library instead...and maybe something with schools later on. I can't wait.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you!" - Matthew 7:7. 

In this case, I just prayed and voila! I started back saying my psalms. I feel great. Great things await once you have faith.

Peace & Blessed Love.

Fruits of our Labour

I almost forgot about this until I emailed it to a new business connection today. 
One from the it is again in a different format.

Fruits of our Labour...republished in Thinking out Loud

An article about finding your purpose.
(click to enlargen)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's Time to Put the Pedal to the Metal

The internet is truly amazing. No matter how hard I try to focus on the tasks at hand, I keep getting sucked in. Hence the reason my real work is beginning at 12 am. Yes. I am a night owl that seldom watches television [save for The Voice (love the new judges...they complement Adam & Blake so well!), The Mindy Project and the BBC--which I've just resumed watching since I left Tobago.] 

Something drew me to two blogs tonight. Once is a friend's blog and the other just one of the few dozen random persons to whom I subscribed. I've watched countless Marketing and Life Coaching videos since I embarked on entrepreneurship this year. I'm sooo inspired by all of these ideas and thoughts bouncing around in my head. I wish I could forget about the rest and just W.R.I.T.E...and help people realize their dreams...That will also take me to a whole new level as I broaden my scope and learn more about people and life in the process. 

Books and articles and research and Self-Enhancement workshops and eventually Life Coaching. Just a random thought. If we lived in a perfect world and I didn't have to worry about earning a dollar...that's what I'd do. Why did Eve have to make life so darn complicated?! Writing truly energizes my soul beyond which words can describe. But in reality I rarely find nearly enough time to write as I much as I like. I look around with wonder and amazement and can't help but admire persons who can churn out dozens of books every few years. I am still struggling on Book #2!!! ahhh

Photo credit - C.K.Correia 2013 All rights reserved
Roxborough, Tobago
Last week I updated my sticky note on my pc's home screen. I've accomplished some tasks which I am happy about. Tonight I make a to-do list and stick to it. I'm on a tight deadline and will not get distracted. I will complete all my tasks set out for this month. And...I will make it spectacular! 

For sustenance my mind keeps wandering back to my experience on the sister isle when I exceeded the expectations I set for myself last year. I remember in one instance where I worked on a calender nearing the end of the year. I worked day and night to get it done in time for Christmas... 

I procured a professional camera some months before...thank heavens for that. I took photos. Sourced the others from some unsourcable sources! Phoned and emailed the printers and graphic artists back and forth a couple zillion times. I remember leaving work and liming one Friday night...getting back home close to midnight...taking an hour nap and then waking up to email photos through my temperamental internet hotspot. That night I never made it to bed until 4 am the next day. 

I remember waking up at 2 pm the following day (Saturday) in a daze...thinking it was already Christmas! Still managed to do laundry and cook lunch (which turned into dinner!) and go to the movies. I made site visits to the time I remember leaving work and driving to the other end of the island at Crown Point to proof the sample calenders, then drove back to Scarborough to catch my ferry home that weekend. I was happy when the day came to finally approve the artwork. 

To make a long story short: everyone including directors, heads of department, stakeholders and staff alike were pleased with the end result. And I still have my souvenirs to show for my wonderful year filled with many milestones and new initiatives:) 

This memory keeps me going to accomplish the feats that lay seems great at times but I know through the grace of God, I will get it done...even if I have to turn night into day. It's time to put the pedal to the metal and get cracking.

Do you remember a time when you surmounted the obstacles and beat all odds to get something done?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Back to Life...Back to Reality

I feel like it's been forever since I wrote a blog...but really I've been blogging practically all week with mini-blogs and promotional content. It feels good to be back and tell my story and I love that I still have some loyal followers on google, twitter, facebook and most of all my personal mailing list. Thank You so much for joining me.

photo credit - CKCorreia 2014 All rights reserved
It's the weekend again and I am basking in the afterglow of my recent trip. Well...I sorta dramatized that expression a wee bit:) It was a good get-away weekend to refuel and reconnect. And now, that season has come and gone just like everything else in life. It's now back to regularly scheduled programming.

