Sunday, April 20, 2014

Charting Your Destiny!

A little more about Charting Your Destiny...

Read more here>>

Happy Easter!

We give thanks for the sacrifices our Lord Jesus Christ has made for us as we celebrate His life, death and resurrection. We offer thanksgiving for our blessings great and small and for the gift of life as we renew our faith in Him.

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Just my kindle, my laptop and ME!

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After working assiduously on my manuscript since January...I have finally finished 8 chapters...only 2 more to go! Receiving feedback is what this journey is all about. One of my sisters and a friend of mine have reviewed 3 chapters so far and I'm elated to hear what they had to sis says it makes her feel relaxed and at peace. My friend said it is very good and can inspire young people and writers embarking on their own journey...many others can also benefit. She said Chapter 2 makes persons living in Trinidad and other parts of the world want to know more about Tobago. 

"It shows your growth as a person and as a writer as you reflect on your many life experiences and what you have learnt along the way." As I edited the contents over the past few months, I did in fact realize that this is meant to target writers and other artistes so this confirms it! Many of my mum's church friends are also asking and waiting to read book #2  I can't wait to share...this book is so much more of me...I feel very proud of how far I've come having begun this journey since 2009. I'm glad I made the choice to continue...
photo credit -

When I write I let my fingers lead the way. It's pure inspiration...I never know where it will end as the words just flow! I come alive and happiness fills my being. When I read it sometimes I can hardly believe this is what I's a gift and I learn about myself in the process. I feel truly humbled and blessed......Thank you for joining me on my journey and thanks to all those who helped along the way...

Next week I take a much needed time-out and slow the pace as I work on my book proposal and enjoy some sun, sand and sea in my little piece of #paradise....Just my kindle, my laptop and ME! The countdown is on...Stay tuned to this space! Have a lovely Easter everyone! xoxoxo

Thursday, April 17, 2014

40,000 hits!

THANKS for 40,000 HITS!

Friend vs Foe: How to Tell apart the Real from the Fake

First published on Elite Daily....Read it here>>

Finding genuine friends isn’t easy. Good people don’t come along every day, so it’s important that we hold onto the ones we find who are loyal and true. All of us have been burnt in the past by people who we thought were keepers, but unfortunately, that’s just how the cookie crumbles.
True friends are not petty, competitive, haughty or judgmental. They listen and value your opinion, even if it may differ from their own. Here are some tips on how to avoid those mistakes and spot the real from the fake from a distance:

They Know You Inside Out

Your friends understand you better than anyone else on this planet… sometimes even better than your family. They know when you are having a bad day and how to cheer you up. They don’t hold it against you because they know this is not consistent with who you are.
True friends always try to look for your positive qualities and let them outweigh the negative because you know what? Everyone has their own foibles and your weaknesses don’t take away from you being a good and loyal comrade.
True friends are your personal cheerleaders and always support your dreams, no matter how lofty. They have faith in you to no end and encourage you to be the best you can be. They are the chicken soup for your heart and soul.

Selfless Giving

You know you have found a true gem when you’re having a bad day and he or she comes to your rescue — even if the friend may be experiencing problems of his or her own. Whether he or she is at work or engaged in other activities, a true friend will still make the time for you and lend a listening ear.
Even if it’s the same crap he or she has heard several times before, the ones that are true tries to remain calm and pacify the situation. Of course, it’s a two-way street and you also provide that support in his or her time of need.

Always Make Up

Some friends never fight after many decades of friendship; I have several friendships like that. Others go at it all the time… I suppose that’s how they show their love.
When two people really care about each other, no amount of fighting can destroy a bond based on years of friendship and good times.
If, however, certain lines and codes of conduct were crossed, you must make a decision and choose whether you can forgive and forget. It’s human nature to have disagreements and quarrels from time to time, but if it’s petty enough, true friends always make up, no matter what.

