Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy February!

So we're one month into the new year oh my!

What can we say we have done to position ourselves to invest in the future of our dreams? So okay, you are not exactly where you thought February would find you...don't worry...consider January to be like a test drive for a new car. You have an opportunity to try it out first and make sure it runs just the way you like before you invest in the real thing. 
photo credit - C.K. Correia all rights reserved

Many of us may want a particular make and model of a vehicle, but for some reason we are hesitant to make that final investment. The commitment, the sacrifice, the sweat, the tears. But if we want the luxury and convenience, it's all worth it in the end. 

No taxis, buses or trains, no standing in lines or waiting on anyone, no running late for work and can just pick up and touch your starter any time you like with no pre-meditated planning and thought. Ahhh! Yay! The freedom and independence of owning your own vehicle...Wow!

So it is with our life. We must plan and take charge. We must sacrifice and commit to a plan so as to enjoy a certain lifestyle with rewards. Yes we want to fulfil our purpose and help others, but we also want to live comfortably and securely. So whether it's landing that job of our dreams, starting our own business or acquiring those new contracts we must have a plan of action and stick to it. Lofty are our goals but steadfast are our intentions that wins the race. 

I must admit that I often make snap judgements before thinking it all through, but I pray and seek God first so as to find the answers to life's many enigmas. I am a work in progress...far from perfect...human like anyone else. I make mistakes, I have transgressions and I take steps to improve, renew and evolve with every stride. With the help, advice and encouragement from my family and friends, I know I will make it and succeed with my goals and intentions. Worse case scenario: it doesn't work out exactly as planned, I know I have a back up plan and God is great and works miracles in my life without fail to see me through to the next phase.

As I sit here nearing the midnight hour typing this message and using this platform as my catharsis, I am thankful since I do not have to pause or think too hard about what to say to you tonight. As always, the words are flowing and the keys are in constant motion. It is purely my inspiration escape. I had this conversation several times with many people over the years and more recently with a friend of mine in Tobago. I always have time to do what I love. It doesn't take long and it's a joy to fulfil my passion with almost effortless ease. 

I am amazed and humbled by God's work in my life. I am thankful for my gifts and I will use it to the highest good to fulfil His deeper purpose for my life. I have been getting great reviews over the past few weeks in particular about my blogs and I thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to comment. Please keep them coming!

As I am back home, I am thankful for the past week and all it brought my way...the people, the situations, the revelations. I am glad to be home again and grateful for family and friends. I feel blessed to be able to be living my dream at last. I take this time to pause and silently release my intentions for February and the rest of the year unto the Lord and ask for strength, foresight, patience and wisdom. 

I also pray for each of you reading these words that your are able to visual and mobilize your intentions for the year. This is your year that your dreams take shape and come true. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way...This is the year that you LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE YET! 



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