Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blast from the Past

Good night my lovelies...Facebook/internet can either be a blessing or curse depending on how you use it. 

Tonight I reconnected with another old colleague I worked with at my first job! Wow!!! (that's a longg time ago btw)...Wait...the story gets even better...she told me that she kept a poem/prose (not sure what it is) that I wrote and gave to her before I left. 

Ohmy! I myself had forgotten about that until just yesterday when I was spring cleaning to turn my room into a home office. 

That is such a good feeling and soo heart warming and humbling to know that she saved it after all these years and it's in pristine condition. It blows my mind. 

I was thinking what I should do with it...should I publish it in my second book? Anyway, here it is...I wrote this when I was just 17!!! Hmmm...

It rings true for me even after all this time. I guess I was way beyond my years...Sometimes I think that I'm an old soul trapped in this body :S 

What do you think of my piece? Can you relate??! Do share!!! Pretty please

© Carolyn K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved

Saturday, September 27, 2014

What Really Makes You Happy?

Many thoughts are swirling around in my head as I write this.

A thought echoes from something my sister said earlier tonight, which I can't repeat. I ask myself why I allow other people's opinions to influence and interfere with my drive and focus. I resolve that it's because I am open to change and improvement. But sometimes we have to learn to separate the external opinions from our personal truths.

It's been a busy week which ended on a good note. Tonight I attended an Evening of Tea and Readings (and wine & yummy treats...did I mention wine? :) at the Paper Based Bookstore at the Normandie Hotel, Trinidad

I am constantly reminded that there are sooo many talented persons in the world. Wow! I heard poetry from my old university professor who taught me a Linguistics course that I loved. Her name is Dr. Jennifer Rahim. Her words and humour put her audience at ease and were insightful and pure. Staccato applause endorsing her thoughts.

A few months ago I listened to short stories read by another lecturer Dr. Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw. Also refreshing and insightful. Both authors also read at the Bocas Lit Fest. 

Other readings tonight were from celebrated authors and film-makers such as Mariel Brown, Jan Westmaas and Vashti Bowlah. Felicia Chang also spoke about her experiences and what led her to form her own company. Her journey similar to mine was interesting to listen and learn about.

I am enthralled by creativity and those who dare to "throw off the bowlines" and follow their dreams with their whole heart. I am on this path and sometimes I feel like I can't get where I want to be fast enough. But my friends are the ones that remind me that I have lots for which to be proud and will get there in time.

photo credit  - C. K. Correia All rights Reserved.
Grafton Beach, Tobago

These days I am also getting excited and anxious hearing about the journey of another friend of mine who is also an author and about to launch her second business book. Little does she know she is inspiring me every step of the way.

Last night I dusted off my manuscript and made some changes. I started writing the 9th chapter of my new book. One more to go then I will publish I've decided. I haven't written in many months but yesterday I had a Moment of Truth. 

This book charts my journey as a writer and the transition from HR back to Communications...what led me to embark on entrepreneurship as a consultant and speaker. I wanted to come full circle in terms of my journey, as I thought I needed to do more. So I waited for this to happen.

Then I realized that there would always be more to do. I got a phone call that I was praying intently for just the night before and decided to pay a surprise visit to my friend Beverly yesterday as I was in the neighbourhood. For the first time I described the book to her and the source of my delay. 

Very calmly in her usual dignified, yet charismatic tone she dispelled my concerns and over lunch said this to me: 

"What more do you want girl? You have spoken locally and internationally. You have been "making your mark"  all along. Hurry up and finish your book so that I can read it!" 

Lol. Still I had my vision for the book. To this she responded that I should save that for my next book. 

I went home and thought about what my friend said hours before and decided that she was right. It's time. The journey will never be over. I have shared so much already with the intention to assist others "find" themselves and provide that extra nudge to embark on their own journey. 

I am in that place.

I am happy.

I am doing what makes my heart sing.

My sister is wrong.

I can hardly keep from jumping up and down...

I can live in this moment forever...(I may never leave my room:)

I can't wait for you to read it :-)

On to chapter 10!

Do what makes your heart sing!

Peace & Love
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Facebook much? Join me on my journey-

Thursday, September 25, 2014

It is What It Is: Learning to Appreciate Your Past

How many times have you wished for a time machine so you can go back in time and change what was? Or, do you find that you constantly beat yourself up for past decisions?

