Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Making Your List, Checking It Twice: How To End The Year With A Bang

This article was first published on Elite Daily: Read it here: http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/making-list-checking-twice-end-year-bang/842742/

There’s one more month to go before Christmas and soon, we will be decorating our trees and ushering in a brand new year. But, before we start singing “Auld Lang Syne,” let us rewind and reflect on the past year.

Did you accomplish all of your goals? Did you fall short? Here are some of the items on my checklist that I hope you may find useful:

Did I stay true blue?

It’s important not to get sidetracked or deviate from your original goals, but it’s also important to stay open to the infinite unexpected possibilities that may await you in the future. Similar to a business, we must have some sort of a strategic plan for our lives.

Whether it happens every few years, annually, quarterly or monthly, it’s important to have a game plan. I do it annually and then mentally check back every few months to ensure that I’m on track. That’s my first step toward realizing my goals. 

Although things may not all happen at once, it’s important to have faith in the unknown and relinquish your attachment to the outcome. When we cling to one outcome rigidly, we close ourselves off to other opportunities that may present themselves along the way.

You may walk down the street on your way to the post office with that goal in mind, but you may also meet a friend who could deliver your package directly to its destination. The latter is only a possibility if you are able to engage that person in conversation and remain open.

If you remain rigid and unable to be flexible, you will never know what else is out there. 

Did I commit?

Sometimes, life gets so busy that we forget to follow through with our goals. In order to scratch off achievements on our to-do lists in life, we need to stay organized and dedicated enough to live up to the expectations we set for ourselves.

This past year was my first as an entrepreneur and I learned many things along the way. I executed some things according to plan and monitored them closely, while with other things, I started too late and failed to follow through. But, it’s all part of the exciting learning experience.

I am glad that there are people in my corner who were there to offer support and guidance. It’s important to first have a plan and create a system within your work space to regularly remind yourself what you need to do and when.

Did I set realistic goals and timelines?

Goals are important, but being practical is equally as important. When you rush in too soon or force something, most times, you will end up having to re-do it and in the process, you will expend twice the time and resources. And, you don’t want that!

So, to avoid the risk, do your research and assess your goals adequately. Give yourself breathing room for unexpected delays and setbacks. It’s important not to beat yourself up over the details, as hiccups are natural aspects of life.

You may also find it useful to solicit the help of a friend who is an expert in the requisite area or to get some professional help, like a coach or mentor.

Did I learn from my challenges?

For many years, we may have been doing things the same way, but expecting different results. Life is about learning; if something isn’t working, perhaps you need to change it up and do something different. Perhaps you need to have a backup plan, should things not work out by a particular time.

When you learn from your past, you will be able to chart a better future. I have found it useful and cathartic to blog. Suddenly, my thoughts and concerns focus themselves, as hindsight is often 20/20.

Did I give back to those in need?

“To whom much is given, much is expected.” This saying rings true for events in both business and personal lives. When we contribute our talents to good causes and return to others what we have received, we often reap the rewards tenfold, as doing so creates a cycle of reciprocity. Also, it feels great to give and great to know that someone else is better as a result.

Make your own checklist and end the year with a clean slate.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Book #2 Update

So I'm back -- 2 blogs in 2 days...Whew! I'm following the advice of someone I met at my networking shindig on Friday--which is to blog everyday. My friend Nigel and another IT pro told me this years ago when I was launching my first book. I did it for a while then went back to my old ways. 

Nigel even gave me the audio book Crush It by Gary V and again I digressed. But Bernadette convinced me to get back on track. I know this is important especially since I'd be launching my new book soon, as my friend advised the first time around. The question now is how to monetize my blog and get more hits among other things.

photo credit - C.K. Correia All rights reserved 2014
Botanical Gardens, Dallas Texas
Speaking of books...I received the second draft for the cover design of my new book last week and was thrilled at the progress...Just a few more changes, then I would be good to go. I have one more chapter to write along with the epilogue, then off it goes to get an affidavits then edited. 

My designer and editor are one of the same person with a plethora of other credits to her name. I'm super excited to be working with her and always so pleased and satisfied after each of our Skype meetings. 

Last night I wrote my bio and book synopsis to be placed on the back cover. I read it for my family during our hospital visit today and everyone loved it. My friend and marketing guru Yohann also shared his excitement and had this to say: "I love it Carolyn...Love your writing style...simple and real...no forced extravagance in your structure and wording." 

