Saturday, May 31, 2014

As Sure As the Sun Will Shine

Another day...another month ends...

As the hours count down to the month of June, let us recount the highs and lows of May, release our fears and anxieties and learn the lessons that came with it. 

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Doors may have closed, friendships and relationships may have changed or ended...people come in and out of our lives, but know that the "will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot protect you." 

A friend sent the above whatsapp message to me randomly at a time when I needed it the most and I knew instantly that God sends His angels in human form at all the right times. As much as you think the last experience was the pinnacle of your success and happiness, as sure as the sun will shine again, new doors will open and new friendships and relationships forged. 

Many wonderful things are happening in our lives if only we take the time to be fully present for all the magical moments and opportunities that present themselves. It may be simply being guided to open and click on an email you regarded as junk or non-essential. I am subscribed to all sorts of mailing lists for video blogs, webinars and newsletters that flood my inboxes every day, but sometimes I get an urgency to open one over the other on a particular day and my impulse is usually right each and every time. That email could be just what I needed to read to pull me out of a rut or provide an idea or lead I need in order to get me to the next level or step in my journey. You never know. Remain open to all that the world has to will be thankful for listening to that inner voice in the end.

In the same vein, I have been so guided and I am now elected to serve on the Executive Board of a non-profit association of which I am a member. I followed an impulse to apply and in less than two weeks I got a call from the Vice President and subsequently attended the AGM. The rest as they say is history. It was a memorable occasion and it all happened so fast...I am still taking it all in. I am very happy to embrace this new opportunity with my new colleagues who are quite warm, erudite and welcoming. There are a lot of activities and events planned of which I am a part and I look forward to serving the membership with keen interest and engagement.

Call me overly nostalgic and emotional, but sometimes I don't realize the intensity of my emotions in the present moment and experience a delayed response. It is such a great pleasure to reconnect with people who you haven't spoken to in a long time and to know that the connection is still there. Voice contact is so much different from email and social media, we sometimes take it for granted. Tonight I was speaking to one of my former bosses and it was refreshing to laugh, talk, share and reminisce about old times in real time. She even gave me some good business advice! 

So a chapter in your life may end, but can be re-invented and endure beyond that season. I also remembered how happy I felt when many of my old colleagues gave up their entire Saturday to show support at my workshop (and book launch years before)...some things are priceless and you will never forget. I speak about this in depth in my second book. Speaking of which, I have finally completed my book proposal at 5 a.m. this morning, so off it goes to the publisher on Monday! This is step one...hoping that I am lucky the first time around and I have to hunt no further. My blog have been generating many hits for the past few days and I am so grateful for the new and returning visitors...please enjoy your stay, come back often and tell a family member, friend or two or three! 

I was sharing some sentiments as never before with my old boss and told her that I don't feel fulfilled if I am not making a difference in people's lives. I guess that's why at a certain point I was so unhappy in that capacity as I felt underutilized, not being able to share and exhibit all of my gifts. I told her that only when I left the organization on my last day and was clearing out my inbox and read all the old emails I kept in a special folder, did I realize that I did indeed have an impact on the staff in whatever small way...It was a very moving experience. But I am very happy now with the choices I have made since then as I was allowed to grow and develop into the person I am now...still learning every day. Now is my time to spread my wings and do what I was created for...I have a good feeling about the next few months...

As we say goodbye to fond memories let us release our intentions with faith that it will one day come to fruition. Until then, be blessed, stay blessed and bless others with your unique gifts...June here we come!

Please join me on my journey and stay tuned to this space...

Thanks for reading.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Your Light Continues to Shine Bright Dear Dr. Maya Angelou

Thanks to my new and returning visitors from around the globe...I'm glad to have you!

As the world mourns the loss of a literary and artistic icon, I join with them to pay tribute and celebrate a life...which is that of Dr. Maya Angelou. What she gave us was a world of words, colour and creativity to find our voice and celebrate our uniqueness and strength as a people. 

