I learnt about a month ago that one of my former co-workers and friends has cancer.
Age 38. Cancer. I still can't believe it.
She has a husband and a 5 year old son. She came to my house with her family just a few months ago in seemingly good health. Wow! How life can change in the blink of an eye. I visited her today and she is surprisingly in good spirits and doing better than me! And some of us complain about our lives!
She thanks God every day that she can wake up and look at the sky and His glorious creation through her window. I was hesitant to step foot back into a hospital after the ordeal with my dad just months before, but I had a meeting today closeby and sucked it up and went. I did not regret the decision.
It was difficult seeing her like this as she lost a lot of weight. When I first opened her door, I did not even recognize her...sadly. It was heartbreaking and I almost became emotional (so out of character for me). But when I heard her speak, I saw such courage and strength that was truly admirable.
Imagine she wants to go on radio and talk about her illness and even write a book. Her hope fuels my strength and drive to make the most of my life, even on my off days. She said to me, "when you feel like that Carolyn, just think about me."
Food for Thought:
LIVE life everyone. It's unpredictable and sometimes harsh, but as I told my friend today and a month ago, it's all about conditioning the mind. It's your greatest asset. Positive thinking and faith can restore hope and healing in even the dimmest situations.
Every day can't be marshmallows and buttercups. You're gonna have your off days, this is life, but you must dig deep to find the strength to show up, put on your happy face (and your best dress or trousers!) and life your best life. You only have one crack at it.
As I prayed with her and read from my new book, I realized that she has already won this battle.
I wish I had half her strength.
Until next time,
Peace & Love
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