Luckily I had professional headshots taken last September 2013, so that's one less thing to worry about. I must send some love to a few friends who I bombarded via email and whatsapp this week while deciding on the best shot for this and the cover design (Ashley...we can still work out your commission when it hits the NY times bestseller list! lol)

I must also say a Big thank you to all those persons who proofread for content way back in the early stages when the vision for this book was not even yet fully formed. Also thanks to the last two kind souls who willingly accepted the challenge despite their demanding schedules. Your efforts are immensely appreciated.

The next few weeks are going to be super busy as I prepare for the new year and tie up loose ends for this one. But first I am going to be still and soak in all that has happened in 2014 and give thanks for my blessings great and small. Like my mother always said to me as a child: "Carolyn, Rome wasn't built in a day." 

When I receive messages, emails and phone calls from friends, acquaintances, associates and some mere strangers telling me I've done a lot and doing great things...it warms my heart because I don't even realize it myself at times. I just keep going, stay open and make the most of opportunities when they come. Their words gives me hope and spurs me on to reach my destination....and I know "I'll get there when I can!"

Fancy this post? Drop me a comment in the box below or subscribe!

Peace & Love

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Night of Networking and Fun!

Last evening I attended Network 4 NetWorth 2 at the President's box at the Queen's Park Oval. The event was hosted by the Nova Committee of the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry & Commerce of which I am a member of the latter. 

It was an evening of new connections, like-minds, lots of ideas, good conversation, scrumptious hors d'oeuvres and a fully stocked bar. I'm having a hard time deciding which one I enjoyed the most...lol...Just kidding...the purpose of the event was fulfilled and well executed in my opinion. I have no complaints and I can't wait for the next one.

I have attended other networking events in the past and even proposed to host my own at a couple organizations of which I am/was affiliated, so this was a great experience for me. Most if not all of the persons were new to me, so I worked my way around the room trying to get to know a bit more about everyone and also share what I do. Some were even interested in my business and me theirs. 

I did not know what to expect at this particular event, so in lieu of business cards, I printed flyers for my book and business. Each business was supposed to be paired with other companies that can benefit from each other. Though I never met my partners (not sure if they showed up), I am satisfied with the result.

This weekend I will be planting seeds and see what springs root. I am excited and thrilled by the idea of possibly working with so many SME's and inspirational business owners and assisting to bring their dreams to life while exercising my own creative talents. 

I got some advice about blogging in general and others are reviewing my sites and assisting me with info on how to get over the hurdles of placing my audio book online. I met someone whose business involved the delivery of fresh produce to your door...Market Movers Ltd...and you can even order online! Did not even know this existed in Trinidad. Amazing. I met those who are involved in the manufacture of soaps and some who are in the same field as myself. 

I'm excited and can't wait to start putting these ideas into practice and reaching out. Hopefully photos to follow soon!


If you stumbled along my page, you can connect by dropping me a line on the contact form on your right or emailing inspirationescape@gmail.com or get updates via facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ThinkingoutLoudbyCarolynCorreia or twitter @lyncorr. To learn more about what I do, you can also visit http://www.hicomegaconsulting.com/

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My 12 Minutes of Fame

So many great things happening this week.

On Tuesday I attended my friend Maxine Attong's book launch. I saw her dreams turn to reality as she put to bed her "head book" Change or Die and ushered in her passion, pride and joy which she calls her "heart book" --Lead Your Team To Win. I listened to her eloquently bare her soul in some instances and express what the publication of this book meant to her and the long journey which led to this moment. As I listened, I couldn't help but find some similarities in my own work/life/passion experiences and what led me to write my second book. 

What struck me during the guest speaker's speech (Keston Nancoo) as he drew reference to Maxine's book, was when he said as a leader you must listen impassibly...from the frame of reference of the person speaking. You must give the other person the opportunity to be heard. He said that at times most persons in leadership positions walk around like they are the boss while others don't view them as such based on their behaviour. 

The author's own experiences and metamorphosis as a successful leader brings home the points made in the book. This makes it very real and personable which is very attractive to me as a reader. As a former HR professional and now business owner I can't wait to purchase my copy on kindle!

My 12 Minutes of Fame

Also on Tuesday I received a text from a friend to appear on a local TV talk show called D Lunch Room on Synergy. He asked me to come on the show to promote my newly launched audio book of Thinking out Loud. 

This is something I always shy-ed away from for whatever odd and subjective reason...even when the bookstore offered to set up radio and TV appearances for me back in 2011.