We learnt from you that the greatest works of art is often borne out of struggle and adversity and yours was one for the history books. I always admired you and paid tribute over the years on social media, but tonight I lay all in one cosy room with my family watching hours of documentaries of your autobiography and many interviews as I marvelled at your strength, resilience and character. 

Some of the things that stood out to me were that you defied all odds to be the first black female cable car conductor and what this meant to you personally. The way you took your two year old son with you across the globe at the age of 17, learning several languages and imparting your knowledge through education whilst making a living...this took real courage, innovation and a free spirit. How you captivated an audience and got a standing ovation wherever you went was an admirable feat. Your work as a freedom fighter with many of the greats of our time like Dr. Martin Luther King. To read at President Clinton's inauguration in 1993 and receive the "highest civilian honour" in 2011 - the Medal of Freedom by the first African American president were two-fold honours also enshrined in history. The many honourary doctorates you received globally -- words cannot describe...

Your steadfast allegiance to your God-given gifts to the world made you one of the most sought after poets, authors, speakers, educators, actresses, film makers and pioneers of all time. You were a true renaissance woman - phenomenally so indeed. You paved the way for so many voices who aspire to even a fraction of your greatness. I did not have to meet you personally to give testimony that you left an indelible mark on the souls and psyches of many...You will be remembered throughout the generations for a very long time to come.

Thank you.

May perpetual light shine upon you and may you Rest in Peace.

Maya Angelou 1928 - 2014

photo credit -

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Should I Go or Should I Stay?

Tonight I had a thought to share an excerpt from my book (Thinking out Loud)'s one article from Chapter 3 that seems to be a crowd pleaser...Hope you enjoy.

When do you know when it is time to let go? Be it friendships, acquaintances or relationships, some of us could do without the excess baggage at times - those people and situations that add no real value or substance to our lives. In this life we encounter all sorts of people and it’s ultimately up to us to realize who are the ‘keepers’ and whom we should cut loose and when.

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Sometimes we come across people that we know from day one will be lifelong friends. Others are just there to serve a purpose along our journey, as we may learn an important life lesson and then they’re gone. Yet others are a test of our strength and discernment. For there are times when we meet people who we think are genuine and whose company we enjoy, yet we gain nothing spiritually or emotionally by having them around, for all they do is take up space and time in our lives. And no matter how hard you try to force it, they are just not meant to be there. There is no place for them in your life and most times they cause more conflict than good.

Not to sound like a cold-hearted person but life is like that sometimes. It’s like a young seedling that is trying to grow and push up among the weeds. In order for that sapling to grow into a strong, healthy plant, tree or flower it needs to break free from the weeds which will eventually choke off its supply of sunlight, air and nutrients needed. The same with people: sometimes you just need to break free from unhealthy people who may not have your best interests at heart, who may be envious, self-serving, opportunistic or just plain up to no good. Why would you want to hang around weeds anyway?

            Then there are the others that are just coming along for the ride to keep you company along your journey. They are neither here nor there. One day however something may happen to test the friendship, and then you may discover if this person was indeed a genuine friend. It doesn’t matter if several years go by, the possibility exists that this person was just around for a season and served their purpose in your life. And then there are those that give you support when you need it and you give them support. Sometimes it’s fun having them around, but what is more important is that you complement each other. No one is a burden to the other. 

           Life is all about learning the lessons and helping one another along the way. If you can find that in a friend then the journey becomes a little easier. Then there comes a time for that friend to leave. Sometimes it is voluntary sometimes involuntary. Circumstances brought you together and circumstances cause you to separate. By that time or maybe years later you would have learnt the lesson that friend brought to your life. If you have indeed learnt the lesson, then that friendship had value and it served its purpose.

Sometimes we never know why individuals enter our lives, but it is important that we can tell apart the true gems from the weeds and treat the former right, for good people don’t come along everyday. The weeds we should recognize early on, so as to eliminate the grief and make way for the people that matter most. If we can’t do this, we would be forever spinning ourselves into a web with people who are out to deceive us and bring us pain. It is important that we look inside, so that the company we keep reflect our philosophies. I’m sure we all have heard the saying when we were younger: “Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are.” It rings true not only for when you were a child but encapsulates the purpose of friendships today and beyond.

