Happy New Year 2010!!!!
This blog is designed for anyone who dares to dream BIG dreams or is interested in self-discovery: for a deeper meaning to life. It was not intended for the purpose of extending advice, but merely to share the author’s views on life. It is meant to take you on a journey of the mind, body and soul...to make you stop and think. Let’s explore together…
At one time or another we may ask ourselves the question: “Am I living the life?” Or “am I doing what I was put here to do? ” If it is that each of us were created for a specific purpose, then the next question should be: have we found that purpose, or are we just going through the motions? And for those of us that have found our purpose are we really living the life? Maybe it is not for man to judge but what matters is that we are comfortable in our own skin. What is also important is what we carry deep inside which will be apparent to all, as it is manifested in the blessings that we receive...(c)