Always In Your Corner

True friends stick up for one another and when someone else has done you wrong, they get just as angry as you and make no excuses. They are there for you when you fall and help you to put the pieces back together. They never leave your side. That’s what true friendship is all about.
We all strive to find friends that complement us. The ones who make it to the end should enrich your life and vice versa. Friendship is a give and take; no one is a burden to the other.
You share an unbreakable bond that traverses space and time, regardless if you haven’t spoken or seen each other in weeks, months or even years.
The friendship is still there and can withstand the good times and bad, no matter if one or both of you have little or nothing to give. The important thing is that you have each other. Infinite thanks and cheers to all of my true gems!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Won't Trade it for Anything in the World

2 blogs in 3 days...I guess I'm on a roll...but I must write when the inspiration IT friends once told me (many moons ago) that I need to create every day as it's good for 'traffic' among other things...back then I did not know much about this or had the time to follow through, but now I can write to my heart's content...or at least until I get Über busy...

So this week I resumed a project that I had to shelf a year ago because of my move to the sister isle...I'm's a lot of work but I plan to put my all into this so that it shows and it's a masterpiece when I'm done...I met with the producer today and I'm confident that he will deliver and work with me to achieve the best results. For a minute I was considering forgetting about the whole thing but my sister convinced me otherwise...this is a lifetime investment that can endure for many generations long after I'm can say it's my's even better than a book in a way...More on this when the project gets underway...Too much suspense? I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

The last few days involved a lot of online research and follow up phone calls. The good news is that I narrowed down my list of potential publishers to 2 or 3. I just have to verify the authenticity, the necessary requirements and decide which is best for me...then it's time for (book) proposal writing. I've become quite good at this actually...I even surprised myself. I had a lot of practice last year at my last job in Marketing and almost a decade working in HR also helped a bit but business proposals are a completely different kettle of fish that seem to come naturally....all of the recipients thus far were all impressed with the contents. I just have to wait and see if it's enough to reap a good "catch!"

Follow up phone calls locally with regard to other agendas proved quite frustrating and a bit perturbing in some cases. As time goes by, being back home I realized that there's a nationwide need for improved customer service for even people who should know better...and if I was so inclined I would probably offer this service as well! It's truly disheartening, flabbergasting and discombobulating all at the same time. However when you do receive a warm smile and good service it's the most wonderful feel like you can do cartwheels or rescue a cat from a tree. Imagine how you feel if the reverse is true. Maybe I'm too emotional a person and this is not a true representation of the general situation but it's just how I feel...please weigh in if you have an opinion...

All in all...I love my country and I won't trade living here for anything in the world...we just have some things to work on as with all countries and cultures. While some are homesick, I get to have the best of both worlds...I get to travel whenever I want and soak up all this sea, sun and sand (and food ---interesting enough this evening I tried for the first time a curry crab pastry treat!) the rest of the's truly a delight. I'm counting down the days to my next trip to the sister isle (I still haven't yet gotten over my 'paradise tabanca'...Tobago is calling my name! -- see earlier blog posts). I can't wait to explore more of the Caribbean.

In the meantime and in between time...I have lots to keep me busy. Spending time and catching up with my family especially my dad (those of you who know me personally know why) has been indescribably wonderful though sad at times....the reality is now hitting me. There are rainy days but I learn so much about myself in the processwhat I'm capable of and my purpose for coming back home. Every time he smiles or laughs at one of my jokes I feel happy enough to burst. I regret that I can't spend even more time with him as despite being home I'm also working most of the time. I do compensate for this and make up for the time I'm away. We pray together and last night we watched the entire episode of The Voice which was absolutely priceless. 

I am also thankful for my friends and our many deep conversations and fun times that add light and laughter to my days and enrich my soul with positivity and love and vice versa (I hope!). Of course I am grateful for life, health, the ability to exercise, socialize and of course rest and rejuvenate when I need it! What more can one ask for?! I do what I have to do and use my time wisely and I know God will provide for me exactly what I need precisely when I need it as He has always done...He hasn't let me down so far and I can't wait for what's in store...

God is love....

It's Holy Week for Christians everywhere...whatever your denomination let's all try to give a little, spread a little hope, forgive A LOT and share a little love with someone in need, even if it's just a will all come back to you tenfold...