I have heard friends, family and even myself say, “If only…” but life is about learning! I can now say emphatically that everything is exactly as it should be.

There’s a great master plan for each of our lives, and if we learn to embrace what comes, we would be better able to guide ourselves towards fulfillment, peace of mind and success.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad way in life. Each unique moment in time gives us wisdom and grace to deal with our future experiences.

It’s easy to look back with a heart full of regret and even self-loathing after the moment is gone, but the truly courageous thing to do is to find the silver lining in each situation:

What has this experience taught you? What did you gain? How can you make the next (similar) situation work for you? What are some signs that you can look for, so as to avoid making those decisions or perceived mistakes in the future?

I don’t hold the magic elixir to solve anyone’s problems, but with time, comes wisdom and perspective. If we quiet the internal and external “noise,” and reflect deeply on our past and what is important to us at this present moment, we can chart our destiny and watch the answers manifest in our lives.

It’s so strange that when I practice this, the right situations and people appear in my life so as to guide and take me to the next level of my journey without fail.

The power of intent and faith is truly amazing. It’s also important to never lose heart. Someone wise once told me that when you are at your wit’s end and about to give up is the moment your miracle will come and things will turn around. These are definitely words to live by.

Many of us may desperately want to move on from a situation, whether it is a job, place or relationship, but may find it challenging to do so.

During the time it takes to successfully transition, it’s helpful to try to make the most of the situation. The reason why it’s taking so long is probably because you haven’t learned the lessons yet.

A few years ago, I was at that place; I was at my wit’s end desperately searching my being for a revelation, to progress to the next stage in my life.

I remember blogging about it for many years, and bit by bit, I evolved, until one day, when I least expected, I got my breakthrough.

Sometimes, the answers you are looking for doesn’t come right away, but the key is persistence and being in a constant place of preparedness for the next step.

It was only after several months of that chapter being closed, did I realize why my breakthrough was taking so long. I was being prepared for the next step along my challenging journey.

Indeed, all aspects of your life may never be perfect, but the key to healthy and wholesome living and mastering this thing called life, is learning to appreciate and value the good and bad, and take it all in stride.

Everything happens for a reason, and we ought not to underestimate this sometimes cliché statement.

The Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, first said,

"The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, but make the best of everything they have."

If we bear that in mind, we can then appreciate that we hold the key to happiness and success in our hands. It’s all a matter of perspective and conditioning our minds to fulfill our desired outcomes.

Friday, September 19, 2014

What!? You Don't Read!

I know I promised a Bucket Happiness List, but this post snuck up on me. Next blog I promise, I will share my credo for happiness.

I'm an avid reader of blogs and online articles. Recently I have been reading blogs more than all my other books. I am addicted to the internet. I barely watch 2 hours of television a week (though I do love movies on the big screen). However tonight I've read 2 blogs...multiple posts in between all of my other work. 

Many people have been telling me of late that they don't read. Who doesn't read right? But funny I understand. Books are like a new love. Starts out hot and sweaty, then sooner or later fizzles for some arbitrary reason or another... 

The time. The devotion. The energy. Sometimes it's hard to keep focused..."to block out the internal and external noise." 

An entire book is a commitment (to me), especially since I've read about 4 dozen fiction books while reading for my literature degree at university. 

I just reminded myself of this after a conversation with my sister the other night. West Indian. British. American. African. African American Literature. Poetry. Drama. 

I remember my final year I had to cram 23 books into one semester or less. Plus reading for my Communication minor and all my other electives!

After that ordeal, I thought I was all read out. But you know what? I am better for it.

To excel at this was a milestone for me, especially since I never took Literature at CXC Ordinary Level or GCE Advanced Level. (I stuck to business subjects and the closest science for me which was geography which I loved.)

Out of all the books I read, what stood out in my mind ironically was Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce (antiquated sop--for some strange reason stuck), Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett (my friend and I had a few good jokes about that two-man play), Pantomine (a play I loved, but for the life of me can't remember who wrote it), Oedipus Rex (where I got my first taste of Greek mythology and learnt my favourite expression: catharsis and the famous Oedipus and Electra complex/penis envy etc). 