“True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value.” Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637)

Want to read more? Why not purchase your own copy at Amazon:

Or locally at all locations of RIK and Metropolitian Booksellers.

Thanks for stopping by...see you next time!

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Moment of Truth

I love all the things that this crazy world brings, despite the ups and downs of
photo credit -'s great to be alive. When you feel like giving up, remember there's always hope for a new day, a new dawn and a brighter tomorrow.

With that said, life is an adventure and how best we roll with the punches, dictates how we progress and stay afloat in a sea of emotions filled with subtleties, highs and lows, disappointments and rewards. 

There's no one who passes through this life without dealing with challenges, failures and's all a part of living. When we make a conscious effort to block out the "noise" and find the lessons in every situation, it's only then can true growth and maturity occur. We are born winners....all of us. It's up to us to realize our worth and channel our power to yield the benefits that this life has to offer.

Over the past few months and weeks I've learnt valuable lessons that cannot be taught at any institution of higher learning. I learnt about people and the ins and outs and nuances of this dance of life. I wrote about this in my first book and yet I am still learning every day. "We can't control people or the outcome of events in our life...any more than we can control the weather." Food for thought. What you can do is control how you react and how you internalize the situations in order to chart the way forward in a positive and constructive manner. It's difficult but your mind is a very powerful thing and you can condition it to bring about your desired outcome.

I've never been one to give up and not have my say, but I am learning that sometimes you have to pick your battles. No matter how strongly you disagree with someone or something, sometimes there is nothing you can say or do to change that person's mind or the outcome of matter how hard you try. It's just not in the stars. 

Everyone is unique and I've learnt that their brain/mind works in unique ways that's different from anyone else on this can never really wrap your head around the reasons why a person may say or do something that you don't particularly like or understand...and believe me when I say I've tried! That's just life. We are all created differently and we have to find a way to accept each other's differences, even if it's family, spouse or friend.

Our conscience is the driving force for our freedom and peace of mind. Some of us have a bit more where that is concerned and others are able to ignore the questions within. At the end of the day, there's only one judge and time will tell what we can or cannot live with.

Many things are happening in the background...some good, some great and some are just things that require introspection in order to get to the next level in our lives...they are those unspoken things that awakens an inner desire to search our souls for the answers and for the ultimate resolution to our fears and longings in time to come.

At the end of the day, what is important is that you listen to the voice hold the answers to the questions you crave....think deeply, meditate and pray to the One and only God would soon realize that everything and everyone else are just temporary substitutes.

Please share, like and retweet if you can relate.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4 Ways to Ensure that you Leave Behind a Legacy

First published on Elite Daily

Read it here>>

As human beings, many of us have a desire to leave our mark on the world. We seek to be remembered for something special years after we are gone. In actuality, only a gifted few are so lucky.
Leaving a universal legacy requires the proper channeling of our inherent talents. If this seems impossible to you, check out these ways to bring your aspirations to life:

Touch a soul through arts and entertainment

Some of us wish we could sing like Adele or dance like MJ, but we may be more talented than we realize. You may start out singing in the shower, then in your school or church choir, and before you know it, you could appear on NBC’s hit show “The Voice.”
We all have humble beginnings, but some of us doubt ourselves and give the naysayers too much credit. We end up being our own worst enemies. We may need a little nudge of encouragement here and there, but the key is to never stop believing in yourself.
With time, your dreams could come true.

Tell your story with words or pictures

Whether you have a gift for writing, speaking, photography or filmmaking, you have a story to tell. You have the power to melt hearts and inspire or spark change. When you are no longer on this earth, generations after you may remember you for your contribution to society. You could come alive through your books, films, recordings or photos.
This is an amazing opportunity that you are free to grab.

Be the change the world needs

Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln are just a few of the people who have paved the way for freedom and peace to permeate the world. They gave selflessly and were agents of change for many people.
Their struggles and sacrifices made it possible for us to enjoy the life that we now live. They did it not for fame or fortune, but because it was what they wanted for their personal destinies and for the destiny of the world.
If you follow this path, one thing is for certain: The world will remember you for a long time to come.

