Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's My LIFE!!!

The first quarter of the year has almost ended....tomorrow is April---aLreadY!!! Are you on your way to achieving your short term goals for this year?! Think about's Your life. Time to get moving and shaking...for time waits on no man! I can happily & proudly say that last year was a milestone in my life and I achieved a lot of things that I had on the "back burner" for a while...but with perseverance and a healthy serving of faith...I made it! So my new goal for this year is to abandon my fears and try new things...stop worrying about things that are not under my control....enjoy the little things in life more and make it count and add up to Big things in the long run! Stop worrying about what people think especially those closest to you. It's your life after all and everyone has/had a shot at their own. It's My time! Yes it's your time too. I have worked hard and I deserve it and so do you!

On another note, I made a new friend at the mall today when I purchased my new blue tooth car kit and it just makes your day when you receive good customer service. It makes you appreciate your purchases even more.  This has been a good week. I got my first pedicure and manicure which I was so skeptical about for years...and why I never got it done...but it worked out well (I have had massages before though--go figure)! It felt heavenly to be pampered and given good service....made an aquaintance there too...Something can be learnt from everyone you meet in life and sometimes in the most unlikely of places. From ever since I can remember, people just open up to me after having just met...young, old, male & female. I had lots of things in common with all of these people and I don't know if it's all the endorphins talking after my post-gym workout but at the end of the day ---the exchange was interesting. I hope I was able to touch or influence them in some small but extraordinary way!! (: It also inspired me even more to start my own business...and who knows maybe this year is gonna be The yEar:-) I tried a new sushi place also this week and caught up with an old friend...even tried Japanese beer! We were pleasantly surprised. 

So here's to you! If you're feeling that it's too late to try something new and live without's never too late. Live with exuberance so that you can share your passion for life and experiences with others--even if it's a smile or thoughtful nod of understanding...or like the gentleman this week who upon seeing my car door stuck on the pavement...ran to my rescue and said "don't worry --I'll get that!" Sounds trivial but it gives you a good feeling...totally discounts some of the other ills in the world and society today. You too can make a difference in your own little way. You would be surprised by how many people you inspire without even knowing it. Peace. ©

Sushi nite

Must see video...listen to the end!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Positive and Negative

It's true that you are an amalgamation of all the experiences you would have had in your lifetime. Every experience have shaped you into the person who you are today. But one cannot blame their present actions and the situation they find themselves in at the present moment on their past history.  

Sometimes we get caught up in a viscous cycle but we can’t allow ourselves to fall into that trap and stay entrapped forever. Easier said than done right? Hmm maybe, but whether it is an issue of trust or simply escaping an unhealthy situation there is always a way out or solution to our problem. 

Success stories are borne out of hardship and trials. When we are faced with a difficult situation, we can look at it as a test -a test of our strength, fortitude and willpower. I can certainly testify to many a test of my faith and resilience and today I can say that there is always a rainbow after the storm if only you believe. You can never give up the battle and always keep striving to achieve your true potential.

It is also important to remember that there will never be an ideal situation – the perfect situation in life does not exist…you may never have the perfect career, child[ren] or meet the perfect man or woman. These things are elusive. If someone says that their life is perfect then they are probably not telling you the whole story and we must remember that things are not always what they seem. 

You have to make life perfect in your own way. You have to be happy and grateful for your blessings and fortune in life…always looking for the good. Although it is not always easy to look at life in this way since we are human and we live in an imperfect world, however what we want is in within our reach if only we see it for what it’s worth.  

As a child my father always told me that the world is made up of positive and negative and although the details of the story are a bit fuzzy at the moment, the message stuck with me throughout my life. It is up to us to choose. The positive path will always lead to happiness ultimately. If we choose the negative we will either learn from our mistakes eventually or if we don’t we will self-destruct. So we don’t want to choose that path regardless of how alluring, exciting or glamorous it looks from the outside. 

