Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Year...Another Milestone

So I guess I am to now expect all of this excess energy on the threshold of my birthday. It's now the norm...It's a little past midnight (at the time of writing --not posting) and although I had a grueling day, I'm suddenly bursting with creative energy and pumped!

...Yes in a few days I will be one year older...My how the years passes by! I remember like just yesterday...25, 29. 30...Imma stop there! I think of them all as milestones, so I am doing my yearly wrap up yet another good year.

They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...well the gift of life is certainly beautiful. Although every waking moment cannot hold the same euphoria, I am grateful for them ALL. And though I no longer consider myself a 'younging' in relative terms and things are pretty good, I can say that the best is yet to come.

I can safely say at this point that I am truly happy and liberated. Some things are just priceless and incomparable to anyone else's experience, so when you find it, recognize, appreciate and hold onto it for as long as you can. 

My experience as I turn this corner, finds me totally independent, fulfilled as I am doing what I love, a strong sense of self, at peace (most of the time!), with a great support system, beautiful, idyllic surroundings, inspiration, a creative environment and the ability to write. Last but not least I have ENOUGH. Enough of everything I need to make me happy. 

Some may say I don't ask for much, but happiness is also relative. This is what drives me and with this I've found utopia. (At times I think I am oblivious to external realities that may exist and other times I focus too much on them, but you could say I climb out of my bubble every now and then to speak the language and co-exist with the real world and when I'm done I hop back in to protect myself from the harsh realities that attempt to steal my joy :-) 

Seriously though, I write what I feel at the time. It comes with effortless ease and for this I am eternally grateful to the Creator of such gifts. This is when I am truly happy, unabashed, fulfilled and it brings to the surface all subconscious thoughts that linger on the periphery. 

A very wise person just told me that "life is filled with uncertainty and disappointment" but that's life...don't let it get the best of you. Make the most of YOUR reality that is your life. Things are not supposed to be perfect all of the time. Every day is not filled with rainbows and daffodils. When time gets rough, swallow down the insults, blink away the tears (of sorrow or anger) and THINK before you speak. I'm still trying to do the latter! Oh and don't ever forget to pray, thank Him and never lose faith! 

As for I ascend to the mids of my high I prepare to cross over yet many more of life's hurdles this year...I thank God for giving me the strength to cope, getting me this far, blessing me and showing me His favour. 

I am very excited about the coming year and earnestly look forward to what it may bring as I have many plans for myself and for my life. I hope to be an agent for change not only in my life but in a global context starting with my writing and much more. I look to the future and hope and trust that my new dreams come to fruition. 

The celebration starts today! 


Peace & Love

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Book #2...2014...Here I come!

So I sent a pdf of the first 5 chapters of my latest manuscript thus far to my kindle...I couldn't wait to read it when I got home from work. There was a power outage earlier too so it was just me, my words and complete silence. I was kind of nervous to critique my own work but ohmy! I must admit it sounded pretty good. At times I couldn't even believe that I wrote it...Thank you Lord for this gift and providing the inspiration to continue‪#‎humbledandblessed‬ I am super happy with the progress I'm making...YaY:D Can't wait to see how it turns out...I have identified 2 test I'd know if it's just me tooting my own horn...then I'd decide what needs to be tweaked or reworked. Soon I will have to research publishers...traditional publishing it is this time...Any suggestions? Book #2...2014 here I come! (:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Moriah Old Time Tobago Wedding

I had the pleasure and opportunity to experience yet again something unique and distinct about our culture: Moriah Ole Time Tobago Wedding. The event took place as part of the Tobago Heritage Festival and I must say it was an experience that I always wanted to behold! I guess there is a time and place for everything...

stage props
Well the bride was late....or was it the groom?...the reason behind this was funny to listen to which was best told by the storyteller! Whether it was the groom's ill-fitting shoe or the bride's seamSTRESS that caused the delay, it was definitely worth the wait. 

The regalia adorned by the dancers in the procession were spectacular. Men in their top hats and coat tails and the women in red, gold, yellow and pink long time dresses and umbrellas to seal the deal were a sight for soar eyes. To see the fancy foot work of the multitude of dancers all dancing in unison were another story by itself! I'm sure it took hours and days or probably months of practice. 

stage props - ole time Singer sewing machine
The procession was led by the mother and father givers who gave their blessing to the bride and groom who drank from the cups given to them. Next rice were thrown to usher in the couple. The "chariot" as well as the ladies and men balancing artifacts, breadfruit and bananas on their heads followed the bride and groom. Some dancers even broke out (or 'bruk' out as we now say) at the very end in some very dramatic moves which had the audience cheering for more. This was followed by the first dance as the production ensued on stage. All in all, it was a day well spent in Moriah! Tobago Sweet 'too bad!'

