Monday, July 30, 2012

My 2 cents

"When you look back at your life, you would not remember that one 'big thing' that suddenly caused utopia, but snapshots of a good life well lived to the fullest. Live it in a way so that you can testify to this."
                           - Thinking out Loud - © Carolyn K. Correia All rights reserved
                                      from the article Break the Monotony

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Live, Love, Share...

"Life is a marvelous adventure. Hold on tight to the handlebars with all you have and enjoy the ride for it is only once we pass by this way. Live to leave a mark on the world so that people would remember you for the good you brought to the world and to their life even if it was only for a brief moment, for it is then that you will know that you have truly lived."

                        - Thinking out Loud  © Carolyn K. Correia All rights reserved

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Sunday, July 29, 2012


Thank you Lord for the privilege of crossing another milestone...for living to see another year...for allowing me to look at the glass half full instead of half empty...for blessing me with life, health, strength and wonderful people to share it with! Give me the strength to overcome my weaknesses and live the life that you want me to! Looking forward to a fabulous year ahead!! :-) 
Infinite possibilities await...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

London 2012 Olympics

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The moment we've been waiting for is almost here...the London 2012 Olympics!!! 
 Can you feel it? *excitement* Opening ceremony is carded to begin @ 9p.m. London time...that's ummm 2 a.m. Eastern time? Help me out someone! :D

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A little piece of me...a little piece of you...

It's always great to live to see another day...far more another year. In a few days, I would have crossed another milestone in my life...that is another birthday. Last year was pretty special, hope this year is the same...if all goes as planned, it should be epic!! I was just telling my family last week, that God has really shined his face upon me these past couple years. I have overcome all of the obstacles in my path and had the opportunity to do some things that I have always wanted to and for this I am eternally grateful. One of my friends reminded me of this the other night and only when he said it, I realized in that moment - it's how you look at the glass that matters: to some it may always be half empty, but we must all approach it like it's half full. Aging may be a curse to some, but to many others it's an accomplishment and a celebration of life in all it's splendour at this stage of your journey. Many others are not as fortunate to have come as far as you and I.

Many people ask me where does my inspiration come from...but what better time to share than now!? On the eve of one of my birthdays (not too long ago), I wrote this article that really started this whole process a-rolling. Prior to that, I hadn't written anything in a few years except maybe the odd article and things for work. I have always loved to write since school days, but after some disenchantment with pursuing it as a career in the early days, I just gave up on my dream. I had a restaurant review published in a Business magazine previously and then I just hung up my notepad and pencil so to speak. With the flood of emotions that filled me as I approached my 30th birthday, I decided to put pen to paper once again - just for venting purposes and I was elated to know that I didn't lose my touch. When I reviewed my work, I was filled with soo much amazement and pride that I had actually written this...and this was not out of conceit or boastfulness but just sheer delight and pleasure. I was soo happy and even surprised with what I had created. It had captured all of my feelings precisely and it was then that I knew that I had a real and tangible God-given gift. There's no other explanation for it. 

I let it sit for a while then I gave it to some of my close friends and work colleagues to read and each of them had the same reaction. Almost all of them insisted that I try to get it published and I could laugh at this now but the first editor that I approached told me that "it needed to be fleshed out some more" (!!?) and that was really a deterrent. I tried one of the more prominent magazines in the country {the Trinidad and Tobago Woman Express} and off the bat, the editor Angela Martin said that she would publish it! I was making cartwheels:) And this is how "Lyn got her groove back!" lol. The reviews from this article (and others) were great...people of all ages told me they could relate. Even my lecturer commented on how it had touched him and made him reflect on his own life. One of my co-workers told me she heard two women speaking about it on a bus!! It was a-ma-zinggg and it gave me such a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to know that so many diverse people can relate to what I was saying! I had a duty to continue. 

This was my calling...I think every moment in my life has led to this...this is the reason I was share my story with the world. Hopefully to inspire, touch lives and influence change even if it's in the smallest way. Hey I still inspire myself to bring about changes in my life through my writing! (All of us have the ability, we just need to tap into our gift(s) and make it work in our lives and the lives of others.) A colleague of mine encouraged me to continue writing as often as I can and that's what I did. I contributed to this magazine for about two years periodically and also along with a Jamaican magazine. I then stopped to focus on my book which is a collection of all of the articles and more.

