Hello world,
Christmas is less than 4 days away and I can't believe how fast time has flown! #ohmygosh!
In fact this entire year has flown. I remember Easter, summer vacation, September....November like it was just yesterday. The month of December kicked off my vacation and I knew I had to get a lot done but still I can't believe that it's almost Christmas day already(:
Well! What can I say? What I always say at this time of year. It's been 5 years since I started this blog...November 2008 to be exact and those loyal followers would know that my sentiments have not changed since then.
Christmas is a joyous time to spend with loved ones and celebrate the birth of a Savior. We cannot get lost in the commercialism of the season. While shopping, paranging, caroling, gift giving, home and food preparation, drinking "ah rum an a ponche de creme" is good, we must remember the reason for the season. As I write this, tunes ring out from my radio (as usual) and one of our local entertainers The Baron sings: "Let's crown Him, Lord of Lords." It's comforting to know some folks still have the right idea. Although records show that Christ was not born at this time of year, we can still commemorate the tradition of the Magi: the three wise men from the East bearing gifts for the Baby Jesus who was born to take away the sin of the world. Regardless of our denomination or whether we celebrate from a traditional, religious or cultural perspective, we can appreciate the season in our own way without the meaning being lost.
While many persons do not believe in this, I must again say that although I do not impose my views on anyone and I am not the most religious person in the world, I am very cognizant of a Higher Being. I strive to make amends for my wrongs and be a better person every day which is a continuous journey. I always give Him all the credit and thanks for all that I have/am. I am very grateful for life and for ALL of my blessings. I'm sure we can all count our blessings we have in our life, which in itself is a blessing no matter how terrible you think it is, because the alternative is well...pretty grim.
As I've said in my earlier posts, I am about to embark on a new journey and I am so buoyant I could float away. There are very few things that can make this any better. I earnestly hope that I am able to fulfill the expectations put toward me and create abundance in this new opportunity and direction He has for my life. Just to let you my readers in on a little secret...I will be moving away from home and to a new territory for the first time really (campus life doesn't count) and embarking on a new career and I can't wait for all that it holds. With just weeks away and for the first time I admit it's a bit scary and I feel anxious and excited all at the same time.
I was hoping and praying for a change in atmosphere and direction and in a way I was kind of lost in a sea....and I am glad that my prayers have been answered and it's more than I could ever ask for. I am going into an unknown territory but with faith I hope to make it unbelievably spectacular. This is what I always wanted and then some and by the looks of it, it's going to be an exciting adventure. The possibilities are endless. The writer in me is getting ahead of myself but I ask all of you to pray for me as I embark on this new journey.
I have lots to do still and I have to try hard to get all of it done in time.
This Christmas is going to be special for many reasons and the end of the year even more memorable as I reflect on the past year and all of the moments that has led to this one.
As Christmas Day inches closer and we scramble to get "our house in order" literally and figuratively, let's remember why we celebrate. Let's try to give something back to those more in need. It doesn't have to be in a big way if you can't afford to, even if it's the packers at the supermarket or the attendants at the gas station or a family or child in your community. Everyone deserves to be happy at this time of year and although you may not think that your little bit counts, just the gesture may mean the world to someone else who may not be as fortunate as we are perceived to be.
Spread the Christmas cheer and Make it Count!
I will try my best to share my account of the season with you! ~
Peace & ♥