As I reflect on all the many periods in my life ---the happiest times were when I was with company I enjoyed and doing the things I loved. If I’ve learnt anything from my years on this earth, is to keep those you love close and show your appreciation in simple but meaningful ways because you don’t know how long they will be in your life; always follow your dream and don’t put off something you can do today for tomorrow because life is short and unpredictable and you may never get another chance. 

The world is yours for the taking, free yourself of your inhibitions…be cautious especially with matters of the heart but learn to trust your instincts and let go …let it all unfold…step outside and let your dreams become reality. ©

“But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.”
[1 Corinthians 13:10]

Special greetings go out to the new visitors to my blog from Indonesia, China and France!! Feel free to post your comments:-)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dreams can come true

This just goes to show that with hard work and persistence dreams can come true!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

It takes a certain kind of person to survive in this world. So many different personalities you need to interface with on a daily basis…some aspects you like -- some you don’t. But how do you separate the good from the bad and accept the whole person? If you were so thin-skinned to get turned off by a singular action or comment every time it occurs then maybe you won’t reach very far in life. There are all kinds of people that make up this world in which we live and sometimes you just have to put your differences aside to get along whether it’s in the workplace, with family, friends or partners. It may sound simple but if we look outside of our little realm, this is also the key to preventing wars between nations, groups and religions. In my younger years I would have immediately “written-off” a friendship, colleague, acquaintance or the like for the slightest slips of the tongue or an inappropriate action, quirk or habit that I found to be rude, annoying or just not what I was accustomed to.

I have since grown and although I still find it difficult at times to process and accept the (good), the bad and the ugly behaviours in all the persons I encounter on a daily basis, I have learnt to adapt to situations as they occur and modify my exchanges and interactions with them accordingly. It is indeed hard and at times I wonder if I am too judgmental or rigid in my worldview. Then I realize that I myself have flaws or traits that other people may find irritating, rude or just a tad bit “spoilt” so I am able to keep myself grounded and in check. Then there are other times that I just think that certain guidelines of propriety should be adhered to in formal settings and situations that require a certain code of conduct or behaviour. I may sound like a prude and stickler for perfection but heck blame it on my upbringing and Catholic schooling. Each day we learn something new and if we are open-minded we can learn a life lesson that can be passed on to others. I am still learning and I feel inspired to share my lessons as they occur. ©

A special hello to the new visitors to my blog from Australia, Denmark, Slovenia and Russia…Join me on my journey and maybe we can learn together…till next time.


photo credit -

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back to regularly scheduled programming

For two days we witnessed the transformation of the streets of the cities and boroughs as it exploded into a kaleidoscope of colour, creativity and energy. Masqueraders were seen sporting an array of costumes adorned with beads, paint, feathers and accessories that each told a story of the Merry Monarch. They gyrated to the pulsating and intoxicating rhythmic sounds emanating from music trucks that energized all into a frenzy of excitement and fun during our annual street parade while crossing the several judging points. Carnival is over and although I should be glad the wine and jam is over it has sort of grown on me. Flashback to Carnival Saturday saw me having loads of fun as we partied well into the wee hours of Sunday morning. Each year has its highs and lows and the music will certainly live on in time on the dance floor as seen in past years. The results for the various competitions are in and have been the talk of the town for the past few days but we have to live with it because the judges’ decisions are final. We would all miss it and I’m sure some are looking forward to next year already. Now back to regularly scheduled programming.

Today the Christian community embraces the first day of Lent – Ash Wednesday when everyone tucks away the bad behaviour and revellery of the past few months and tries to conform once again… at least until Easter:) As some of us retreat into ourselves and reflect on Christ’s suffering and temptations in the wilderness centuries ago, we offer repentance for our transgressions and try to make amends by abstaining from something during the 40 day period. The temptations can be very alluring but in retrospect we can use it to exercise our willpower and strength, which can be a valuable practice of self-restraint that can prove useful when we need it most. Even if you do not commemorate the season of Lent we can use the time for much needed soul searching and repentance thereby allowing us to practice a spirit of humility and thanksgiving. A point to consider – everything in moderation is the key to good living. We are after all human but if you can’t handle the temptation maybe it’s wise to remove it altogether.