Live by example

Whether you are a preacher or clergyman, your religious or spiritual stake in life will inspire others to live wholesome and enlightened lives. It is important for you to live up to your ideals so that others can follow your example.

Heal through medicine

With so many medical ailments plaguing so many lives, there is a great need for people who genuinely care about helping others. After overcoming the flu or any other ailment, you may feel like you have a new lease on life and can conquer the world.
Doctors and nurses are gifted people who work hard to save lives and work miracles. The multitude of people you save (and their legacies) will never forget you.

There are many ways to leave your legacy; this list is just the tip of the iceberg. You can touch lives by just making someone’s day a little brighter, which is a noble way to affect many people.
Just by being a good parent, daughter, son, husband, wife, sister, brother or friend, you have the power to influence significant change and leave a mark on the lives of those who really matter: the people you share your life with.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Farewell to a Legend - Barbara you will be Missed!

Last night I was all "gung ho" about blogging about the retirement of media icon Barbara Walters after more than 50 years in news. As time progresses however, I realize I have a lot on my mind and there is much to be said in general but I will stick to the original plan....could not let this weekend pass without paying tribute.

Although I am not a big TV person, I did tune in to some memorable specials on 20/20 over the years. What stood out in my mind was her interview with Michael Jackson and also a special on Heaven and Hell...I think I even blogged on the latter. What made Barbara special was her ability to predict and get into the minds of her subjects to ask the probing questions that quelled the thirst of her audiences. She left no stone unturned and in the process caused a catharsis in her interviewees and effected change. I'm sure that's what every good journalist desires at the end of the bring about some degree of change in their audience or subjects no matter how small.

Barbara was lucky and talented in that she had the opportunity to exhibit her true prowess at the right time, with the fortitude to keep going even when it was difficult to continue. She fought the good fight so that so many women in journalism could find their voice. The struggles she endured in a male dominated business when she first started was so real that we can see why so many look up to her today. She has opened doors and paved the way for many people including Oprah Winfrey, Connie Chung, Rosie O' Donnell and many others.

After watching The View in its entirety for the first time yesterday and also HER STORY on ABC last night, I got an even greater appreciation for her life's work and the many memorable interviews that she had done including that of Fidel Castro (on a boat in motion!) and many other world and religious leaders. The ones that stood out in her mind were that of: Mike Tyson and Robin Givens, Monica Lewinsky, John Wayne to name a few. She always made it interesting with her many on-location shoots and personalities that she presented to her viewers. 

She looks incredible for her age and is as sharp as a tack!

Hats off to you and may your legacy live on in the minds and hearts of generations forever.

To leave you with some Food for Thought with one of Ms. Walters memorable signature questions...."Finish this Sentence"...

Carolyn Correia...

has much to live for. She is a work in progress and learning every day. She is a creator of stories and has so many to tell. When it's all over and this life is done, her only wish is that she would have made a difference and inspired change. Until that day, she will continue writing and rewriting the story of her life until she gets it right.

Peace & Love

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms around the world especially my mom


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Knows what we’re thinking without us having to utter a word
Serves multiple roles – mom, sister, best friend, boss
Can’t stay upset for longer than 24 hours
Offers the best advice although you may not want to admit it at the time
Has the fortitude and willpower representing generations of
strong women
Has made endless sacrifices and would give away her last possession for her family
Embodies truth, honour and discipline
Makes the best meals, fudge and fruitcake to cure any human condition
Allow you to make your own decisions even after she has offered her pearls of wisdom

Mom we love and thank you.

Excerpt from Thinking out Loud - Chapter 3: Tributes

Friday, May 9, 2014

You Hold the Key to your Heart

Another week ends in sweet tnt...lots of stuff happening over the last 7 days...some good, some bad, some indifferent...and some just ugly. The question is: do we allow the negative to taint us and prevent us from living life unfettered in the now?