This was the biggest mistake I ever made since I don't know what I was afraid of in the first place! I almost turned it down and recommended Maxine to go on the show! LOL. My friends knocked some sense into me though. My sister and another friend watched it and they said I was awesome! I felt like I could talk all day...I answered even the most difficult, personal questions or successfully and eloquently dodged it and steered the conversation in another direction! lol...I surprised myself and I think I'm  now hooked...on to the next! Big thanks to all those who had confidence and supported me.

From my lips to God's ears

The good news doesn't end there...for the persons who have been following my blog...my loved one of whom I spoke of earlier is being discharged from the hospital soon and I found a nurse to do house calls last night. Yes indeed I must say again that GOD IS GREAT!

Peace & Love

ps I also got the preliminary cover design of my new book...it looks fabulous and I can't wait! So far everyone loves it...The excitement is building...and the countdown to publication is on!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I've Been Down That Road Before And This Is What I've Learnt

I am often reminded that life is unpredictable as the rain and things can change in the bat of an eye. So much has happened since my last blog on Tuesday. While I can't divulge the details at the moment, I can share my feelings and what I've learnt. 

Someone very near and dear to me has become very sick over the last few days and well months. It's not something someone can foretell. I don't even think the gravity of the situation has hit me as yet. I feel strong on the inside and I carry this on the outside knowing in my heart that everything will be okay. And as I just told my mom, I've prepared myself for the worst so once I accept that, I am prepared to deal with anything. 

During my overnight stays and 12 hour visits at the hospital, I realized the enormous capacity for love and selflessness I really have inside. It suddenly came flooding back like snapshots from a camera through my mind's eye, all the times this person was there for me when I was ill or wasn't myself. I still remember and these memories are golden and I always feel soo connected in mind, body and spirit. 

photo credit - C.K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved
Chaguaramas Board Walk - Trinidad
When I held his hand the other night, I could feel his energy radiating through my body and even felt some currents of pain. I asked God in that moment to take away his pain and transfer it to me, as I would do anything in the world to make him feel better.

Tonight as I returned home with my family, I asked myself how come I don't feel sadness and appear to be so strong under pressure when everyone else seems to be crumbling. I provide comfort to others and words of inspiration as though I am bionic woman and I am baffled by the conundrum. 

Then I turned on the television and listened to a popular preacher who said something that resonated with me. He said that the valley/darkness had given me the strength and prepared me for this  moment. This could have some truth, but could it be the total explanation? Or have I just been through so much that I have become numb?!

What I've Learnt

This much I know: We go through so much during our lifetime, that it is easy for our heart to become blocked. Whether it is a loss through death, divorce, break-up, disappointment, job or reversal of fortunes, it is important to ask ourselves how this situation has changed us. 

photo credit - C.K. Correia 2014 All rights reserved
Chaguaramas Board Walk - Trinidad

We may never learn the reasons why, but what did we learn about ourselves and what can we do differently next time around? Did we learn kindness, forgiveness, patience, strength, discernment or acceptance? Are we better for the experience(s)? 

Is it a message to become all of these things; perhaps change our life or some deeper message to help others with their own?

I am still searching for some of my answers to which only God has the pieces to this puzzle. However, if we have patience and listen when He speaks to us, we would finally "find our peace," let go and open our hearts againSometimes he speaks to us through other people, dreams, situations or by listening to our heart.

Today I practice acceptance, patience and forgiveness as I release my burdens, brokenness and  intentions onto the Father and wait on the answers. I don't know what the future holds, but I keep steadfast in faith and resolute confidence that my prayers will be answered.

For more, please join me on my journey>>https://www.facebook.com/ThinkingoutLoudbyCarolynCorreia

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Take That Stroll With Me Down Memory Lane

I will attempt a short blog tonight. I think I'm getting the hang of brevity.

Over the past few days I have been taking it easy...a much needed time out after burning the candle on both ends with late nights/mornings at my computer trying to perfect everything and cross off things on my to-do list for 2014. Have I succeeded? No. There's always something to be done and accomplish. As I say in my workshops: There is always more. The moment you think you've done it all, is the moment you stop living.

Yes so I've been sleeping...a lot...Did I mention that already? :) It seems my body is more
photo credit - C.K.Correia 2014 All rights reserved
Fort George, Scarborough Tobago
tired than I thought. I could not even make it to the gym today. As I have neglected my exercise routine for many months, what's one more day right? 

I've also been watching more television than usual. Usually just the BBC. But a moment ago I watched a portion of a re-run of Scandal and I remember seeing it while I lived on the sister-isle of Tobago last year... 