Peace & Love

photo credit ©  C.K.Correia - Blue Waters Inn - Speyside, Tobago   #BlissfulTimes  #Paradise

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fear Not There's Always Plan B

I feel like fact I was singing all day...
photo credit -

Today err yesterday I completed my 8th chapter in my new book! YAY for me:) After being stuck for a few days and only writing a couple paragraphs at a time...I finally became unstuck and got my flow again...I think that was my first real writer's block!

I've now edited and written 8 whole chapters...Tonight I got some tips from a friend who is on a similar journey and tomorrow I bounce my manuscript off of another friend. Then the real excitement begins as I research and send off a sample to a [traditional] publisher...(if anyone has any suggestions do leave a comment!).

Back to me singing...I've recently rediscovered Ms. Randy Crawford...ohmy this woman's voice is Ah-mazingg! Love her to bits! (youtube her rendition of "Imagine" and her hit "One Day I will Fly Away" to judge for yourself)...what a haunting and soulful voice...I know I was only a wee tot when she first debuted but funny enough I remember and can sing along to most songs from the 80s and even 70s...much to the amazement of my more mature friends. I guess I'm an old soul trapped in this new world...wish I was old enough to enjoy that wonderful time in history when music was so potent and real.

Come to think of it...she may still be on tour now in Europe...maybe if I hop on a plane really quickly I can catch her in concert! lol...Seriously tonight my friend laughed at me when I couldn't stop talking about her...We took in some Jazz at the Fiesta Plaza and I got a chance to listen to Ruth Osman live for the first time...she lived up to my expectations and then some...I'm sad that I did not go to Jazz Under the Stars last weekend...oh well there'll always be next time...

Now with my pilot workshop out of the way, my book nearing completion and my first private job done, I can focus on the business of the day which in essence is to "get more business!" With the first quarter of the year over it's time to get serious and fulfil my mission for 2014 which is to inspire, create, motivate and create some more...step 1 is to find a publisher and continue with step 2 which is to send out more proposals...The year is young and I have much to do. Stay tuned to this space for more updates...and to keep me on my toes...

Have you fulfilled your 1st Quarter Goals?
It's not too late...the key is planning and following through...
Don't think about failing...there's always Plan B and C!
By June we should have made a dent in our progress for 2014!

Of course there will be rainy moments...that's part of life...but nothing some wine, chocolate and (shrimp and lobster) Fettuccine Alfredo can't cure!--(that's why I'm still awake at 2 in the morning...I'm trying to work off the latter! For an added bonus I come alive at these hours when my best work is done).

Repeat after me..."All it takes is one brave step...easy does it and now I've got it!~" Think it, Believe it and Watch it Unfold~


Peace & Love xo

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happiness at the Core

Hope everyone is having a great's some words to get you through the coming week especially if you recently had or are expecting a birthday>>>

"At this point, I really accept that aging is part of life and it is really time to take that step and let go and embrace life’s possibilities, to let go of the past, to step out of the comfort zone and embark on a new journey. It does not matter whether or not we feel our purpose is to pro-create, to acquire fame and fortune, to be President, CEO or simply to leave our mark on this world by simple things, to touch everyone we meet by our actions, words and deeds so as to leave behind a legacy. 

Maybe it all sounds a bit dramatic, but that is all life is: actions and reactions, repercussions of a former action, simply known as karma. Time is one of life’s simple phenomenons and this coupled with patience and a little faith, is the solution to most of our problems. The more we realize this, is the faster we would achieve most of our objectives, of which I am sure HAPPINESS IS AT THE CORE." - Thinking out Loud - Chapter 1: Age is Just a Number.

Get it on amazon today! Or locally at all locations of RIK and Metropolitan Booksellers.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Tale of my Cold Feet and Paradise Tabanca

It's officially been 1 week since the launch of my workshop and while it was a success (see earlier posts) and some persons are asking when is the next one, I'm beginning to have cold feet. Too late you say to go chicken...I know right?!

