Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Set a new record!!

¡Buenas noches mis amigos!
Las Cuevas Trinidad & Tobago © C. K.Correia

Yep that's the effect Spanish class has on me. My day just escalated on the scale of enjoyment after that class. The things a foreign language can do! Can't wait for Thursday (jueves)! 

So with Christmas just a fond memory...the New Year well under way....and here we stand at the last day of January...waiting at the door of February...my how time flies! I hope you made this month of January memorable. As we look forward to February...let's put our fears aside and embark on a new adventure to create new memories and break our previous record!

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!!

Hasta luego~

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Make it count!!

Hello my lovelies:)
Peakes sunset image courtesy C. K. Correia

It's been a while. Just got home from a day out. Felt like I needed a time-out. After doing my errands, I decided to treat myself and I did a little bit of shopping. After that I stopped by a friend of mine who is always a good hostess:) I really need to be grateful for the little things more, for they make it all worthwhile. Yesterday morning I saw a rainbow as a I was driving to work and it always makes me smile...had to take a pic and put it up on bbm. How many things like this go unnoticed because we are too busy or too caught up in our "own little Idaho?" There are many things....while I was at the carwash the other day, I saw the most beautiful scenery outside the gas station near the ocean as some guys were playing football. Again, I put it up on messenger and in a matter of minutes persons were messaging me to find out where it was! One of my friends even went to check it out himself. Beautiful and majestic this universe is! We need to learn to appreciate it more for all it's worth!

Here are a few ways that I have learnt how:

  • Discovering that there are many different languages, countries and cultures to explore e.g. taking a Spanish class, travelling to a new place or rediscovering an old one
  • Slowing down long enough time to smell the roses literally!!

  • Discovering the beauty or a different side of people
  • Learning to appreciate music
  • Discovering different ways to express your talents
  • Being thankful for the small mercies and luxuries you are blessed with: ability to express yourself freely/live in a free country, talk, sing, dance, walk, exercise, play, go to the beach, listen to music, drive
Rainbow QPS - image courtesy C. K. Correia
Last weekend of January already! Make it count people! And remember: there's always a rainbow after the storm once you walk in faith:-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Freedom: What's in a word?

One last thing before I hit my sheets...
google image

For many of you interested in quitting the rat race for your own dream job in the not too distant future, here's an entrepreneurial article that I wrote for a business consultancy blog:

Freedom: What's in a word?
Enterprise Hub http://www.enterprise-hub.com/page11.htm

Check out this awesome review of my book: Thinking out Loud!


For more info and/or business advice/training needs etc...you can check out the Enterprise Hub's website or facebook page.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Break Free!

photo credit - flikr.com
Ever thought you needed to do more? To surpass your previous limit you set for yourself? Soar above the ordinary...beyond your own expectations. Just do something spectacular, ground breaking and out of this world??! 

At I lay under my blanket yesterday evening (with all the rain we've been having in these parts) the thought drifted into my head and I thought and THOUGHT, brainstormed and prayed for an answer: a [creative] brain wave as my boss would say lol. I did not put too much thought into it but soon I will come up with the answer...would not rest until I do! I do not know exactly when I became this driven but it sometimes keep me awake at night (not really but I thought that statement had a dramatic appeal to it:)

I absolutely LOVE creating new things, coming up with new ideas and ways to do things differently...to get a stir and reaction out of people...something to get oohs and ahhs and wide eyes and dropped jaws:) Maybe it's my nature, someone once told me that I crave attention - wasn't really a compliment at the time, needless to say I used it to my advantage. Maybe being the last child in a family of five...it's something inherent in my nature...who knows. Hey my major wasn't psychology although I did do well at the few courses I took. I feel like I have soo much to say, to get off my chest...to share with the world. That's why at times I feel a bit stifled, not able to do this fully. As I said in my book, this blog is cathartic and it's a release for me to purge myself of all emotional build up throughout my journey... as we all do. I think everyone does it each in their own way. I love self-expression both verbal and written and I wish I had the time to devote more time to it....to just write and write and record/broadcast away! Time will tell. I guess I have to put aside a little time day by day until I achieve my goal and have another published book under my belt...ohhh how I long for the day!