My mind works in such strange ways from ever since I can remember. My thoughts took me back to another time and place so different: the feelings, goals, experiences...But most of all the independence and my mental state almost a year ago. I began to get nostalgic. It feels like a lifetime ago, yet the thoughts are so potent and fresh as if it was just yesterday. I felt as though I was teleported thru time back to those moments and feelings. Ahh life!

Have you ever experienced how amazing it is when a song, a word, a movie or photo takes you back to another time? Sometimes to a place that you treasured or maybe something negative that you can transform and learn from. It's not living in the past, but the choice is ours what we do with those memories and how long and often we choose to replay it in our minds. I was talking to my uncle who lives in Canada via Skype on Sunday night about the same thing. (Skype by the way is so amazing...I've been using it even more this year for business meetings and to connect with friends and family in various parts of the globe). As I played and sang along to some oldies on my computer to him, shared articles and discussed life...I felt as though I just created a memory of that moment. 

Memories are such that some persons may feel the same way in the moment and then that's it...the moment is forgotten. Sometimes the memory is so strong that all parties will cherish them forever. Other times the memory is just another event and not strong enough to qualify for remembrance for either party. And yet other times we want to bury those memories because we are afraid to confront the feelings it presents to us. 

Life is so complex and I'm not sure I'm qualified to unravel the meaning. Each person processes things in different ways which is what gives our experiences meaning and uniqueness. It's how we deal with them that matters.

Live a little, Love a LOT...Make each moment Count.

Peace & Love.

Can you relate? Please post a comment or follow my journey by connecting with me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkingoutLoudbyCarolynCorreia

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Is It Just Me Or Do You Feel The Same Way?

I must admit once again what a big addict and fan I am of #GoogleAnalytics With that said, huge thanks to ALL the new visitors to my blog from countries worldwide, even as far as Australia and Poland! It's an honour to have you stop by :) Just to be clear I can't see your email/IP address or anything like that, just how many page views from each country, so feel free to get comfortable and visit often!

photo credit - All rights reserved 2014
Turtle Beach, Tobago
Tonight I did the usual post mortem of my most recent workshop and I reflected on all aspects of the content and delivery. Of course there are always ways to improve. There are questions to ask: Did I share too much?....Did I forget to say something?....

And interactions to access: Did I live up to my objectives? Did I inspire/motivate?....Did I assist with change....a catharsis/healing?....Did people get as much from it as I initially thought? A wise person told me a year ago to never make any claims in the first instance. But I digress...

I learnt a long time ago that I can't please everyone but I can certainly try! I know it's a seemingly futile feat but it's  a challenge I am willing to undergo. Just as a participant said at the workshop last night, that they want to rule/heal/fix the world...I wrote in my second book years before, that I always wanted to change the world. As I grew older I thought I did not have to do this in a grand way as I once figured, but in little ways I can influence change through my writing and then my speaking...it all adds up. And it has started...

It first began locally (with a very prominent magazine), then regionally (Jamaica), now internationally and there are so many other things in store which I can't divulge at this time. A simple google search of my name has revealed that my articles have been shared as far as South Africa, the Philippines and a New York radio station. That blows my mind every time.

My blog which I started since November 2008 has spanned countries globally as far as China, France, Spain, Italy, various European countries, Mexico, India, the Caribbean and soo much more. Sometimes I hurt my head worrying why persons don't always comment and share, but the mere fact that they are reading I guess is motivation enough for me to continue doing what I'm doing. I must be doing something right...Right?

A person may not comment (positively) but maybe for some reason or another my thoughts/words doesn't resonate with them at this particular stage in their life, because they are not on that path. However I strongly believe that my messages have value whether original or not and the delivery coupled with my personal experiences can impact lives. It must be noted that the inspiration behind it was all original and divinely ordained.

I feel in my heart and soul that one day whether it's a week from now, a month or years from now...something I would have said may linger in their subconscious...(they may not even remember who said it)...but it's the hope that it would have caused some (however minor) shift in their thinking or modus operandi to improve their lives/relationships in some way...or allow them to find peace.

In my blog of September 18: "A Half Way Decent Life" (http://inspirationescape.blogspot.com/2014/09/half-way-decent-life.html?spref=tw), I promised a Bucket Happiness List. So here it is. 