I loved the African plays and poetry filled with such rich culture, customs and history - Death of the King's Horseman by Wole Soyinka was my favourite....Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home by Jamaica's Erna Brodber....The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway (I remember one rainy morning our tutorial class analyzed this narrative to death till there was no more)....Beloved by Toni Morrison and The Colour Purple by Alice Walker....for coloured girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf by Ntozake Shange (strange title, but interestingly unique collection).

In my teens and early 20s, I was a bit bookish too. I remember going to the library often during the period after graduating from secondary school and waiting on call backs from job interviews (needed something constructive to pass the time).

Those were the days.

The books that stood out to me were Pearl by Tabitha King, Remember along with several other books by Barbara Taylor Bradford (she was my fav author around that time). She wrote of journalism, romance and espionage in dreamy locations. Of course who could forget the classic: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Oh and Jonathan Livingston Seagull - the story of a gull destined to be different, by Richard Bach. The simplicity.

Ahh yes…those were the days of blissfully long days and nights of just me lost in the land of make believe stories and words. Page after page. Chapter after chapter. Book after book. No spoken words. I did not have time for that. Now I have enough of my real life tales to provide fodder for my own work. If you only knew! 

I need to get back to that place where life was less complicated and simple.

More recently I've read The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson which I blogged about last year. Lent to me by a work colleague in Tobago, this book literally changed my life and gave me new direction for departing from the ordinary, following my dreams full time and starting my business. 

Mandy Hale is also a good inspirational, funny and personable author.

There's so much more. But I'm making a mental note to keep this post short (I don't think I succeeded).

Have all these readings influenced my writing in some way? Can't tell. I think I have my own style. But for now, I will continue reading. There are many half way read books on my kindle and those still unpacked from my stint on the sister isle. (Who knew I would have such little time for reading?!)

Among them are: Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey, Woman Thou Art Loosed (T.D. Jakes), a few West Indian authors' books I picked up at the bookstore right before I left. 

There’s also my most recent favourite reading by a Canadian author I fancy: Susan Olding's Pathologies: A Life in Essays. I can relate on many levels to her work. Was attracted to it for some reason at a quaint bookstore years ago and never read it until now, but now suddenly fascinated by the style and format. (Just goes to show, a book doesn't always have to have a plethora of reviews to be revered as 'good' or 'great' for that matter.)

Somehow when I'm reading, I am compelled to break away and just write, but I must rekindle my love-affair with books. So I'm told if I am to be a 'good' writer/author.

I applaud my friends and all those persons with full time jobs, kids, side-jobs, books/blogs/columns of their own to write, houses to run and clean and still find time to read multiple books.

One day I will be at that place again...

For now, I am multi-tasking to complete all of these great books by the end of 2014, so that I can get a new batch for next year. Wish me luck.

What are you reading/what's on your bucket reading list?

Until next time,

Happy Reading!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Half Way Decent Life

This is going to be a short post.

I've realized a while now, that my posts are long and this is a deterrent for readers.

Oh well. I guess I have a lot to say. But brevity is key to repeat visitors and sustained readership.

I returned last night from my mini get-away and although I'm glad to be back, I will always be connected in mind and spirit to my second home. (For those that joined my blog late, I lived on the sister-isle of Tobago last year and recently rekindled my love-affair with the island.)

Third visit for the year and I can't wait for my next trip. No man's land and Fort Bennett is next on the agenda much later on. My friends both here and there tell me that I need to take frequent 'time-outs' to refuel and return to my centre. I do feel more relaxed and at peace. Hope this feeling lasts.

Did I Say That?
photo credit - C.K. Correia Pigeon Pt. Tobago 2014 All rights reserved

Have you ever told someone to do something and later found that they did not detect your sarcasm and did in fact go ahead and do what you said (not) to do? 

How did this make you feel? 

I did. It's a hollow, rotten feeling. 

Mind you, this is not a "go get yourself that car you always dreamed of, or sign up for that class" kind of wish, but an all out drastic change of lifestyle...But I digress.

Sometimes in life, we find that the more we think we have a handle on a situation, is the more we grapple to come to terms with realities that have long manifested itself. If we were paying attention, we would have realized that the signs were in the stars. The ship has since sailed, but if you don't get an opportunity to vocalize your concerns or release it, they would always remain a part of your being, festering and eating away at your insides. 

I have no wise words of advice for this one, but everyone deals with things in their own way and time. But it must be dealt with in order to live a half way decent life.