Technology in the 21st century has afforded us the opportunity to live life in colour. Many of us transition through space and time with the privilege of travel and technology. I say privilege because although it is now widely accessible, there are many barriers and restrictions for many reasons as we can see in the news today. 

As my Caribbean Airlines flight ascended off the runway to make it's way to Grenada, my memory involuntarily took me back to my very first plane ride when I was 9 year's old to New Jersey to visit cousins. Last weekend, I made a mental note then and there to thank my mom when I got back home for introducing me to this new and exciting world of travel. That was the first and only time I ever travelled with company. Since then I have been more or less travelling on my own (even on the Tobago ferry save for a few instances)--something that I used to take for granted. 

Now when I look back on it, all those long journeys and connecting flights by myself as a teen and then later on, was a demonstration of true courage and independence. I still get nervous and butterflies before flying, but I think this trip nipped that fear in the bud once and for all.

I am making a conscious effort to make this blog short. Many things are happening simultaneously. Tonight I started studying for a pilot HR exam. As I listened to the podcasts, I marvelled again at how technology has catapulted us into an age where learning is out-of-the box: creative, dynamic, compelling and interactive. It's in your face and hard to ignore. Makes you want to grab your pen and a notebook and then turn that knowledge into a living, breathing thing. 

As I listened and took notes, I thought about how I can transfer my learning experience into my own workshops as it is all related. I marvelled again at how far we've come...when I did my first degree and then my masters in 2008, there was no such thing as podcasts and even skype was not so prevalent. I had to sift through several large binders of printed research material, tons of books and antiquated videos. It makes you appreciate your education and sacrifices even more. Time is really something.

With that said, I hope I can successfully master this balancing act to get all of this research done in time and pass the exam. If I do, I will then be certified SHRM-SCP. Just for information purposes, SHRM is an international body for everything HR. The acronym stands for the Society for Human Resource Management. 

I also have to structure my time wisely to get done all the paperwork and research needed for my new initiatives/projects and potential partnerships. Some of which include: my book signing/launch of my audio book coming up in November for Thinking out Loud, the completion of my second book by year's end, National Library week activities and other presentations. Meanwhile the biggest project right now is the production of a magazine and other board related work, as I fulfil my duties as Editor-in-Chief.

I am weary, yet I remain grateful because if history repeats itself, it will turn out just fabulous.

What would make this week complete is a glass of wine, but unfortunately my doctor said this does not agree with Ibuprofen! The hazards of working at home...I will save that for another blog :-)

How was your week? How did you change it up to break the monotony?

Until next time...Peace, Love & Happiness...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You Get What You Give

I was carrying out my usual duties as Editor of a local HR magazine when a line from my book Thinking out Loud stuck in my head. And so I was inspired to share with you an excerpt.

This article was inspired by a workplace incident. It is different from the others as it is a bit of a rant. Many people have told me they could identify. It is meant to create awareness and allow people on both ends of the spectrum to be cognizant of their behaviour or heal their hearts in order to offer forgiveness.

The world has relied on the grapevine for news and information for so long that people often forget what integrity and honesty stand for. Often times we see others engaging in idle chatter, which inevitably is to the detriment of someone else. You never know where and when the rumour started but before you know it, it’s spreading like wildfire and considered the talk of the town and gossip. Too many times things like this originate from pettiness, idleness, and jealousy. If everyone was to concentrate on giving their all to a particular task, life would not be about what the neighbour is doing or, in some cases, not doing.

We see it in offices, schools, associations, even in church. Individuals need to realize that backbiting and infighting serves no purpose and it does not make them a bigger or better person to have borne false witness against someone else. From time immemorial it has been like this. When will it end? Does it solve anything? I affirm that it doesn’t. Perhaps it takes place out of fear or insecurity. Possibly wanting something another person has…but trying to get it by slandering the person’s name is not the way to go about getting it.

What you should focus on is trying to have a good aura so that people will want to surround you. If you give off hostility and pettiness, that’s what you will attract. If you routinely attract negative people and adverse situations, you have to step back and wonder if it’s something that you are doing wrong. And at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself for having to tear someone else down. 