My friends have all given me feedback and I have taken it in stride, however I suddenly realized that my work doesn't end with the pilot. They have all commented how I am so courageous! I guess they would be disappointed to see this wimpy post! "Give it time...this is normal" they say...I suppose this is good advice. On a more serious note, I have some minor tweaking to do and some things to make it even more exceptional. This right here is why blogging is good. It not only serves as my catharsis but it also causes revelations in the process. 

I hope someone else out there who's at a turning point in their lives and may be going through the same thing can relate (if you're out there please do leave a comment). As I think about some of the most recent advice, my mind is working overtime in the background to create exciting elements I can add to make it a masterpiece and an over-the-top experience for my future participants. 

Over the years especially the past year I have received positive reinforcement and encouragement for my writing. I have since incorporated them into the creative process for my second book, my blog and my workshop to hone my talent and sharpen my skills. As I write this I remember one friend in particular telling me throughout last year that I have "a voice"...he said that's so important because not many people have that. I guess that's why I continue...

Almost every week and even at my workshop my friends tell me how much they enjoy or can relate to my blog's a great feeling to know that your talent serves a purpose in the whole scheme of things and indeed they are the glue that on occasion keeps me going sometimes! Even on those days when I feel uninspired and bogged down by the entrappings of life...(you know every day can't be all sunshine and roses despite outward appearances! We all have those moments...indeed I have come down from my high of living and working in paradise (Tobago) for the past 12 months.) 

I must say I adapted to returning home in the onset pretty well but by mid-February I was beginning to suffer some serious withdrawal symptoms and paradise "tabanca" (for non-trinis that's local parlance for loss or a broken heart)...I've been missing it all...for many reasons...independence, beautiful ambience and change of scenery, solitude at times (believe it or not), island life, new friends...amongst others. Sometimes I wonder to myself: "What have I really done!?? I gave all of this up soo soon!" But indeed I needed to take this step...I needed to begin this chapter and start my new live my true purpose. To stay in one position beyond it's purpose in your life is to stay stagnated and unfulfilled. 

I truly believe that I did what I was meant to do and the time had come for me to move least professionally. To find another job on the sister-isle would have just prolonged the inevitable. I would like to still do freelance work on the island and perhaps conduct some workshops and consultancy but only time will tell what the future holds. I place my trust in God to lead and guide me positively into the future, to help me embrace this new role and adapt to change.

I now know more than ever that I am back home for a purpose ---more than one ---some of which I can't disclose here and now, but I will say this --family is #1 and we need to cherish the time we have with our loved ones because time changes everything.

So this blog took on a new direction of its own...I will try to get rid of my cold feet and think about the positive impact this new role can have and take the advice from the participants...incorporate it and schedule my next session with some friends in the south land who missed the first session.

I will try to also rid myself of my tabanca! And get on with the business of living my life...I reckon it's not gonna be easy but I will certainly try to condition my mind to do so.

I will have faith and believe that big things are headed my way (like one of my friends present on the workshop said)...ready myself to be brave and face what's ahead. Fail or would be well worth it. But win I must. I CAN do this! "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." - Phillipians 4:13.

I don't know where I find the energy...after a full day and an outing with my parents and then back home and out again to the movies...feeling exhausted...I am suddenly revived at 12 AM with the thought of photography and blogging...It's confirmed: I'm addicted to the internet and to's in my blood!!!

I will leave you with a photo from today...

Until next time...

Today is yours to behold...Make it Count for something special!

Peace & Love

photo credit - CK Correia Chaguaramas Board Walk - Trinidad

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Charting Your Destiny Launch!

Charting Your Destiny is a workshop designed around the principles contained in my first book Thinking out Loud. Thank you to those special people that took the time to participate and commemorate the event with me at the pilot session on Saturday 29th March, 2014. Special thanks to my friends from Tobago that came over to support. Gratitude is also extended to the person that contributed the idea for this workshop a year ago.

Photo credit - Frederic Dubray

For more photos you can check out my author's page on facebook>>