While many things may plague our minds during waking hours, the stuff that keeps us awake at night should be the fuel that drives us to achieve that which makes our heart sing. Sometimes my creative energies are sucked up by troublesome thoughts, but these moments are rare and I always find my way back to my centre. 

There are lots of escape routes to your centre. These include writing, painting, taking a dip in the ocean, communing with nature, listening to music, meditation, singing or temporarily escaping to a different reality found in books, movies or travel. My "fix" can't be yours and vice versa. It's important to find your release and then you ought to find your centre and return to your happy place. 

You can't fake happiness. It's a way of life. You have to make up your mind to be happy...'Will' yourself to enjoy your own company otherwise no one else is gonna want to. Happiness breeds happiness. Joy attracts joy and what you carry on the inside always finds its way back to you. So as my former landlord told me: it pays to be happy and beautiful! My (former) neighbour also imparted that life is short: so don't ever give up. Good advice! 

Clearly I was surrounded by beautiful people in a beautiful land of happiness :-)
It's no wonder I have a paradise 'tabanca' lol (for the non-trinbagonians: it means heartache)

Next blog: My Bucket Happiness List!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Back in My Second Home

As I write this, it's almost midnight. I am back in my second home sitting in my old apartment listening to the cool sounds of Taylor Dayne belting out from my radio…I’m glad Music Radio 97 works here:) I feel happy, at peace, content. It's like old times. Wish I could stay in this moment forever…

I arrived Saturday morning. The trip over here was a bit long. The combination of gravol, the delay on the port and less than 4 hours sleep the night before did not help much. I dozed off somewhere around the Bocas (islands that lie between Trinidad and Venezuela)…trying my hardest not to succumb to the sea sickness as the ferry neared Tobago’s shoreline.

As my car drove off the Scarborough port, being the last one, I was able to take it all in, with new eyes. As I got further away from the city hub and navigated the many winding corners to where I once called home, I found myself relax into a place of nostalgia and peace.

As I descended the steep driveway, unpacked my bags and opened my (old) door for the first time in 8 months, I surprised myself by saying aloud: “home” and smiled widely. 

Having stayed at a friend's house last April (bless her heart) when my landlord's were abroad, I couldn't believe it had been this long. Although I paid a short visit to my neighbour, this feels different. 

I stepped outside a few moments later with a cup of Earl Grey tea and inhaled the cool, fresh air taking in the sounds of nature (including the occasional sheep and goat :). 

I looked around the beautiful, peacefully hypnotizing landscape and wonderful fruit trees…I could hardly wait.

As I unpacked my last bag, I paused to knock on my former landlords’ door and it was as though no time had passed...yet it’s been almost a year. With a knock on my own door half an hour later, I immediately got a bag of goodies freshly picked…plums, pommecytheres, cucumbers, mangoes...and more compliments (smile). I was told we would be roasting breadfruit on a wooden fire the next day. I was in my glee.

Still I needed time to process it all…

This used to be all mine….ahhh.

Then I remember and hear the little voice in my head (and heart) say:
You have to do what you have to do. You are chasing your dream. Be happy. This is your time. This will always be yours (hopefully).

I asked my friends if I’m being overly emotional. To this they replied: “No Carolyn, it’s only natural. You are only human. It will take some time to get over it. Don’t worry with anyone that tells you otherwise.”

With distance and time, perspective allows us to see things thru a different lens. I mean I know things aren’t/weren’t perfect like the fairytale I sometimes paint it to be, but it came close.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

As I drove to Pigeon Point to have a drink and hopefully meet up with my brother, I decided that I can’t do these country roads anymore. I later got lost in Carnbee/Sou Sou lands on my way to a friend’s house! Embarrassing since I’ve been here before! 

I ended up driving in circles until I ended up on a street that I said to myself I wasn’t going to drive down…I was so disoriented I didn’t even know I was in oh so familiar territory until it was too late. What ah ting! (trini for can't believe it). Yes all the roads are connected somehow.

After a few hours at my friend’s house, I relaxed and caught up on so many stories and memories. It was refreshing. I got home after 9pm! Yikes. But I was okay. As I rounded a very sharp and dangerous corner, I took a chance to glance slightly to my right and take in the breathtaking lights down below in Scarborough. Man! I was high up!