Until then...my audio book is my next project. I have been getting requests for a translation into Spanish and kindle....but that will take some time. In the meantime....please feel free to peruse the preview and order yours today on amazon shipped to you anywhere in the world. Isn't technology amazing? http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Out-Loud-Carolyn-Correia/dp/1105184382/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1326334445&sr=1-1 (US) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thinking-Out-Loud-Carolyn-Correia/dp/1105184382 (UK)

Thanks for your support. My blog readership is growing everyday. Please feel free to drop me a line so that I know what you're thinking. And to think my blog was first a very private blog only visible by a few close friends and family...now I feel so liberated to share my photos and videos unabashed...I'm viral! My! how I've come such a long way...all thanks to my co-worker Nigel:-) xo

Be blessed and have a great night and day tomorrow folks. See you in the manana!

Viewed my photos from the launch for the first time since December and took me back....might surprise you next time....Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Audience Reviews


Here are what one of my guests had to say about the author! Many of the persons present were instrumental to me compiling my book in the first instance...without their encouragement and support from inception, it would probably still be a pipe dream waiting to happen.

Could not capture all of my guests on tape....though everyone in the room spoke at the launch and said very lovely things...ENDLESS THANKS to everyone for making my first Book Launch such a memorable night.

Golden memories...that's one of the reasons why I am not going to do it all over again with a public launch...it just won't be the same. Somethings you just don't do twice.


Many Blessings to you:)

Hope you enjoy!
Feel free to post your comments

Celebrate all year through!!

Hello again...

I know the season is gone and this reading is a bit dated but Christmas should not be just a "once a year" feeling. It is a celebration and thanksgiving for all of our blessings for the year made possible through our Lord and Saviour. With this said, I thought it only fitting to share with you an excerpt from my book "Thinking out Loud" which is now available on amazon and lulu publishing:

Love you all...please feel free to post your comments.

Reading from my Book Launch hosted on December 17th 2011

¡Estad atentos!
[translation: Stay tuned]

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let go and Live your life!!

Hey folks...

Sorry about my absence this past week and last weekend....it's been a rough few days but the good news is that I'm back! Going through some life changing decisions on all fronts and trying to figure out what's my next step.

I have some more Good News!! Last weekend I was able to finally upload some of my videos from my Book Launch onto youtube!!! Woohoo!! I wanted to share them with you right then and there but there are a few bloopers and I wasn't sure if I wanted to let the world see this. Still undecided....what do you think? This is the first time you will be meeting me...Hope you won't judge me too harshly by it!

All things remaining the same...it was a fantastic event and the memories were golden!! Would not change a thing..except maybe if a couple of my other close friends could have been there: Reena, Nadia, Roxanne & Danna!! Luv you all and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do...and can share in the moment. XOXO

One thing I've learnt from this past week is that "after one time is two" as we say in trini. I'm learning about people more and more everyday....every year...and every season. When you think you know someone...something can happen to make you realize how genuine your interactions with them were. I'm not saying that I am a perfect person...by no means. 

As I said in the closing remarks of my book we are a work in progress and we're  never too big to learn from anyone...even a child. We all have flaws and idiosyncrasies - that's the whole purpose of life...to learn and grow and help each other along the way but when someone cannot accept that and look beyond their own imperfections and biases then something is terribly, terribly wrong and there's no point to continue alliances. 

Unless one party does something absolutely unforgivable and crossed the line of morals and justice and the situation/damage is deemed beyond repair then by all means...throw in the towel. But if the sole reason is pride and petty differences then perhaps a historical review has to be done of the interaction/friendship/relationship. 

What I always do is take a look back and make a judgement as to if this person was really genuine all along based on their reactions and interactions. Most times I have cause to do this, the outcome is sometimes not so surprising...because usually upon true reflection they are not that genuine. 

Anyway....enough of my ranting..."like a bridge over troubled water"...once again I had to make a decision about someone I thought was for me. In the end you are better off without people like that who are pretending to be in your favour. I've found it best to nip it in the bud, divorce yourself completely and cut your losses when you realize this. Don't ever make anyone feel that they are more important than you! #lifelessons.

Onto "happier, shinier" thoughts of upliftment and motivation. I'm compiling a list of all the things I want to accomplish this year...tangible and intangible. Can you come up with your own list? Can you give yourself a deadline as to when you want to achieve the tangible things within your control? Let's go!!