Thursday, July 18, 2013


So many times messages get distorted somewhere along the lines of communication. Have you ever tried to tell someone something and after it is communicated to the intended party, it has been garbled into a completely different message and has taken on a meaning (or life) of its own!? Or vice versa, when you receive a message intended for you, it has been imbued with all sorts of 'noise' (feelings, biases, prejudices, opinions, lack of knowledge etc) and has adopted a different meaning from what the ORIGINAL sender intended?! How can we avoid these nuances and miscommunications in our every day life? Simple: Go to the source. Without being paranoid...use discretion and never believe 100% everything you hear, especially things of a negative nature. 

photo credit 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Choose your words wisely

Sometimes the most unexpected people are the ones that surprise you. Some for good, some for bad. Sometimes you burn to learn. But you have to learn to trust sometime. Better to trust your instincts you say? Perhaps, to trust mere mortals is a volatile game. But life IS a gamble. Keep your enemies close, friends closer are the warnings of the wise. But when we learn to choose our words wisely, there is no need to walk on eggshells since we have no fear of the harm they bring. Other times, you would come across people that are just a joy to be around, it's hard not let your guard down. Above all be guided by your faith and TRUST in God for He would never lead us astray or watch us fall. Even if we do, it is to learn a lesson so this will redound to a greater GOOD in our lives in TIME. The following quote echoes from my more youthful days: "Patience is a virtue and virtue is GRACE!" Indeed it IS! 
Peace & 

photo credit - C.K.Correia 2013 All rights reserved

Saturday, July 13, 2013

30,000 HITS!

Woohoo! 30,000 HITS!!

photo credit -

Have you found your 'Fill? aka fulfillment

Ever been having a bummy week(s) and then you had an "AHA!" moment?! Hosted my first birthday club shindig today (yesterday) at my new was AH-MAY-ZING! Felt a rush to see everyone having fun playing games together and enjoying the different activities! They also loved their gifts...had a fantastic team of shoppers! *hugs* I went table to table after the event to get feedback and it was unanimous...all (genuine) smiles...everyone had a great time...I got comments like "it was really really nice" to "never done before...usually it's the same old thing every year for each really brought staff together and got them to interact!" Feels good to make people feel good, even if it's only for a few hours. Who says there's no such thing as fulfillment!? Who said that haven't found their calling yet. It's not too late to look inside and find yours if you haven't yet found it. Yup, I think I've found mine... well one of them anyway...‪#‎happydance‬ ...


For more, please "like" my author's page

Peace & love

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy July!

1ST Blog post for July!

Whew! I’ve been delinquent…Boy do I miss high speed internet…and a desktop computer. But no excuses…

photo credit - CKCorreia - a coworker and I saw this after working late one day
HAPPY JULY!  To my American neighbours to the north hope you had a great 4th July Independence Day and Canada Day!

July is a month very special to me but apart from that, it heralds in warm weather for so many people, the kids are home from school for the longest vacation of the year and there’s no traffic! 

On my end many things are happening. Work has been very busy and many activities going on there. My parents away from home (landlords) are back from their extended trip and I’m glad to see them. I’m so proud of myself to have survived 3 months totally on my own! I also have great neighbours and friends who have been checking on me sporadically.

photo credit C.K.Correia - this was the backdrop of a meeting off site
It was great being back home last weekend and my real parents looked fabulous! When I got in Thursday night my dad opened the gate and was all smiles…that was priceless. And thanks to my mom, I have the comfort of not having to cook for a couple weeks as she packed me her famous baked treats as well and seasonings! YUM!

I’ve been out on the field three times this week and I’m getting to know my island…it’s great. Although exhausting at times, it’s really exhilarating to be out and about and independent. It’s also very beautiful and you can see. After this who knows, the sky is the limit, but I can’t go too far away due to other commitments presently. However I am thinking of taking a trip this December or January…still exploring the possibilities.

Well I must say I’ve discovered many lessons thus far on my journey. It’s been just about six (6) months and I have lots to process. The more I see and the more people I talk with, the more I learn. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher the truth among the untruths but sometimes you have to go with your gut. The harsh realities of people and all their dimensions are still a tough pill to swallow but I guess I still have a lot to learn and digest.

photo credit - C.K. Correia - saw this on a road trip to the country side
I’m on the threshold of a new birthday, it signals many things and I hope to become a bit wiser as I celebrate this milestone. Many things to be thankful for like life, good health, strength, vitality, family, friends, ways and means, abilities, new ambitions, peace and quiet! Yes the Lord has been good to me and for that I am forever grateful and pray earnestly that he continues to bless and show me favour.

There have been some rough patches though but those times are minuscule compared to the good, happy times and pleasant memories. I am grateful for the connections I’ve made and the persons that have remained in my life thus far…that is a priceless gift. Much thanks to all my friends from trini that have dropped by since I’m here! It’s been loads of fun :-)

So as I embark on another year, I look forward to new adventures, meeting new people, new challenges, experiences and opportunities to make a difference. After all that is all life is…it’s remarkable the feeling when people tell you that you have been sent by the Holy Spirit to their situation! I know I’m not perfect…in fact no one is…but everyone has a purpose. It is important to look inside every now and then and re-evaluate that purpose. You have the power to touch lives and make a difference. Lead by example and seize the day…grasp it in both hands and don’t let go until you’ve lived every last drop. I plan to...

Hope you enjoyed the sites!

Peace & Love.