This pretty much sums up what happiness means to me:
  • Happiness or rather joy does not mean an all day shopping spree or material possessions. I've had that for many years and acquired most of what I now need to function comfortably and competently. Now that I have to make cut backs and necessary lifestyle changes for the growth of my business, I honestly don't miss it...I make do with what I have, I have fun in my own way and within my own circle of friends and family and I am totally content with that.
  • My time is flexible. I am free to do the things I choose to do with my day whether it's a meeting on location, cook, go to the gym, travel or spend quality time with family whenever I want. I can write at 3 am in the morning and wake up at noon (although I seldom do the latter as duty calls...very early sometimes).
  • Most of all, joy means being at peace, doing what I love and knowing that I am bringing about positive change/growth in myself and those around me. Joy means scratching off achieved goals on my to-do list of life. It means self-actualization and faith that I would get exactly where I need to be in time. It means concentrating on my own journey, less comparison and trusting God's timing and plan.
  • Joy is not allowing negativity to get the better of me. It's listening to that inner voice and continuing to do/improve me.

What does joy mean to you? Do share your thoughts by posting a comment...

Peace & Love

Happiness Squared!

Today (or rather yesterday) I hosted my workshop Charting Your Destiny for the rest of the board members of an association where I am appointed. I think this trumped the very first workshop that I did. 

Based on the feedback from the first and second sessions, as well as subsequent presentations at various companies, I incorporated new icebreakers and content to further enhance the experience of participants.

It worked! :-)

The first session was good...but persons were more engaged this time around.

I look at the pictures and you know what? We had a ball in the process. 

We shared, learnt, laughed (a lot) and loved. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside:)

Persons opened up and shared a great deal of personal memories, milestones and lessons that were once buried in the recesses of their minds. I felt touched and honoured to be part of something so memorable and moving. It was amazing.

I also shared some of my own very personal experiences and "Moment of Truths" that I don't usually speak about. 

I am new to the board so the members expressed their pleasure and gratitude for such revelations, as they had the opportunity to discover more about me and my very unique personality.

It's strange...but I've only known my colleagues for a few months, yet I felt comfortable and at ease sharing my innermost feelings, projections, discoveries and even vulnerabilities. What's more everyone embraced my position and offered support, empathy and advice as they were able to identify with some of my own experiences. 

It was a learning experience for me too. I not only learned about our shared human experience, but they also gave me tips and feedback on how I can improve my future sessions.

Every workshop I gain a little more confidence as I am able to relate a story and engage the participants upon a path of self-discovery and information sharing. I am sure we are closer as a team and able to understand each other more as we continue to work together as a unit.

As I said today...I really think this is where I belong (workshops/entrepreneurship) and I can't wait for what lies ahead as I continue to Chart my Destiny and work with other groups.

To my fellow colleagues: I thank you for the opportunity to share and I look forward to what's to come. Wishing you the very best in life, work and love.

Peace & Love.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Signed, Sealed and Delivered!

So #happy to announce that the National Library of Trinidad and Tobago has purchased 35 copies of my audio book of Thinking out Loud!
I can finally say it's official! YAY!
#MakingItCount #AnAuthorsDreamComeTrue #DoingCartwheels

Does Your Life Seem Like A Revolving Door?

Trying to stick to my weekly blog is hard...but not for the reasons you think. Sometimes I want to blog more than once a week since I have soo much to share...it was actually recommended a long time ago by my IT friends, but I feel as though I would be bombarding people's inboxes with too much of ME! Yet here I am. I am thankful if you are now opening your mail to read the words on your page despite all the other distractions of daily living.

I find that sometimes when you least expect it, your inspiration comes from the most
photo credit - CK Correia All rights reserved 2014
Grand -Mal, Grenada
unlikely places. These last two weeks I learnt something important about human nature. Never listen to hearsay. See and hear for yourself. Despite the appearances of what may seem like superficial interactions, your presence in another's life means more than you know. They may never tell you this, but you make an impact however small but noteworthy. 

The people you have met along your journey did not cross your path by accident. Your life and presence has value. It is up to us to sift thru the clutter and disguises, see behind the veneer of the intentions of others and reach within to find what you were placed on this earth for. I may have shortcomings, but it is not the be-all and end-all of my existence. There is room for growth and time for change. What's even greater is that my shortcomings do not define me...there's much more to me than what one or two persons may see or think. The same is true for you.

With that said, I will tell you what my friend Nigel said to me a few days ago:

"It matters not what is said or thought by others about you, but what is thought by you about you....The few that pursue their mind's meanderings remain the envy of the coward, the amusement of the fool and the admired of the sage.