I believe in you...I believe in me...I believe in us!! "We can make it happen if we try." The sky is the limit to achieve ALL that we want to see happen materialize in our lives this year so give it your best try and Remember to Make it Count!!!

ps...I started my Spanish class this week....¡Me gusto mucho!! ¡No puedo esperar para hablar más español!

Hasta luego amigos~ 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

4000 hit marker!!

photo credit -orangerice.deviantart.com
Ya know ya got it bad...when you just got home from gym and all you can think about is your blog! [lol]. Not food...not washing your hair...but checking the stats on your blog:-)....Yup...so other than the weekend, the past few days weren't the best but I feel great knowing that someone other than me is tuning into my blog...:) Would like to announce that thanks to you my great audience...my blog Moment to Moment...has just crossed the 4000 hit marker!!! Woohoo:D

Everything would be just perfectomundo now if I can make a living writing full time...but until better can be done...Imma keep on pushing forward to realize that goal one step at a time. Got to see my cousin from the US yesterday and we had a great time catching up (luv ya Des). She finally got to see my book and loves it...that support feels great.

I meet with another bookstore tomorrow or Friday and I'm hoping they carry my book...can't wait to see the response it gets there. Many people have been commenting on my press promos and that's also great that the media has supported me in this effort to promote my book. Still thinking about radio....arghhhh....don't know why it fills me with such trepidation...but have to make a decision soon.

I'm also looking forward to my Spanish classes next week!! Finally signed up last November and got accepted to do it at the Venezuelan Embassy. Can't wait to habla mas espanol! Soon...soon....

Some other stuff is posing some anxiety but it's comforting to know that I have genuine friends who truly care that I can rely on. When all else fails...what's a girl to do but.....go shoe shopping!! Yup so that's what I did Friday evening after work. Also bought a few books and an audio book that day and earlier in the week. Already finished reading one of them. Thought I'd share with you...

This is my MUST READ list:

Jonathon Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach (reread this one after first reading it over 10 years ago---finished it in a day!!)
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho (half way thru)

These are on my waiting to read list:-

64 Lessons for a Life Without Limits - T.D. Jakes
Singin' & Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas - Maya Angelou

Check them out [& of course my own book Thinking out Loud Available here---->https://www.lulu.com/commerce/index.php?fBuyContent=11764998] and tell me what you think!!

2 more days for the weekend:) 2012 is racing already:(
What I've learnt is to LIVE in the moment and revel in all it's splendour because tomorrow is promised to no one...the past is gone...so remember to learn the lessons and put it away...for this moment right here is YOURS, so claim it and Make it Count!!!

Now back to my soup-making etc [split pea btw yum]
Best to you & yours:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It was the Best of oatmeal...it was the Worst...

photo credit - C. K. Correia
What to blog about? That's the question I was asking myself as I sat in church tonight. Believe it or not, most times I have no idea what I'm going to blog about when I begin typing....and this is one such time. I feed off of my brain wave/inspiration at the time....or things that have happened in the past day or week. Well, this week was a whirlwind of emotions. It started off great with a public holiday of course when one of my long time friends came over for lunch with her family. It was a nice visit since we haven't seen each other in while and a good way to start the week and the new year. The work week started on Tuesday on a good note when one of my co-workers alerted me to a feature/interview with me in the press about my book. I knew it was going to be published soon but wasn't sure when sooo I was elated since I got a full page feature with photos. You can view it here (minus the photos):

While a lot of positive things were happening to me personally, a lot of stuff was happening around me that caused me to react. Sometimes, we are a product of our environment and at some point there comes a time in our lives when something happens for us to realize whose side we are on. Or in fact, is it our choice to choose sides? When we are faced with a situation that causes us to pick a side because our livelihood depended on it, are we responsible enough to remain objective or do we allow our emotions to get in the way? I am not only talking about myself but to each of us that ever had to pick a team for this is a reoccurring decimal for me. Are there any real winners and losers out there or are we all focusing on self-preservation? This is a means of venting and since I can't reveal the true source of my dilemma, I trust that only if you've been there before you would be able to relate. 