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One of my friends said something interesting on social media last weekend and that was: (to paraphrase) many of us live in a bubble as we shield ourselves from reality in a false sense of utopia and protection. While on the road reading this message early Sunday morning, I asked myself: am I one of those people? She gave me much food for thought. 

My mechanic just the day before asked me what my thoughts were on migrating and I dismissed the notion at this point in my life, because I thought I had a "good life." But what is this good life we think we have? (Will get to that in a subsequent post). 

A lot of my family resides abroad and I never once gave it much thought because I always found there was no place like home. I always thought that if I did decide to change locations, it would be well into my later years when I no longer have ties to these shores. Many people say now is the time as it gets harder as you age...but to each his own...or her own...only time will tell what the future holds.

This week was a bit busy...just settling back into the groove after a week in paradise. I finalized some pending projects and made new business contacts. Many old connections have also been reaching out and making contact with me again and for this I am grateful for I thought some of those connections died a natural death and faded into the oblivion. 

I also learnt last night that it's good to give people the benefit of the doubt before "righting them off" in haste...because everyone has their own issues and baggage to deal with. Seems that despite the fact that two people may not communicate frequently, doesn't mean that you are no longer on their radar and vice versa. Some stay connected in thought and spirit. For some the bond may even transcend spatial and temporal barriers. 

For me...I always thought that if you project your thoughts with enough energy and good intentions, this can permeate even the most impermeable barriers. For some this is true, but others it remains an unsolved mystery. Out of sight...out of mind...or so it seems at least on the surface. Only the other person and God knows the truth.

Part of my "good life" is to be surrounded by truly wholesome people who support and uplift your spirit and enrich your heart and soul. I feel most of the time that I am blessed to have these people in my life. Some are closer than others, but the important thing is that they are always just a phone call, email or whatsapp message away and vice versa. I've received all sorts of advice over the last week about my impending projects, but at the end of the day...I have to make my own decisions based on my gut feeling. 

As a friend also opinion is just as good as anyone else's! I agree but sometimes you may appreciate the perspective, experience and specialities of another. Sometimes it is difficult to step out of your little box and see yourself and your situation from the outside. Yet, it is important to have your own voice and identity at the end of the day, otherwise you would just get lost and blown any which way in the wind and overcome by the opinions and biases of others. I have always prided myself in making decisions and having the will to proceed with intent but of late...I've failed to listen to what I truly want and need. I need to listen to my heart and regain that control.

Yesterday and today I made myself still and blocked out the external "noise" and listened to my heart. Though I am still working out some things, the solutions to some of my "problems" were resolved just like that! The answers just popped into my head as I closed my eyes and waited. #ThePowerOfPrayer

Strange enough I notice whenever I speak about faith, prayer and God, some persons remove themselves from my facebook author's page and twitter...but I will still scream it from the rooftops...

God is great...Never doubt it! 

He is working for me and through me and so many others...Trust in Him.

Cheers to the weekend....Make it Count...I plan on doing so...

Peace & Love

My mid week get away - photo credit © C. K. Correia

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What Happens when our Whimsical Daydream Doesn't work out...

A change in scenery does wonders for your mind and soul.

Here I am with you again on the last day of April...(it will probably be May by the time I finish writing this post). You may have noticed that I was missing in action for a few days...some of you may have been saying YAY! No more emails, tweets, facebook and google shares! But seriously...I was enjoying some much needed R&R on the sister isle of Tobago...A tinge of sadness even washed over me as I drove off the ferry onto Wrightson Road heading towards the Audrey Jeffers highway:(

My long awaited inspiration my home-away-from-home...was perfect...almost...

