Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Independence T&T !!

Today the twin-island Republic of Trinidad & Tobago celebrates 50 years of independence
Freedom to rule and freedom to choose
"Forged from the love of liberty" are forever imprinted on our minds no matter our locale
Red, white & black worn
proudly across our chests regardless of our background
Yet our true wealth lies in the strength, warmth and talent of our multi-cultural people who share a similar heritage
As we celebrate together as one, we give thanks for our founding fathers and abundant blessings
Happy Independence sweet T&T! Your children ♥ you!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Summer Ends:(

The July/August holidays are almost over...can you believe it!? Wherever did the time go? For those of you with kids, hope you spent some quality time with them since those cherished memories last a lifetime. As August comes to a close and we prepare for September when school re-opens, let's change gears as the year winds down. 

It's an exciting time as Trinidad & Tobago prepares to celebrate the nation's 50th Independence and for our US neighbours - Labour Day. Let's make a list of all the things we want to accomplish before year's end and start putting plans in motion. 

Remember time is precious! Let's not waste it for it's never too late to reach for your dreams and soar to new heights. Whatever you're doing remember to always #MakeItCount !!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

13,000 hits :D


Love: What's in a word?

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"Whether you’re in love, once in love, or want to find love it’s important to look within and find out if you’re capable of not only giving love but also receiving love. For it only takes a moment to fall, but a lifetime to forget that one true love…or the one that got away." 
 - Carolyn K. Correia © 2011 All Rights Reserved

Excerpt taken from my book THINKING OUT LOUD - from the article 
Love or Something Like it - Part II 

Get your copy on amazon today!!  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Thinking out Loud

I attended a Writer's meeting this weekend with a colleague of was well...ummm "different" to say the very least...#theplotthickens
This piece was inspired from the entire weekend and week in fact. Thought I'd try something attempt @ a lil more creativity:D lol. It's a fusion of thoughts from my book - Thinking out Loud, as well as stuff just floating around in my subconscious...Here goes..

Sometimes, life is unpredictable and you never know where this winding road will take you...
And no matter how hard you try to force things to happen or prevent things from happening, what is meant to be will be
Sometimes human nature gets the better of us despite all good intentions
It's hard to break old habits and when you least expect it, the moment comes when it rears it's ugly head,
It's hard to fight a first reaction or instinct, thought or impulse unless you're trained to stifle what's inside...[I call that fake and hypocritical, others may call it good sense]
It's sad that it's frowned upon when in most cases, you simply had the guts to put into words what everyone else was really thinking
Sometimes the people you least expect to be there for you, are the ones that are there in times of need when a comforting smile or reassuring word is all you need
Good friends are hard to find but how do you recognize the ones that are truly real?
How do you truly accept the good and bad qualities of a person without judging, after all you have faults too
During a disagreement, it still baffles me how two people could walk away with two completely different versions of the SAME story!
How do you bite your tongue when you know if you don't speak up, the silence will gnaw away at you and erode your peace of mind?
How do you fight the urge to follow your feelings without being a rebel without a cause?
How do you know when it's time to quit and throw in the towel?
How do you resist following the pack and staying true to yourself?
Why conform when you can be you?
How do you chart your own territory in a world that endorses conformists?
How do you conform when all you want to do is Break Free!

That's all she wrote...
Be my first critic! Go easy on me;)

Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid El-fitre greetings are extended to the Muslim community. 
Another holiday tomorrow here in T&T. A little more R&R never hurt. Whatever you're doing, be safe and Remember to Make it Count!!
Peace & Love

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Congrats Team T&T!!! #I4TANDT

 Thanks for bringing home GOLD  Keshorn Walcott. You make Javelin look good!!! Congrats!! #I4TANDT

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Hats off boys: Keston Bledman, Emmanuel Callender, Marc Burns and Richard Thompson