By my second trip out, I decided I was a pro at these roads. I remember last year when my dad and eldest sister came to visit, he said the same thing. He marveled at what a good driver I was and how I learnt the roads so fast after only a few weeks of living here. Indeed a comforting memory.

My true blue

Today I caught up with a few more friends and visited Fort George, Turtle Beach (the beach) and Stonehaven/Grafton Beach. I got me some great photos that took my breath away (like this one). As I looked at that sunset which dreams are made of, there in that moment, I realized who and what matters most to me. I released the rest into the sands and waves of time to be taken away with the tide of life.

Ahh yes. Tobago 2013 was wonderful, maybe I’ll return one day to live again. (I was asked that a few times today.) It brought me many lessons and strength unmatched. I was able to express my creativity, discover new passions and receive inspiration from various events, places and people. Hopefully I touched the lives of others as well (so I’m told).

It’s a different life. Peaceful, serene, some very genuine and real connections were forged that would hopefully stand the tests of time and become lifelong friends. I loved the independence, self-reliance, ability to pick up and go anywhere at any time. I love the ability to feel as though you can disappear from the craziness that lies in wait on the other side.

But for now, I am on a different journey.

The best thing of all: is that no matter what changes, I will always have my golden memories. The laughs. The fun. The strength. The resilience. The life lessons. 

Forever etched in time.

I finally got the closure I needed. I know I can come back whenever I want and always find a home.

The best is yet to come.

Can’t wait.

Stay tuned.

Peace & Blessed Love,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Saw Perfection

Today (rather yesterday) I deviated from my usual routine and went to another gym that I attended for several years. It was refreshing to see old faces...all coercing me to come back! A simple visit to the bookstore at that mall, turned into a visit to a friend and the rest is history. 

It was so exhilarating to watch my friend teach her abs class :-) Although I didn't take the class, I felt like I was right there along with her stretching, moving and jiving to the cool sounds of the sweetest soca which was blaring from the sound system. 

There in that moment...I appreciated and admired her even more for her unique gifts and talents...and I saw perfection. 
photo credit - C.K. Correia All rights reserved 2013

Life is all about embracing each other. We are all different and bring something unique to the world. 

We bless and enrich each other's lives with our gifts and I am so grateful for the "eye" to recognize the beauty and wonder of creation. 

Some of us write movies and create stories with words and photos...

Some of us dance, sing and could find even the hardest spider veins in which to draw blood! 

Some of us could crunch numbers like dat (as we say in trini)! Which reminds me, another friend of mine while skyping at the wee hours of the morning last week...worked out my taxes in 5 minutes. No lie! She was able to look at all of my documents and calculate in her head the figures that I would have taken at least an hour to do! 

Then there are those that can cook the yummiest meals and desserts to cure any human condition...(I am told I am not bad either...cooked my 'famous' fish broth for my dad on Sunday and both him and my sister remarked how delicious it was...appreciation is a good feeling and does wonders for my ego! lol)

Today I appreciate and marvel at my diverse set of friends, family and all the people that have crossed my path throughout my life's journey. I learn and have learnt from all of you and I'm sure I've been inspired in some way unbeknownst to you!

You may not realize it now, but many years later you may remember that unique trait, conversation, joke or advice that someone from your past left you. 

When it comes, embrace it with a quiet smile, acknowledge the feeling that memory and lesson brings in all its shades and intensities at any given time. When it happens, send them a silent wish and release the memory until you need it again...

Tonight I am also aware of my presence on social media (which may not be all that large..relatively speaking). I often find myself deleting posts and the like...not because it was offensive or inappropriate, but just for the mere fact that I don't like too much attention being drawn to myself! Sounds like an oxymoron for a writer...but that's just how I feel. Did not know that Google, facebook and youtube are soo inextricably linked :(

2 blogs in 3 days! Yikes...I might be on to something Watson...:-)

Until next time...

Cheers from my world to yours~

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Slowly but Surely

To blog or not to blog.

That has been the question lately.

But I decided. I will blog. It's been 7 days since my last blog. It's time.

A friend of mine is taking up her publisher's challenge to write 50 blogs in 50 days...Wow! She is now on to Day 47...Amazing. My IT friends told me that I should do this a few years ago, but I never stuck to it...I think I would have ran out of things to say by she's churning out these posts like a well-oiled writing machine. Follow her journey and countdown to her new book here:

So as usual I let my fingers guide this this mind is like a blank canvas. I have no idea what is going to be my next line, but we'll see where this goes...

