Wednesday, March 28, 2012

80s Extravaganza!

I've dedicated the next couple weeks to the BIG 80s....the era of BIG hair, hairspray and shiny clothes. Let's take a walk down memory lane with this one!!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's take a stroll down memory lane:)

Did I mention how much I love the 80s??...not that I remember too much...but I just think that was one of the best decades. Television, fashion and don't talk about the was just a fab era!! In tribute, here's a flashback to one of the most memorable TV shows of that many of you remember this one???!!!

Enjoy! Have a gr8 week everyone!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It doesn't really matter...

photo credit
A lot of the times we wonder about this thing called human nature. What makes one person react totally different from another? What drives us? What inspires us? How come one person may take a liking to an idea, a product, a photo, a food, a person and another hate the very thought of each of those individual things? I often wonder. Sensitive maybe a tad, but I guess that's what makes me unique....and able to write this blog which in itself may not do a thing for one person yet another may be totally inspired.

I don't want to try to dissect every thought and come up with my own explanation for what I think causes all these reactions and emotions but I will say this. People need to be comfortable with who they are, their journey and individual experiences, history, connections and accomplishments at their stage of development. For that is exactly where we need to be at any given moment. That's what makes us who we are: unique and created for a purpose. God made us unique and with the ability to co-exist in spite of our differences, unique gifts and talents.

Let's try to make it work. Life is too short. Let's all try to get along. For when this world all ends, there's nothing we can do about it and we can't take any of these acquired possessions with us where we are going...and in the hereafter (if you believe in it) we are all the same. The job title won't matter, neither would the beamer or the benz or the mansion in the hills or the house with the seaside view. It's all to be enjoyed in this life and it can be taken away at any moment.

So celebrate your differences and look within and utilize your God given gifts so that when you leave this earth, you would have left behind a legacy by influencing lives for the better AND remember to Make it Count.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My New Book now Available on KINDLE!!!

EllivenEye photography Neville B. Alexander
Pigeon Pt. jetty Tobago
Hello folks...thank God for LinkedIn. After much resistance I joined the site during our Carnival time off. I must say it was one of the best things I ever did. I was able to meet new people, network, join groups and more. Via a writer's forum, I was able to learn how to publish my book to kindle on amazon...amazing!! This after searching the internet and amazon for months sporadically. I was able to successfully complete the process this morning in less than an hour. I was surprised when I got the email notification on my phone a little while ago that my book is now live!! Voila!

Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to announce that my new book THINKING OUT LOUD is now available on AMAZON'S KINDLE STORE!!! Woohoo!!

Please follow the link to purchase your own copy:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Paddy's Day folks!!

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.

–Irish blessing

Some facts about St. Patrick's Day!

  •  St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated yearly on 17th March by the Irish to mark the arrival of Christianity in Ireland;
  • “Green” is the colour internationally associated with St. Patrick’s Day since it is an Irish holiday thus people like to wear Green on the day;
  • Many Irish people will visit their churches on St. Patrick’s Day celebrating Christianity in Ireland.
  • St. Patrick’s Day also lifts the restrictions on consuming alcohol and eating restrictions from lent. (Lent is another Christian tradition).
  • In 1903, Saint Patrick’s Day became an official public holiday in Ireland.
  • St. Patrick’s Day is probably the most widely celebrated saint’s day in the world.

Why wear Green??! I bet you didn't know!!

 Quite interesting to note is that the official colour for St. Patrick’s Day has not always been green. Originally the St. Patrick’s Day colours were Blue! The colours of St. Patrick’s Day changed to green when Irish Soldiers in the 1798 rebellion decided to wear Green Uniforms to make a political statement. The color green has significance importance in celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. It is said that St. Patrick’s used a three-leaved plant to explain the Holy Trinity in Christianity and the colours of the plant leaves were green. “The wearing of Green” symbolize that the person celebrating St. Patrick’s Day are a Christian and believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

So now you know!!

Have fun...everything in moderation:)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Growing passion...

photo credit -
Sorry I've been away from my blog...been busy with all sorts of stuff.

At the moment I'm working on a project for Spanish class....procrastination I swear should be a crime! I completely forgot about this project on the weekend...I'm usually not this complacement. 

I'm also on a weight loss drive...must get back to my old self before it gets out of control. People who know me are probably wondering what weight but I know! So yesterday saw me at the gym right after errands and Spanish class. I wasn't the only one there at that hour...the gym comes alive after 7pm!!

Today I did a demo for voice-overs...*excitement* absolutely love it! Apart from writing, this is my new growing passion. Will really like to get to read for documentaries as well as some commercials.

Also looking into the possibility of turning my book THINKING OUT LOUD into an audio book this is good thing that I stumbled upon. At the beginning of the year...I prayed that I would be led to this and less than 3 months later! Voila! It's happening:-) See folks anything is possible once you believe...think and speak it into action. I didn't even know where to begin or how it was going to happen and now I'm here. But easy does it...small steps is what I'm going to take because I have a lot going on already But it's all very exciting nevertheless...can't wait!! Can you?

