Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Breathtaking View

I started a most unorthodox post a few nights ago…but had to retract it because it just wasn’t representative of this blog Moment to Moment. Last week I was griping about a lot of things, which I have since resolved. Sometimes you just have to step back and change your perspective in order to appreciate life for all that it is and that’s just what I did. In my case, it took a trip to the gym to clear my head, toughen up and change my perspective. Cos let’s face it; some things are just out of your control. If we could help it, I’m sure most of us would rather be working from home and would trade in our work suits and overalls in a heartbeat for swimsuits on an exotic island sipping pina coladas and going to the spa. Ahh! If only life was that simple! But seriously, I was talking to a co-worker today and he happened to mention his real passion and all I could hear was the things that were keeping him from living his dream. And without prying, I tried to tell him that he shouldn’t let anything hold him back, but people I suppose need to do things on their own volition and in their own time. I have been taking steps gradually over the past 2 years to start living my passion and it’s happening slowly but steadily. This blog is a growing passion of mine, which is really exciting when I think about it. Thanks to my many international readers I am able to reach a global audience, which means my message is getting out there and that makes me super happy. I take this opportunity to encourage you to leave your comments so I know what you’re thinking. I would love to hear from and learn more about my European and North American neighbours!

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Life is great folks. A wonderful blessing to behold. The routine may get a bit tiresome at times but when the bigger picture is viewed from a distance…the sight is like the scenery at night from a hilltop…. absolutely breathtaking with all of the individual lights that shine and sparkle for the world to see. You’ve only got one life to live, so live it up the best you can, cos you never know what may come your way. Fill it with the things that matter the most: people you love, pastimes you enjoy and passions that enrich lives and allow your talents to shine through. Do you feel it? It’s coming….....the moment you’ve been waiting for…..........ultimate fulfillment of all your desires…..............your life is now!!!

Hope you’re enjoying your view from whatever corner of the world you’re at or time zone you’re in! ©


Friday, January 7, 2011

A Look to the Future

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Well the holidays are behind us and I am a little sad to take down the Christmas lights, tree and decorations this weekend. Even sadder that my vacation is over and I had to go back out to work today! (Not to mention having to explain to everyone why I came back out to work on a Friday!). Driving home tonight there were little or no lights left, the 6th day of January being officially the last day for lighting up. This dates back to Christian tradition, where it is supposed to be taken down 12 days after Christmas or the day after the Epiphany. Last night I sat outside on the porch and then in front of the Christmas tree for the last time, soaking up the last of the lights and the festive season. I know you’re probably saying what a drama queen… but I just love Christmas! And I’m sad to see it go already…it’s as though it just went by in a rush. Wherever did the time go???!!! I can still remember Christmas Eve as though it was yesterday! But apart from the lights, I will especially miss the music and the food! Yumm….no more fruit cake and ponche de crème! Ahhh. There are still some pastelles in the refrigerator though, which I shall be selfish with and use sparingly. As far as the music goes, now I have to listen to the onslaught of bacchanalia on the airwaves as we approach party central as the momentum of the Carnival season is building and soon to be in full swing. Although I do like some songs, I am not a big fan of Carnival, which is unheard of in these parts with the exception of a few. But what can I say? If you can’t beat them join them right?! Lol. To each his own.

On another note, I look towards this year with a feeling of hope and anticipation. Although I look with favour on the latter part of the year, I can’t wait for each month to unravel…but I resolve to savour each and every moment and make it count. Take it slowly and enjoy to the max! I have many aspirations that I would like to see fulfilled, one of which includes the publication of my first book, which is simply a collection of short articles and the continuation of another book which was put on hold for a number of reasons. With faith and persistence I will…I must reach my goals!

What are your dreams for this year? I hope you are putting the balls into motion, for now is the time to grasp it with both hands and don’t let it slip away, for time waits on no man. You may not get another chance, depending on what your desire is. If it requires planning and thought, you need to set timelines for achievement, so you know exactly where you would like to go and how to get there. Don’t let anyone steal your joy and passion or tell you, you can’t. Forget the haters, pessimists, and naysayers…anything you desire can be yours in time. Believe it, and it will be yours. ©

I will leave you with this quotation from the good book: The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” [Ecclesiastes 9:11].


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy and abundant New Year 2011!! May all your dreams come true this year!!