Sometimes persons have to take an introspective look and also a look at the bigger picture as if on the opposite side...as a stranger looking in and it just might reveal some startling revelations. It may reveal that in the real world there are no grandiose plots of scheming, espionage and sabotage. And what remains is our outlook and perspective. Every dark cloud has a silver lining and every disappointment is a blessing in disguise once we are able to separate ourselves from the anxiety, confusion and anger. I have certainly done that over the years and everyday I am thankful to God above that I was able to move on from some of the lowest points in my life, find the reason and meaning, learn the lessons, break the shackles that confined me and overcome EVERY disappointment without fail. You only know what you're worth once tested.

On a happier note, the year begun with me selling eight (8) books in five (5) days...I am elated:) And another book promo feature is appearing tomorrow (Sunday) in one of the most prominent magazines in the country....the Woman Express!! You can view a preview here:

This week, I have a meeting with another bookstore in an effort to have them carry my book in their store...can't wait;) 

Stay tuned!

Have a great week folks....and wherever you and whatever you're doing Remember to Make it Count!

Feel free to post your comments and for global readers you can purchase a copy of my first book Thinking out Loud via this link:

Happy Reading!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dream a little Dream....

photo credit -tourochina.ca
The Internet and the media on the whole are great places to dream. Sometimes we don’t have to leave the comfort of our home to discover a brand new world outside of our own reality. Books are also a nice escape from reality to live vicariously through the eyes of the author. 

This new year 2012, I am like a lot of people re-evaluating my goals. I remember when I had just graduated from high school and was thinking of going to college abroad, I often imagined that after school my dream was to live in a Manhattan apartment and work for a magazine! Little did I know that there was someone else with that very dream which we would later see on television years later on Sex in the City (there was no Mr. Big in my dream however and mine was minus the escapades:).

photo credit - © C.K. Correia - North Coast Trinidad
My dreams morphed from one idea to the other over the years. Later on I wanted to move to Europe and fall in love with a dreamy stranger in a romantic metropolitan city with the bright lights and magical allure having a candlelight dinner at a new and quaint spot every night. 

Of course these things did not happen and in hindsight I don’t think I missed out on much. Since then I have become older and wiser and realized that everything that glitters is not gold and I have found my own fantasy right here where I live in the Caribbean. 

I have travelled to Europe and the US and while I loved the experience, there's no place like home. Trinidad & Tobago is a lovely twin-island Republic with lovely warm (and sometimes rainy) weather and beaches 24/7. It is rich in culture and history and there are still places that I have not visited believe it or not! 

The food is FANTASTIC! and the people are warm and friendly and always up for a good lime (or party) especially at Carnival time. Of course who can forget the many public holidays like this one today and cultural festivals year round! My parents are close by and I never get home sick.  Who can ask for anything more?! 

My life is pretty comfortable and thanks to God I am living out all of my dreams right here in my little idyllic paradise. I have everything I need and it can only get better with time (knock on wood). Sounds a bit too good to be true (some of you may be shaking your heads... but I have learnt over time that in life you have to make the most of what you have and be grateful for small mercies and simple pleasures. 

Happiness is a state of mind not an acquisition of material comforts. If it was the latter then you would always be chasing the illusion and searching for happiness. When you find it...grab onto it and don't let go!

So this New Year I have many projects in store already – one of which is to record an audio book of my first publication - Thinking out Loud. And also to launch my Event Management/Broadcasting/PR/HR Company and work more closely in my field is another goal of mine. But I decided that I would not rush the future. 

Everything happens in it’s own time once you are persistent enough and that I am. I plan to savour the moments more….(we are already two days into the new year already! Can you believe it??!) and squeeze every last drop out of life. I plan to make time to do the things I enjoy but don’t get consumed by it all…and also spend time with the people I love.

I look expectantly towards the future and creating new memories. Can't wait!!

Whatever you're doing and whichever part of the globe you're at, do remember to Make it count!!!!

What are some of your dreams and goals for this year?? Feel free to post your comments.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! Many, many BLESSINGS to each and everyone of you!!

Peace & Love,

Don't forget my book is available locally at RIK Bookstores nationwide and for my international readers, you can purchase a copy right here by following this link:


 Here's a couple reviews that were published in the local press:


I wish to thank once again my global community for your support since I could not do any of this without you!!! :) 

 Happy reading!!!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!

photo credit -wallerpaperswide.com

It's January 1st 2012!!! A brand new year for a new beginning to wipe the slate clean and start anew!! Let's make a promise to ourselves that we won't let anything hold us back from living our dreams this year!! Let's make it our best year yet!!