Really, there are only two people who know the truth: you and the one you have wronged. Ultimately, you are the one who stands to lose the most. The other person is being true to themselves by being the bigger person for having let bygones be bygones and not sinking to the depths of anyone else’s transgressions. Only time will tell what a guilty conscience can live with. And of course karma eventually catches up with you. At the end of the day, you have to answer for all of your indiscretions and not a soul will be there to support you.

Sometimes feelings entrap you and you are dumbfounded by the folly of human beings but when you look at it through a different lens you can’t help but feel sorry for individuals who resort to this kind of idleness. Some people hate to see anyone else grow and develop. When things seem too good in your life, others may feel the need to bring you down to their level. The possibility also exists they themselves would like to do better but for whatever reason they can’t, and your presence reminds them of this. 

Another reason could be that they have worked very hard to get where they are and they feel as though you’ve acquired your successes too easily. In still other instances, individuals are just plain selfish and competitive and don’t like to see anyone surpass their level of success. It makes them feel less accomplished to see someone else with the same thing or going for more, for they are reminded that there is something else out there greater to do and accomplish.

Whatever the reason, individuals need to let go of pettiness and live unattached to materialistic sources. Yes, a competitive spirit is good in small doses as with everything else but sometimes you just have to know when to quit for it does not make you a better man—or woman.

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” –Ecclesiastes 9:11

You can own your copy of my book Thinking out Loud on paperback or kindle via Amazon or Lulu.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nice Like Sugar & Spice: Just What The Doctor Ordered!

Hello my loves....

I am back home after 3 days of bliss. Grenada me love yuh bad! This is my mini blog, as I am still surviving on 4 hours of sleep. I reconnected with old friends, made new ones and just had a ball of time. 

It was a personal trip to my friends' wedding which was so beautiful and emotional, but in the process I learnt a lot, changed my perspective and renewed my spirit with a ton load of new experiences. 
photo credit - C. John 2014 © All rights reserved 
Grand-Mal Beach Grenada

Though not my first visit to the spice isle, I was met with open arms and so much hospitality from those I hardly knew. 

Thanks to Curlyn and her friends George and Merlin who opened their home to me and welcomed me with open arms after the mix up with my hotel...I will never forget it! 

I believe in destiny and being in the right place at the right time. We were meant to cross paths at this particular moment although we may not know the reason why right now. Many thanks for your encouragement and faith in me!!

To Elle the beautiful, talented (and young) angel: continue the good work and I hope to read your book in 2 years when you graduate!! You made my night when I learnt that your friend's mom ordered my book Thinking out Loud on Amazon! What are the odds of me meeting you to find that out! That means my message is reaching persons far and wide...(If you have bought the book and are reading this, please send me a note and post a review on Amazon!). Even if I only impacted one person, it would have been well worth the effort as I have learnt so much in the process. 

Thanks to my old friend Anthony for coming to my rescue on Friday! Man I appreciate ALL of this outpouring of kindness sooo much like you won't believe. It means that I must be doing SOMEthing right to have the stars aligned in my favour! Let the good times roll :D

This morning I stood on the porch at 4 am just listening to the sounds of the waves crash and released my intentions with ardent faith that it will be fulfilled when the time is right. I felt tied to the island somehow and tried to remember my mother growing up here a lifetime ago. Technology sure is amazing and it's good to know that I'm just a hop, jump and skip away from friends and that the world is waiting for me to explore...As George would say: "Peace, Love & Happiness!!" 

Until next time xoxo

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Watching It All Unfold

This is a test blog for my upcoming trip. I am blogging from my phone. I have this uneasy feeling that just came over me that I can't seem to shake. You know the one where someone says or does something that makes you feel nervous and tense? Or the one where you imagine all sorts of crazy scenarios in your head. In spite of this, I am trying not to let it affect my mood.

Lots of exciting events happening all at once in the next few months which I will reveal right here on this space. Until then I remain hopeful and plan my tight schedule for the best outcome. I am in a good place and I wish to help others do the same. I realize I have a passion for making things happen, not only in my own life but in the lives of others. I like to see everyone around me utilize their full potential and live their best life.