He went further to say:


Potential is a heady spirit that should be voraciously consumed, for unlike wine potential sours with the passing of time.

Drink and be merry

I told him he should copyright that before I steal it. lol. But I give him and God the credit.

Over the past few weeks, I have received this outpouring of love, blessings and encouragement in my entrepreneurial journey and it is so heart warming. Since I made the decision to leave the corporate world in fact, everyone that I meet has this uncanny and resolute faith and confidence in the success of my business....even when mine is flailing at times. I stopped thinking it was just politeness after the first dozen people! I guess my passion is contagious. I just need to stop jumping ahead and make this moment count. Focus and acumen will find its place with practicality and steadfastness.

I often find myself being placed in the same situations over and over. However it is not one I welcome. My friends tell me that my life is an ongoing adventure and mini-drama series. It is never boring! I plead to listen to their life story for a change, but they tell me there is no need...it's not as exciting as mine! Sometimes I wish that I could say that for a change. But I digress. 

We may find ourselves in the same old (sometimes negative) situations because something from our past needs to be resolved. We never got the closure we needed or dealt with it properly, so it manifests itself again through different people until we work through our angst. God finds a way to help us get it right. This is my spin on it which I go more in depth in my new book to be launched later this year or early 2015. 

So much more exciting stuff to report which you would read about it another blog but I thought I'd change it up tonight.

Please stay tuned to this space and keep me company as my journey unfolds...I can't do it without you!!

Peace & Love

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What I Learnt About Joy

Happy November 1st!

Warm greetings to all the new and returning visitors to my blog and social media pages. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. I am happy to report that I received 6 comments on one of my last posts : "I Can't Believe What Just Happened!" (you can view it here:http://inspirationescape.blogspot.com/2014/10/i-cant-believe-what-just-happened.html)!! Many thanks to Keisha, Kai, Shelley, Brian, Arnim and Joanne. I am glad to know that you are still reading...please keep the comments coming!! It fuels my passions.

I learnt from a friend last week that HAPPINESS is a temporary state, but what we should aim for is JOY which is eternal. I know I blogged briefly about my experience last Sunday but I must share with you what I mean... 
photo credit - NALIS, Trinidad & Tobago

Last weekend I participated in a Storytelling Event at the National Library of Trinidad & Tobago, in commemoration of Library Week. I told the story of Rapunzel (with a twist) to many screaming kids  (and adults). 

I must admit at first I got cold feet when I saw the size of the audience! For a brief second I wanted to turn around and go home! But luckily I found the inner strength and courage to overcome my fears and the rest is history. To see and hear the screams and smiling faces of the kids as they responded to my questions was like a sugar rush (without the sugar!). It was amazing. 

As I walked back to my car parked on St. Vincent Street Port of Spain, suddenly the world seemed a little more beautiful as the sun was now setting in the capital city. (Can you imagine? I felt like I was still in the fairytale that I just read). With a broad grin on my face, passers-by probably thought I was a little coo coo:) lol. Maybe I'm a little emotional? But I digress.

My Mom called to find out how it went and I could hear the pride in her voice as I related the story on the phone. I also called up a friend to tell her about the event and she told me the story of joy. I told her that things like this brings me true fulfilment and happiness and imagine if I did this everyday how I would feel. I would no longer let petty things get to me or allow people to rain on my parade. She said to me that joy is everlasting and I should continue to use my gifts to bless others. 

Right there and then I knew that I made the right decision to leave the corporate world and follow my dream (at least for now). Although I am not making tons of money by which success is often measured, I feel that I have accomplished a lot within the short space of time. I am still learning by trial and error and in time I have faith that I would get where I want to be. But for now, I am exactly where I need to be. 

I could have done some things differently in hindsight, but this day is mine to explore and Chart my own Destiny! The wisdom of the past makes me more in tune with what God wants for my life. I leave it up to Him.

On another note, my SHRM exam is over and done with and I hope for the best as I await the results. That's one hurdle crossed. My magazine editing is completed (hopefully) and I await the next step. Hurdle #2 completed. 

I can now concentrate on my personal and business goals for the rest of 2014. #1 on my list is completing my book and getting it published. And also more emphasis on marketing my workshops. These things have taught me so much about people, teamwork and inner strength. I also learnt a bit more about myself, my limits, likes and dislikes or rather pet peeves.

November is here...2 more months for the end of the year...what do you hope to accomplish? Are you happy with where you are and things you have done thus far in 2014? I would love to hear from you!

Peace & Blessed Love.