Ahh...I received a lovely email from a journalist that did a story on my first book a few years ago. It was so heart warming. She congratulated me on my feature in the local paper earlier this year with regard to the launch of my workshops (Read it here:  She also said that this served as an inspiration to her, as she was also on a similar transitional journey at the time. I'm glad that we both took the leap of faith to follow our dreams. 

Unbeknownst to her, this just made my day. I did not even know what effect my bold and daring career move had...until bit by bit persons (some friends and some random) have been telling me that they saw the article. I'm excited and humbled that my story can inspire others to change something in their life or pursue their own dreams. I don't know where and how this story ends, but finding out day-by-day is part of the adventure and fun.
photo credit - C. K. Correia All rights reserved. Las Cuevas, Trinidad 

While I am getting involved in many things, I've realized that I am leaning more towards developing my writing craft. I don't think this was intentional, but I guess your passion always finds a way to surface above the rummaging of your brain. 

Emanating from this, I have however decided to tweak my workshop and develop a new one geared towards those persons interested in Finding their Purpose.

This week I had a few meetings regarding my workshop and it has awakened a desire in me to make it an even better, thought provoking and enriching experience for participants. One such meeting/presentation resulted in me shifting the focus to include retirees and one-on-one sessions with EAP recipients. 

Different persons. Different perspectives. Different ideas. 

Another meeting brought out even other avenues to explore, such as a session geared towards school leavers or those close to that age where students are about to make life changing decisions, also business owners or those thinking about risking it all and taking that plunge. 

I have toyed with some of these ideas before as other persons have suggested such, but each new session brings about new energy and synergies.

These sessions inspired countless other ideas and spin-offs and to think this all started with Thinking out Loud (If you haven't already, you can own your own copy at a specially discounted promotional offer here:

The latter is aimed at a collaborate effort that I'm hoping can bring about great rewards to all involved. There are so many persons in all societies today that are in need of guidance and that little extra nudge to get them from a place of uncertainty to a place of exuberance and excellence. 

With the unique delivery and perspective of persons who speak from experience and are oh-so-willing and burning to share their lessons, can make all the difference. We take pleasure and pride in being part of the process of change and watching persons grow into all they were meant to be in life, who can in turn also help others hone their talents and excel at their craft. 

I've listened to people who are already doing so and there's this extra unmistakable gleam and sparkle in their eyes and spring in their step. You wake up every day happy to share and create more and more until fulfilment becomes an inescapable part of your being. 

Your every waking moment is to create. You eat, breathe and dream about your next project. There are not enough hours of the day to do it all. For me I sacrifice sleep, postpone meals and other important things like exercise. (But I do remember to breathe!)

However, this week I am determined to make the time to work-out before I head over to the sister-isle for some sun, sea and sand. Of course quiet time, fresh air and meditation is all I can think of in the serene comfort of familiarity that I once called home. I'll try to get some work done during the day when everyone is at work, but that's a lofty aim since I've been away from paradise for so long. 

My friends have been asking me monthly when I'm coming back, so I thought I'd surprise them and hop over for a short visit. I do hope that the mangoes, pomeracs, five fingers, breadfruit and plums are still in season! Oh how I miss the days of roasted breadfruit, barbecues, five finger sangria and of course oil down especially on rainy days!! (I describe this so vividly in my second book hoping to be completed soon!)

In the meantime and in-between time, I have lots to do and loose ends to tie up. As a follow up to my last blog, there are more things for which to be thankful. I'm happy to announce that I am now a member company of the T&T Chamber of Commerce. Also the documentary featuring my scriptwriting and research skills was also launched this week. You can view it here: Mangrove Unveiled Trinidad & Tobago 

I've received great feedback and I was delighted to see my words come to life in's fun, educational and entertaining, you won't look at mangrove in quite the same way after viewing.

I'm delighted that my dreams are taking shape. Slowly but surely. Baby steps, but I know I'll get there in time. It's funny everyone I meet tells me the same thing. I'm happy to be surrounded by positive people who have faith in me and encourage me to aspire to greatness. 

It's important to never give up. Your dreams can happen too. Dare to dream Big. Be persistent. Keep the faith. Exciting things await...

Happy September. A month to remember! May all your dreams come true.

Peace & Blessed Love,
Carolyn xoxo