Stay tuned.

It's hasta luego for now...until next time.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Morning Laugh

Good Morning!! Or afternoon depending on where in the world you are. Hope everyone had a good weekend. 

One of my friends posted this to their Facebook page and I couldn't help but was so funny I had to put it up on bbm as well.

Hope it gets your Monday started chase those blues away! 

And we can find the moral in this story: There's always someone bigger and stronger than be careful and cautious with your thoughts, tongue and actions.

Have a gr8 week!! And Remember to Make it count!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Women's Day!!

You are woman!
You are invincible!
You are strong!

(Adapted from "I am Woman" - 1972 - Words and Music by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton)

Believe in yourself and don't ever let anyone make you feel less than the wonderful and talented person that you are! Try to empower another woman or girl today! Have a good day and Remember to Make it Count!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I want change!!

photo credit
It's weird how I come alive at these odd hours of the morning. Just came back from seeing the movie Gone and I was going to sleep but the light on my computer was luring me back here I hour later...bright eyed and bushy tailed even after a glass of vino! I've been perusing other blogs of writers the months leading up to my recent book launch and continuing up to now I've noticed a it's good to know that I'm not alone in this night time ritual. So if you're visiting for the first time welcome to my blog Moment to Moment and welcome back if you've bookmarked by page and are a regular visitor...that in itself means soo much.

This week was a very eventful week. A week that found me wrapped up in a multitude of emotions. And as I let them all unfold: anxiety, excitement, joy, happiness, frustration, anger, embarrassment at times (don't ask:p)...I watch it take its course and then release, realizing that everything lasts for a time and then it slowly dissipates. Sometimes change is good but you just have to wait on that wave...and not a moment before. "What is for you is for you."

On another note, I've listened and observed people and at times I wonder why everyone can't be on the same wave length. Alas! we weren't all created the same...with the same mental frame of mind and rationale/reasoning capabilities. Such is life. People of all different backgrounds are brought together during this dance of life and you can never predict why certain people "click", why certain people react the way they do to situations and say the things they do and why no matter how hard you try to convince someone that something may be good or bad for them - they may never see things the way you do. And most of all why people at one time or another will always let you down without fail no matter how genuine they purport to be or how long they've been putting up a pretense for multifarious reasons. You win some you lose some!

On Friday, one of God's messengers delivered a special message to me which in a nutshell was to look at the bright side of life and be thankful for what you have. I know this is what I exude in my writing but I felt stuck that day [in real life] for some reason since something I've been waiting for hasn't arrived yet although I was sure this week would have been epic....(but I guess it's still too early to tell). Being human I was getting impatient. I don't know what exactly was said to make me change my outlook but whatever it was - it worked. Sometimes we have to trust God's timing because He always delivers on time.

For those of you out there wondering: "what the heck is this girl talking about" I'm not one of those bloggers/writers that believe in pouring out your life in a public domain unless there is a lesson to be learnt. So to all of you going through your own stumbling blocks or issues whether personal, family, job or career related I say this to you: 

Sometimes we may be waiting for change to come but as the saying goes: "the only thing constant in life is change" and we may need to make that change happen by what we put out into the universe. We hold the key to our destiny but God provides the door. It is up to us to find the right key to open the right door at the right time. This discovery is dependent on how we conduct our daily affairs. The change we may be looking for may be in the manner in which we live our life... sometimes we may just need to do something differently...or adjust our modus operandi. 

For some of us, we are propelled on a particular path because of a chain reaction of events that we have caused to happen. Did we give directions to the stranger that approached us on the way to our daily activities? Or did we mutter under our breathe and hurried along our path saying that we were too busy? Did we go to that "meet and greet" at our college or did we sleep in because we partied the night before thinking it was not that big a deal despite the reminders of the importance? Did we pass up that promotion because it wasn't that much more of a pay raise in comparison to the work and responsibility not knowing that it could have eventually led to something bigger and better further afield? These are all life altering decisions that can steer our life along a totally different path based on our mindset, disposition or circumstance. For some of us it can open doors [that we were led/destined to] because we hold the right key and can lead us to fulfill our true potential and ultimate happiness. And others may remain stuck because they let an opportunity pass them by without even realizing it. 

Again not everyone has the same mentality and instincts. So because of a simple decision or [temporary] state of mind...some of us are still waiting for that wave to come. The question we need to ask ourselves [myself included] is: Which category do I fall into? Am I one of those persons? It's easy to say that we will start anew and do things differently from this moment onwards but Rome was not built in a day...our life is a work in progress...and it's never too late...our change will time. Internal change brings external outcomes and infinite possibilities.

So to that special person...
Thanks Aunty Marion (aka #bosslady *winks*).

Have a great night...ohhh it's Sunday:) Some of us haven't gone to sleep as yet....Ciao