I don't like procrastination. This happens to the best of us from time time, but most times I like to get up and do, Do, DO. I don't know any other way and I don't understand why everyone is not the same! I like fireworks, excitement, transformation, colour, energy, life changing events happening ALL the time! In this way I never get bored. I am always creating and making way for a better way. For this purpose I will be pursuing Life Coaching next year. There I said it. I already have some informal requests.

Will keep you posted

Live a little, LOVE a LOT, Make it Count

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Don't Lose Heart, Big Things Are Happening in the Background

Tonight's blog is short, since I have to make an airport run tomorrow. So much to say, but I will keep it succinct. Don't know exactly where to start or what I wish to place on record publicly. I know I haven't given my bucket happiness list yet, but I will get to that very soon. 

photo credit - C.K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved.
Crews Inn Hotel and Yachting Centre, Trinidad
I've said this before, but it's worth repeating. Over the past few years and especially within recent times, I've been meeting some truly interesting people. 

They come with so many equally interesting diverse stories and life experiences. We connect on a deeper level. There is the same fire and drive that I see in myself, sometimes even more intense. It's like a breath of fresh air.

Their passion for what they do and their interest in my passion and story is also encouraging to say the least. For this I am soo thankful (You know who you are!)

Sometimes I wish I can capture it all and document it in some way. I am so glad to be surrounded with positivity as I am able to feed off of this energy, also giving off my own to create a dynamic so splendid, it makes me buoyant and able to ward off the negative when they arise.

Then I wonder why can't all relationships and all people you meet be like this! Negativity comes in some weird forms and places; sometimes we wish that we can eradicate it simply by blinking ourselves off to another location as in the 80s TV show I Dream of Jeannie. (Boy how I miss that show...they sure don't make TV like that anymore.)

I gotta say that it's hard not to react when faced with such toxicity, but it's a skill I am trying my best to master. In spite of this, I am hopeful and excited for what the future may bring. Sometimes when it seems like nothing is happening on the surface, big things are happening in the background, waiting to unfold in your life. 

Be patient and trust that it will come. Most times this happens when you least expect. Stay open and be ready for it when it comes...because it's easy for this to pass us by when we are wrapped up in our own thoughts, fears and other distractions.

Sometimes we wish for things and when we get it we find ourselves wanting more or perhaps we are a bit ungrateful as a subconscious reflex...Still we know we should be giving praise, because we could never do this on our own. Human nature or not, we need to give credit where credit is due, humble ourselves and fight the urge next time.

You know how much I love sharing with you...I have more good news, but I will wait to share this can wait a few more days right?!:-)

On another note, the count down is on to my trip to the Spice Isle...I can hardly wait! If you reside in Grenada and want to connect with me, please drop me a line on the contact form on your right or email

Best to you! Live a little, love a lot. Make it Count!


If you haven't already, please join me on my journey-

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Life is Precious: You Don't Get a Redo! Please, Please Be Careful on the Black Carpet!

Happy October!

With recent news coming to hand, I must put out publicly the following reminder...

Friends: please be careful on our roadways! Every day we take a chance when we venture past our front door, turn the ignition, get on the subway, bus, airplane or taxi...It. Is. A. Scary. World. I will never ever take life for granted after my near death experience this year.

Technology has catapulted us into a more advanced society where life is sometimes easier and faster, yet those of us that can remember (not me~) often long for the good old days. You know the ones that your parents or grandparents talk about where life was easier and simpler. The time when the only thing you had to worry about was taking your bike to work or walk.

Now it's impossible to walk or ride anywhere with the plethora of vehicles on our busy motorways. We can't imagine life without technology and I am the first to be thankful, but sometimes it would go a long way, if we just take a mental step back and slow down, be kinder and more considerate on the roads. Think about how you or your loved ones will like to be treated by other motorists.

I have received so many bad drives over the last few weeks, I know it's sometimes difficult to remain calm. There is no rush to the finish line when the rest of our life is waiting for us to enjoy.

Everything else can wait when we think of returning to the smiles of our loved ones and dreams to fulfil. What's waiting for us on the other side can wait a few more years when we can truly say that we have fully lived, loved, learnt and shared. 


photo credit-C.K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved. Stonehaven Bay