Saturday, June 30, 2012

Feature speaker

Hello all,

I was asked to give the feature address tonight to the graduating class of 2012 of my alma mater - Providence Girls' Catholic School. The theme was "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians: 4:13. 

This was truly a rush! Ladies and gentlemen I think I have found my calling:D

On to the next!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thanks for 10,000 HITS!!!

It's been a long journey...
THANKS for your support....
Could not have done it without you. 
My first 10,000 hits!! 
Let's celebrate this milestone with #virtual drinks on me:)


Weekends really rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. There are many things I am wishing for in the next few months...before the year ends. Most are apparent to those who know me. A change is coming and I don't know when or what exactly... but I can feel it. When change comes, it sometimes slowly creeps up on you and without even realizing it...BOOM! It's upon you. Although I can't make all of my innermost desires vocal here on this blog...I will say this...

All of our actions have repercussions and it impacts in some way our own lives or someone close to us either positively or negatively. Not all the time we realize this and we let our emotions get the better of us without thinking. Most times karma catches up with us when we least expect.

This week had it's ups and downs. Recently I feel like sometimes I am boxed into the confines of a routine I am not always happy with but then I look back and look around at all of the strides I'm making and I am thankful. When looked at in a holistic is really fabulous and beautiful with lots to be grateful for. I realize that everything can't happen all at once and things can't be all fun and smooth sailing ALL the time. Sometimes it takes baby steps to get from A to Z. Right now I think I'm at M....somewhere in the middle. Sometimes we may back peddle but most times we need to keep looking ahead and try to surround ourselves with uplifting people and engage in constructive activities that allow us to forge ahead and stay positive towards our goals. 

Optimism is a choice... It's a mindset. Depression is also a choice although in certain may feel like a disease that cannot be helped. But the mind is a very powerful thing. If you condition yourself and choose wisely what you consume (not only food and drink...but everything around us....books, people, entertainment, seminars, projects) I think there will be little time and energy for negative thoughts. Go outside...step out of the confines or shackles that bind you mentally and physically and therein you will find freedom, peace and strength to move beyond your present state of mind and make the change that you need.

I have good news to announce...I will have my second speaking engagement coming up next week. Details and photos to follow:)

Hope all is well where you are. Have a fab weekend. Till next time....Ciao. 

For more please remember to "like" my fan page on facebook--->  

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I've come to realize...

I've noticed that I haven't been blogging substantially as much as I want to. Now is a good time as any to get back into the groove of things. I returned from vacation and quickly got absorbed back into the world of work and well life. Things have been going well for the most part. I just received my first royalties for my book...that feels great! I have been doing some reading, networking and research online and I realized that there are sooo many more writers and talented people out there! What is different however I've come to realize is how people view their world and where their inspiration comes from. Although I can't expect everyone to have the same ideologies as me, it saddens me when people don't believe that there is a God. It makes me wonder where their source of inspiration comes from. I know I could not have accomplished anything without my belief in a Higher Being and I owe everything to Him as I could never have done anything on my own. I am by no means perfect but I believe it's my faith that keeps me afloat in a world where there is soo much chaos and confusion, hatred and deceit.

With age brings reason...these are some astonishing truths I've discovered over time:

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1) I've come to realize that sometimes people fail you including family and friends but what is ever present is your faith and willpower to bring about change in your life and rise above all challenges. 

2) I've come to realize that sometimes we can be our own worst enemy with thoughts of self-doubt, fear and negative thinking where we blame ourselves for our past and present circumstance. We live in the past and allow things and people to affect us adversely. Sometimes your inspiration can come from the strangest places. You may need to step outside of your own cocoon just for a minute to get air and change your perspective.

3) What I've noticed is that: times change but people rarely do. Someone once told me a long time ago that "a leopard can never change their spots." We often expect loved ones and those around us to alter their behaviour and become more like what we would like them to be but there's a slim chance of that happening. We either love them unconditionally (with faults and all) for who they are or limit our exposure to their negative effects ---sometimes for our own sanity. This doesn't mean that we love them any less but sometimes even the most potent elixir needs to be taken in small doses for maximum benefit.

 4) Know thyself. Sometimes many years pass us by and we still don't know who we really are underneath it all. What are our true talents and purpose in this world? What are our weaknesses and our strengths?  That's why sometimes we find ourselves in the same sticky situations time and time again and keep making the same mistakes of yesteryear. Sometimes we need to take an introspective look inside so as to avoid making some bad decisions. If we have true friends to pull us back and remind us every once in a while then I believe that you have found a little angel in your midst.

5) Fear and procrastination are our biggest downfall. Sometimes we are soo fearful of the unknown that we let procrastination get the better of us. We become so stuck in a comfortable routine that we allow it to hold us back and stop reaching for our dreams. We allow what people would say if we fail to keep us back from even trying. Sometimes we need to take a little risk to gain happiness and peace overall. Therein we will find greatness.

I think I need to post this up on my wall, that way I'll remember to take my own advice;) 
Thank you God for blessing me with these insightful thoughts and wisdom.
Infinite love and thanksgiving to You alwayz.