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The winner takes all

With all the Olympic 2012 fever in the air, I have been neglecting my blog:( But there's a quick solution for that problem. At home, at work, at gym, even on the streets everyone are glued to their television sets for the Moment of Truth where there is a chance for their home country to bring home a medal. What a wonderful feeling! Adrenaline, excitement, national pride, celebration! A good lesson from the London Olympics 2012 is about winning and losing. So far, USA, China, Russia and Great Britain are in the lead. Michael Phelps and Gabrielle Douglas were amongst the crowd favourites from team USA. For the Caribbean, Cuba and Jamaica are excelling especially today where the black, gold and green won gold, silver and bronze in the 200m race! Grenada's Kirani James has broken the record for his country and our own Lalonde Gordon from Trinidad & Tobago has done us proud. There were many contenders in T&T which are worthy of mention such as Njisane Phillip, George Bovell III, Jehue Gordon, Richard Thompson, Kelly-Ann Baptiste, Semoy Hackett and many more but all of them are very deserving of praise.

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Many persons were disappointed that our athletes had "almost misses" where we were just inches away from medalling but the fact remains that they all tried and did their best. They've made it this far to compete in an Olympic event among the best athletes in the WORLD and this in itself is a MAJOR accomplishment. Some of them even participated with past injuries and other drawbacks and this should be commended. They have indeed served their country proud.

My 2 cents
In life, there would always be those who are better than you - the ones that break records and excel at a given task. There are many reasons for this, but what we must all understand is that we are all players with a different game plan in this dance of life. We win some, we lose some, but what remains is how we deal with our victories and losses. We can't beat ourselves up for a loss when we consider the bigger picture and realize it was someone else's time to win. We all have our day in the sun and just as we would like others to be happy for us when we win, so too we must be a good sport and be happy for our brothers and sisters that we share this race with. There is a reason for everything that happens in our lives. Every moment has led us to a BIGGER moment and without it we would be someone different from who we are now and somewhere completely different from where we are today. We would also have missed out on chunks of the life that we now know. There is a purpose for everything. And a time and place for each of us to shine. We must trust that our day WOULD come and WHEN it does...we have to be READY to do our best and MAKE IT COUNT!! We are all winners...victory is a state of mind...not a destination, medal, prize, piece of paper or position. Through it all, we must continue the fight for what we want and strive to improve ourselves and do our best --not to please anyone else but because it is what WE want. Always remember...that the winner takes all!

I know I've quoted this one already but honestly it encapsulates everything I've just said!

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." - Ecclesiastes 9:11

London I miss & love you!! 
Wish I could have been there...but there's hope for Brazil right? I smell the coffee already:D Looking for sponsors from now! LOL


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Congrats to all Olympians!!

Congrats to all the winners and athletes worldwide who took part in this past week's Olympic Games!! We're very proud of you for having made it this far! Special congrats to Team TnT #I4TANDT

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thanks for 12,000 hits!!

Thanks for the hits!~

Thinking out Loud now available at Paper Based Bookstore!!

Today the Paper Based Bookstore at The Hotel Normandie in Trinidad agreed to carry my book!!
google image

Thanks Paper Based:-)

Retweet and share with your friends!! Thinking out Loud!! #goodreading :-)

Made some interesting connections today as well!!

For overseas readers, it's available on Amazon (US & UK) and Barnes and Noble.

Thanks for the support!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy 1st August!

Happy August 1st!! Trinidad and Tobago and a great part of the British speaking Caribbean celebrates Emancipation today...                        Happy Emancipation wishes are extended to all!!

We're officially in the latter part of the year...only 5 more months to go to the end of 2012 :-( Can you believe it?!

As we reflect on our resolutions we made at the beginning of the year...we take note of our progress and challenge ourselves even further to reach new heights. We simply need to set our goals, timelines for achievement and take baby steps until we are where we want to be.

Thank God for our achievements thus far, trust His guidance always and buckle up for the ride of our life!!

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2 more days for the weekend...5 more months for the year...3 more hours left for August 1st!~ Whatever you're doing....Remember to Make it count!!

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." - Ecclesiastes 9:11

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