Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Have You Disconnected?

Happy April! 

I’m not much of a TV person and the one in my room remains off 80% of the time, but every now and then I tear myself away from my computer to see what I’m missing. Before I know it, I get lost in 'TV Land' where somehow the characters reflect what’s going in my life at the time.
photo credit - C.K. Correia 2015

I remember a conversation I had two years ago in my old apartment in Tobago one night. I could hear my friend Sherry screeching into the other end of the telephone all the way from Trinidad: “Lyn you can’t compare your life to those characters on TV!” 

While this is true, television and movies sometimes reflects the experiences of their writers who are real life people just like us. (She wanted to hear nothing of this though!). I also remember blogging about it back then. It is however, up to us to disconnect when that hour or half hour is up and separate reality from fantasy. 

A good script, like a good book can relay messages that allow you to see your reality a little clearer or give you a different perspective on life. It may even provide healing or allow you to laugh at your situation which may be exactly what you need.

By all appearances today was a great day. It's the little things that somehow elicit good memories like having the funniest chat with my cousin on the phone, completing an article I was working on and running into 6, count them six! friends on the way to and from the gym today. Despite all of this, tonight I felt a lingering uneasy feeling that I cannot quite describe. 

Still very much in mourning, I try to distract myself with all the exciting things going on in my life, like my new book. Maybe it’s lack of sleep! Then I turn on the tele and escape to a world where nothing else matters. 

My hour is up and I have disconnected from their world. I have laughed and found the lessons. Now I’m back to regularly scheduled programming and ready to embrace my life once again. 

Let's transform our dreams into reality this April and in the months ahead. Stay tuned to this space.

What are some of your favourite shows and what has it taught you?

Peace & Love

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