Here's a little piece of me...and a little piece of you. It's all of's life. It's Thinking out Loud. If you own your own copy of my book, I thank you from the depths of my heart for allowing me into your life for a moment or two. I really appreciate the support from my followers of this blog, my facebook page and my journey. So as I cross this new phase of my life, I hope for "Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference." It's remarkable what you can do with a little faith, encouragement and determination. As for my wishes and dreams for this year...sooo much awaits...change is coming...this year is it! I can feel it...Stay tuned to this space...

Best wishes to you. If you're celebrating a birthday or have just celebrated one ¡¡¡Felicitaciones!!!


Monday, July 23, 2012


Be grateful for life!! Because when you think you have it bad...look around...there's always someone worse off than you!! As my boss always says: "if you can't do better...make the best of a bad situation!!" #marionswisewords :) Wise words come but once... Spanish oral wasn't so bad...I feel sooo free & liberated!! Like I can conquer the world:) Happens every time...whatever the result...I'm grateful for having come this far.

Back to normally scheduled programming!!

Hasta luego todos...

Tues-Thurs - gym....
Frid-Sun - fiesta!!
(maybe till Wed if I'm lucky ;) *winks* LOL)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to measure success...

"Live every moment to the fullest so that you would have no regrets tomorrow. Measure your success by the happiness that you feel in your heart when you arise each morning; when it begins to get contagious and those around you feel it too; you know that you have achieved your purpose."
                             - Thinking out Loud by Carolyn K. Correia © all rights reserved
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Also available at all locations of RIK, Metropolitan Booksellers and The Reader's Bookshop in Trinidad.

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Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lights, camera, action!

Procrastination I'm sure must be a sin. I have this Spanish oral I'm studying for which I've known about for at least 2-3 weeks and although I think I have grasped the basic concepts from my studious attempts thus far, I find myself distracted. I'm missing a body building show under weigh now and I'm bummed! I know? Body building you say?! But yeah! I missed the gym for two days and I'm probably going to miss the beach tomorrow:( But soon I can relax and exhale once again as I return to the things that I enjoy doing the most. 

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now either, especially after I watched an entire movie!! One of the best romantic comedy/dramas ever - Brown Sugar (2002) with Taye Diggs and Sanaa Lathan. Maybe I'm overly sentimental but movies just gives you a really nice warm fuzzy feeling inside. Like writing/reading (she was also a writer/author and magazine editor in the movie) it allows you to see the world from the character's eyes...perhaps live a little vicariously through them. It allows you to daydream a little and catch a glimpse of the past and what you would like for the future.

With all the turmoil happening in the world today, like the recent shooting at the new Batman movie just makes you wonder. What internal processes goes on in a person's head in order to lead them to such mental torture and cause the wanton destruction of life. What has happened in their childhood or even before that...while in the womb (or time of conception if possible) that can cause them to trip like that? How come some people go through a lot of turmoil and pain in their lives and are still able to internalize and pick up the pieces of their life successfully and move on to achieve great things and others (who may not even have experienced a fraction of the same pain) cannot do the same? Is it genes? It is upbringing or socialization? Is it a lack of spirituality and faith in a Higher Being? It is the environment and the people and experiences they have been exposed to? It is learnt behaviours, habits and practices? Is it substance, science and modern teachings? I can't fathom what can cause a person to react in these heinous ways and cause all of this unnecessary, unsuspecting and unpredictable pain to sooo many lives.

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We have to be cognizant of the messages we are sending to children in their formative years. Especially for artists and producers of content we need to be our own gatekeepers of the messages available via the media ---music, movies, books and news. We need to be responsible and ask ourselves whether we should filter this from young impressionable minds from a particular age and as adults is it our civic duty to make a conscious decision not to consume or disseminate the undesirable streaming of content that can negatively impact a person's psyche and possibly change their thought patterns and lives of all involved forever.

I don't know but in today's world, it's really difficult to choose.

Let's ask the master Creator for guidance and not wait until it's too late and lives are affected. Let's make the right choice starting now.

Volver a estudiar para mi examen.
¡Deséeme la suerte!

 Back to work...wish me luck!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time for change?!

Are you LIVING YOUR dream? Or in practical terms...have your found the right career for YOU? Someone approached me today with the frustration they are facing with their present situation and choosing a new career path.  I offered this simple advice: 

  • Make a list of your strengths/talents & weaknesses; 
  • List what you like to do and what you don't; 
  • List 5 careers that you like which would exhibit your strengths & true potential; 
  • Next by a process of elimination cross off those careers on your list that are least appealing; 
  • Diligently take steps to achieve it & 
  • Pray that God will open a door for you to realize your dream!! 
  • Let go and release and watch Him work!! 
  • Remember to TRUST His timing!! 
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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Movie magic - The Amazing Spiderman!!!

