Thursday, March 26, 2015

How Do You Know When You've Found Your Purpose?

I've been bad. I haven't blogged in a week. I guess it's just one of those spells. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing. So much going on as I plan for my upcoming workshop and book launch.

photo credit - C.K.Correia All rights reserved 2015
I had my first assignment as a features writer last evening. It was an amazing rush. I really don't know what all the nerves were about since this story exceeded my expectations. 

It was a human interest story and though I can't divulge all the details at the moment, I left inspired. It is my deepest wish that I too motivated the group in some way. 

Fear is a big part of some of our lives. I wrote about this in my second book. I had no doubt that I could write the article, but it was the interview and facing a new situation/group that I was uncertain about. No matter how many times I've conquered similar fears in the past, I am still nervous before I make that step. That was worry wasted since my fear left as soon as I stepped into the room and introduced myself.

Once we condition our minds to overcome our fears, we begin to believe that we can do anything we set out to do. Self-talk is good, visualization is better. This helps to block out the external "noise" and the negative thoughts in our subconscious. Our life can be an example to others. We must try to live our passion daily in all our interactions and this will be reflected in those we meet.

When I returned home last night, I was energized and on fire! I was happy to make a difference and glad to interact with new persons. I felt connected to their mission and drive for improvement. I felt at one with myself and my purpose. I thought that if I could do this everyday for the rest of my life, I would have found eternal joy.

What if I tell you, that you can find this too? Believe in the dream for a better day. Stay tuned to this space for more.

Peace & Love

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