Happy Father's Day!!

Warm greetings extended to all dads on this special day. Special greetings to those new to this role as well as those dads who have stuck around through thick and thin.
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This is an excerpt taken from my book THINKING OUT LOUD

Tribute to all Dads especially my Dad...

Gives you the best advice without even asking what the problem is
Taught you how to ride a bike and drive
Believes in you even if no one else does
Is the best storyteller and comedian of all time
Knows when you need a hug or a good laugh
Knows how to fix most things around the house and taught you what you know about positive and negative in a battery pole
Can be counted on to find a solution to any problem
Taught you the value of a dollar and the importance of saving for a rainy day
Makes the best sugar cake and punches in the world
Knows how to keep the peace
Dad we love and thank you.
                                                       ©   Carolyn K. Correia all rights reserved

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Love the 80s?

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Good Sunday evening to ya! Hope you had a good weekend and got a lot done. If you're relaxing this fine Sunday or just finished the preparations for the brand new week ahead I've got a special treat for you! If you're a lover of the 80s like me you would enjoy this. I said I would do it...but now I'm doing it right...I've declared Sundays...Flashback 80s Sunday! Soo much feel good vibez. On this space we'll be celebrating once a week everything 80s from music to movies, commercials and fashion. The decade for the Big hair, hairspray and shiny clothes. [Soon there will be a 90s Rewind as well;) so stay tuned for that.] The great thing about the internet is that all our great memories of a golden time has been captured on film or audio. So feel free to post your own memories;) xo 
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Please "like" my facebook page and watch it all unfold here --->


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Like minds...

It's a great feeling when you discover that you have things in common with other people. Sometimes you feel that you're all alone in your emotions or challenges and it's comforting to know that there are other like minds who share your beliefs, values and goals or was once where you are now. I am by no way comparing myself to these fabulously successful entrepreneurs but I've listened to them speak and I sometimes hear my thoughts in their story. The common thread is that we all do what we do so as to enrich the lives of others. We have something to impart and share with the world. My goal is to inspire, to bring about change in my readers modus operandi or change their way of thinking for the better. In the process I also learn more about myself, grow and evolve into a better person so as to lead by example. We are all here to share and learn from one another and each of us have a special message to impart to another, we just have to tap into it and harness it.

I thought I would share with you a few other blogs I follow (which I wish I can really devote more time to reading!) but when something catches my's definitely worth the time. Some of them include:

Paul Coelho's Blog 
The Daily Love - Mastin Kipp
Marie Forleo
The Fearful Adventurer - A Blog by Torre DeRoche
Almost Fearless - Christine Gilbert

Just today a colleague introduced me to Robin Sharma's site....muy interesante~!

Check out his interview with Sir Richard Branson here! ---->

These are just to name a few....please feel to share your own

They say the internet is quickly replacing hard copy you agree?

The following video includes two of the persons whose blogs I follow:

Marie Forleo's interview with Mastin Kipp of the Daily Love --->

Happy Reading!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

9000+ hits!!

You've made me very happy!
Love you all:) 

Find me on Facebook

Bye bye Dallas...

Is it still Friday where you are? I wish I got the chance to wish you all a Happy 1st June....but in case I missed it....wishing you the very best for this month. Hope all your dreams come true. I'm finally back home after a fantabulous vacation. I'm sitting here wondering why did it have to end??!!But such is life. Got to do quite a bit within the time I was there and enjoyed every last drop. I have a few more days to rest and enjoy before it's back to reality once again and return to my day job;(

I think I have adjusted to the change over in time zones from Central to Eastern (or La Paz) time. My phone and watches are back to normal and the weather is a bit cooler....believe it or not! Did not know that Texas gets into the triple digits in May!  All through the night and morning before I left there was a huge thunderstorm and tornado threat. My flight got delayed twice...but thank God I'm back safe and sound. It was a smooth flight with little or no turbulence.

It's amazing how you can be in one place one minute and then halfway across the world the next! Technology sure is something. Although I miss Dallas and I did not get home sick not once (broke the record this time!) I am somewhat happy to be home again. You know what they say "there's no place like home." Now I know I'm only a phone call or 6 hour flight away from the ones I love;) Thanks to you for making my 1st trip to this city doubly special! XO

Vacations give you a new perspective and makes you appreciate the wonders and sheer splendour of this majestic universe and the people in it. It's worth it to step outside of your own reality for a minute to experience often as you possibly can. It doesn't matter where you go..."Just Do It!" 

For those of you thinking of taking a trip to Dallas, here are some of the sights to enjoy!

Lake Ray Hubbard, Rockwell

Japanese Gardens, Dallas Forth Worth

Botanical Gardens, Dallas Forth Worth

Gardens, Dallas Forth Worth
Garland, Dallas
Garland, Dallas

Dallas Aquarium

Dallas Aquarium

Facebook much? For more pics...go on down and "like" my new page --> ThinkingoutLoudbyCarolynCorreia

Next trip Reunion Tower fur sure!!

Have a great weekend everyone:-)