This is what I would have said before I read my friend Maxine's blog post as I travelled home on the ferry...check out what she had to say here>>

What I loved about my mini vacay

Before I get to what's perfect and imperfect...I must acknowledge and give thanks for the last 7 days. One of my friends who I met while living in paradise last year was wonderful enough to let me stay at her place and take over her life for a week...I forewarned her about all of my foibles on the first night and now she knows me a little better and vice versa. Over dinner on Monday night in particular and during our many chat sessions, I feel as though I've connected in a real way and our bond grew stronger...I hope! I am in the midst of a transition and I feel like I have made a giant mental leap in the right direction all due to her and her fiancée. It's like this: everybody was offering their 2 cents and advice -- some of which you already know to yourself and it would sink in and work for a few hours or a day or two at best, then one person comes along and says almost the same thing in a different way and it's like shining a bright light into a crevice that was once dark. Bells went off in my head and I knew I was being silly for being stuck in the way in which I have been for almost 3 months!

Our Whimsical Daydreams

Sometimes you picture something in your head...and in your clouded unrealistic expect it to turn out this way and get the closure you need. But reality steps in and you realize that things don't always go as planned and turn out the way you expect. Maxine's post and my friends urgings remind me that though I've lived most of my life getting exactly what I want, I am now an adult (have been for a good decade and then some!)...and no matter how much I protest or obsess about things; in real life you don't always get what you want. 

People are all different and act in odd, irrational and at times unkind ways...they don't always do what you want....they disappoint and don't live up to expectations leaving you with more questions than answers. Sometimes life even mess up, but you are in control up to a certain point by the choices and decisions you make as we all have free will. But you know what's even better? God never disappoints once you place all of your trust and faith in Him and try to live according to His plan. It is important to listen and pay attention to the signs...the red flags that are designed to halt you in your tracks. Ask for a spirit of discernment so as to choose wisely and wisdom and strength to follow through.

The good, the bad and the ugly

These experiences are all meant to make us well balanced and stronger persons and in the end we have the power to make our life a wonderful experience. We can either grumble and bemoan our fate and ask why me while we wallow in despair, or we can open our eyes to the camouflaged realities and beauties of the world and people around us. We can try to make the most of what we have and transform it into something meaningful and beautiful. It's not gonna be easy and we may falter and lose our cool and gumption a few times. But if we keep at it, we can build a momentum and in the process learn and accept the lessons. Soon our purpose in every situation we find ourselves in throughout this journey will become clear as day. I am still coming to terms with life's harsh realities but no one is PERFECT! And as the song goes: "...I never promised you a rose garden..." Must read that book Max!

Unplanned beauties

I made many plans and some things I did not plan to do. Am I disappointed by the ones that did not work out? At first yes...but everything has a way of working out for the best (that's another blog post!). I am grateful for the plans that did in fact work out. And the ones that I did not plan made this trip even more special. Thanks for the invitations to Jazz on the Beach...and another beach lime I regret passing up. 

Having a glass of Moscato at the Pasta Gallery
Thanks to my bro for the lime (hang out) and cooking for me on my first day and to my favourite chef for Sunday lunch and a lovely afternoon lime. I am still salivating at the image of your baked fish in my mind's eye! 

Thanks for ALL of the people that fed me on most days including my roomies. So glad I only ended up cooking one day! Thanks for the overpriced, unsatisfying dinner and poor service at what used to be one of my fav I know not to go back! We all had a good

Thanks to the Pasta Gallery for opening their doors...Fabricio doesn't know how many people he makes happy! Thanks to my friends for the wonderful company and laughs. 

Thank you to my old neighbour who made me happy with all of those yummy fruits and vegetables. Always uplifting and inspirational! My old colleagues made my afternoon with their warm reception, support, well wishes, book sales and business advice...I think this ties for dinner at the Pasta Gallery! It was 2 hours well spent. I even received kudos from one of my old directors while I stopped to have dinner on Saturday night.

Thanks for drinks last night at Villas at Stonehaven Curlyn! You always make me laugh:) 

To all the people I couldn't get to see but spoke with on the phone...your voice on the other end of the line was so no time has passed...yes Fern and Steffon I owe you all a lime! Soooon...I promise...July hopefully or my soonest available moment...

For now I am trying to stay in my happy place as long as possible and keep my glow...

Love you all...muah!

Until next time...xoxo

Happy May! 

Our dreams lie just over the horizon if only we believe...

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