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Just came back from seeing Spiderman and Iceage...fabulous movies...I wasn't digging Iceage in the beginning, but then there was a theme at the end..."family" and love conquers all and I ended up enjoying it.

Spiderman has always been a favourite of mine. [The following includes spoilers]. The villain was a scientist who knew Peter Parker's real parents. He was a scientist who wanted to remove the imperfections of humans and become bionic. He lost one of his arms and with Peter's (innocent) help he created a formula to grow his arm back by merging lizard and mice genes with his human genes. It backfired and he mutated into a giant lizard with superhuman strength and qualities. He thought humans to be weak creatures with flaws and he attempted to make himself perfect at all cost. In the end, with the help of Peter's girlfriend and her father who was the head of police....he reversed the process and the scientist helped Peter escape death when it really mattered. Before his girlfriend's father breathed his last breath, he admitted that he was wrong about Spiderman and the city really needed him. He also made him promise that he would stay away from his daughter to ensure her safety. Throughout the movie Peter loses many people close to him...his parents, his uncle, his girlfriend's dad...

You will have to watch the movie to figure out what happens next but I give it four stars ****!!!

Just goes to show what happens when man tried to question God...never doubt greatness!! You are perfect just the way you are.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heaven & Hell

After watching the documentary on 20/20 last night by Barbara Walters....about Heaven and got me to thinking....

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I was indeed sooo sleepy after a full week of up and down but thank God for technology I was able to watch it again online []. She is indeed one of the best journalists of our era and I look to her for inspiration. She gave us food for thought and raised the question of what will happen after death to the many people of different religions other than Christianity or even those who don't believe in God. This is a good question. It makes one wonder, if Christianity is the only way? Ms. Walters even interviewed some of the muslims who were incarcerated in the Middle East who thought that being a martyr (suicide bomber) would get them a ticket to heaven. She chatted with the heads of most religions including popular pastors, priests and even the Dali Lama. 

She spoke with scientists who believed that a "heaven or God" gene could explain why some people would believe in God and not others. Ms. Walters also interviewed some of the non-believers - atheists who gave their perspective and also spoke with persons who had near death experiences and saw a glimpse of heaven. Her colleague explored the concept of hell and the different versions adapted over the years including Dante's Inferno. Barbara also looked at the media, music and entertainment/movie industry's use of heaven as a lucrative form of advertising and marketing. She looked at surveys and polls done over the years to show Americans belief in the concept of the afterlife.

After absorbing all of this information, it's difficult to form just one opinion of heaven and hell. Each religion has it's own beliefs and they all have the right to it. But what do I believe? I believe in a God. A God who is just and also forgiving. I believe that He gives us many chances to right the wrongs before it's too late. I believe in a hereafter...what shape it takes is something I cannot comment on because it's an enigma. I believe that if you try to live a good life and make amends for your sins, follow the commandments and be at peace with yourself, others and your God, you can hope to see God's face someday. 

I do believe that charity and outward displays of Christianity are not a guarantee into the pearly gates. I don't believe that your contribution to society gives you a guaranteed ticket to heaven either, since there are lots of people who do good but are not good role models. I believe it's what's inside that counts....what's in your heart and mind and how you live. Only God knows this and it will be apparent in the blessings that you receive. To have a forgiving spirit is something that a lot of us find difficult but to practice humility and forgiveness is a commendable virtue. I believe in a God and I believe life is a continuous journey to prepare us for the afterlife. What you give, is what you get - so get it right and life right. The message is everywhere, it's what we do with it that matters. Be careful with what and who you believe. We all have a second chance starting now. Make it count!


Thursday, July 5, 2012


SPECIAL CONGRATS to all the SEA students in T&T that have passed their exams today and all the proud parents!!! You did it:D Hard work surely pays off...keep it up!! xo

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A little late...:(

Soo much happens when you're apologies...I  know it's late...but Belated greetings to my US neighbours on the nation's 236 years of Independence!!

Hope your 4th July celebrations was just awesome!! xo

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Let the vacation begin!!

Happy July 1st's officially "summer" for our temperate neighbours...and vacation time for the kiddies....for some parents too. Who's going to Disney World, Europe or visiting the Caribbean?....For us folks that have to work...there'll be A LOT less traffic...which translates to MORE ZzzzZ. Whichever way you're spending the holidays....Remember to Make it Count!!

Here's a tribute to 80s Sunday...the Legend himself------->