Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

As we say goodbye to the old and make way for the new, let's tuck away all that 2012 has brought to our lives good and bad and welcome a new beginning. Time to make room for new memories, people, experiences and dreams to be realized, always keeping near the ones that really matter. 

Wishing you peace, love, happiness, good health, joy and abundance in 2013. 

And always remember to Make it Count!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012...

It's Sunday 30th December, 2012 and the final hours count down to yet another year! If you're as sentimental and nostalgic as will also be filled with a flood of emotions. Whenever a year ends, automatically my mind flashes back to all the years within immediate memory. And as I recall them, I am filled with all sorts of memories: gratitude, longing, what's if's, thank God's, boy have I come a long way, happiness, expectation, regrets, forgiveness, a wee bit of times...:S

The holiday season always conjures up all sorts of memories and emotions....some fond and happy times, some not so pleasant, after all we are only human...such is life. Sometimes things may happen to trigger it and this is when you need to press pause, rewind and deal with it right there and then.

Getting back to 2012...for me it signals a breakthrough. I finally got my wish...for a new job/career and in a way a new life. Some parts were rocky and some were great. It began my journey as an author and I am thankful for all of my blessings, talent and support. I am sure, there are many things in our life we can reflect on as we give thanks for this past year....whether it's just for the gift of life, family, children, work or good friends. This year also brought lots of new connections, renewed some old ones...some I'll carry with me for a long time. Lost some along the way as well but again...such is life, although it's sad, what is to be will be. The genuine ones that were meant to stay will stick with you regardless.

With this being said, as we look towards 2013, we attempt to put all obstacles, (perceived) disappointments and negativity behind us and look towards the New Year with hope. Hope for a new tomorrow where we can wipe the slate clean and start anew. Break the mould and don't let anyone force us into being something we are not. Be ourselves: original, unique and one of a kind! Express our individuality and let our personality shine from within. Forget all the mistakes, 'ole talk, regrets, bad vibes and pettiness that got in the way or held us back from living our dream life in past years. Let us take from it what we can, learn the lessons, be aware of our mistakes and faults and try to make amends and be a better person. 

The future can be scary but it's worth it to try something new and forget the familiar, if you want something badly enough...that way there would be no regrets or what if's. Forget about pride and what others may say if you fail. Author Robert Kiyosaki once said: “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”  Sure right! Give it a try and who knows, you might even succeed and surpass expections and find happiness!

For 2013 I plan to forgive more, let go, hold my tongue more, complain less, exercise more, trust more and continue to move beyond the past and not let it or anyone define who I am and CAN be today, tomorrow and beyond. Let's ALL live our BEST life yet...Let 2013 be our bumper year for ABUNDANT hope, peace, love, happiness, forgiveness, joy and immeasurable success in all the ways that count. Remember material wealth is fleeting, what matters most is to have lived, shared, laughed and loved! 

ps Don't forget to laugh (at yourself)!

Peace and blessings,
Carolyn xo

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Audio Book

Audio book of Thinking out Loud underway...Had my 1st session at the studio today!! It went fabulous:) #excitement

Updates coming soon on...Background music, Edits, youtube vids, iTunes, Compact Disks...YAY! I have a 1 week deadline!! #pressure

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

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Wishing you good tidings of cheer and laughter. 

May the peace, love and joy of our Saviour warm your souls and may it stay with you and yours this Christmas Day & alwayz.

Cheers! xo

Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Cheer coming up!!

Black cake - check,
Ponche de creme - check,
Curtains - check...
Holiday cheer...check, check, check!!!....

Coming up 1 serving of Nat King Cole...My all time favourite Christmas song!

Hope your Christmas Eve is going swell...and some of you in the Eastern hemisphere are already celebrating Christmas....Make it Count :D


Happy Christmas Eve!!

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!! 
Last minute preps underway...Hope it's fabulous:-) 
#FamilyCelebration #ChristIsBorn

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spread the Christmas cheer!

Hello world,

Christmas is less than 4 days away and I can't believe how fast time has flown! #ohmygosh!

In fact this entire year has flown. I remember Easter, summer vacation, September....November like it was just yesterday. The month of December kicked off my vacation and I knew I had to get a lot done but still I can't believe that it's almost Christmas day already(:

Well! What can I say? What I always say at this time of year. It's been 5 years since I started this blog...November 2008 to be exact and those loyal followers would know that my sentiments have not changed since then.

Christmas is a joyous time to spend with loved ones and celebrate the birth of a Savior. We cannot get lost in the commercialism of the season. While shopping, paranging, caroling, gift giving, home and food preparation, drinking "ah rum an a ponche de creme" is good, we must remember the reason for the season. As I write this, tunes ring out from my radio (as usual) and one of our local entertainers The Baron sings: "Let's crown Him, Lord of Lords." It's comforting to know some folks still have the right idea. Although records show that Christ was not born at this time of year, we can still commemorate the tradition of the Magi: the three wise men from the East bearing gifts for the Baby Jesus who was born to take away the sin of the world. Regardless of our denomination or whether we celebrate from a traditional, religious or cultural perspective, we can appreciate the season in our own way without the meaning being lost.

While many persons do not believe in this, I must again say that although I do not impose my views on anyone and I am not the most religious person in the world, I am very cognizant of a Higher Being. I strive to make amends for my wrongs and be a better person every day which is a continuous journey. I always give Him all the credit and thanks for all that I have/am. I am very grateful for life and for ALL of my blessings. I'm sure we can all count our blessings we have in our life, which in itself is a blessing no matter how terrible you think it is, because the alternative is well...pretty grim.

As I've said in my earlier posts, I am about to embark on a new journey and I am so buoyant I could float away. There are very few things that can make this any better. I earnestly hope that I am able to fulfill the expectations put toward me and create abundance in this new opportunity and direction He has for my life. Just to let you my readers in on a little secret...I will be moving away from home and to a new territory for the first time really (campus life doesn't count) and embarking on a new career and I can't wait for all that it holds. With just weeks away and for the first time I admit it's a bit scary and I feel anxious and excited all at the same time.

I was hoping and praying for a change in atmosphere and direction and in a way I was kind of lost in a sea....and I am glad that my prayers have been answered and it's more than I could ever ask for. I am going into an unknown territory but with faith I hope to make it unbelievably spectacular. This is what I always wanted and then some and by the looks of it, it's going to be an exciting adventure. The possibilities are endless. The writer in me is getting ahead of myself but I ask all of you to pray for me as I embark on this new journey.

I have lots to do still and I have to try hard to get all of it done in time.

This Christmas is going to be special for many reasons and the end of the year even more memorable as I reflect on the past year and all of the moments that has led to this one.

As Christmas Day inches closer and we scramble to get "our house in order" literally and figuratively, let's remember why we celebrate. Let's try to give something back to those more in need. It doesn't have to be in a big way if you can't afford to, even if it's the packers at the supermarket or the attendants at the gas station or a family or child in your community. Everyone deserves to be happy at this time of year and although you may not think that your little bit counts, just the gesture may mean the world to someone else who may not be as fortunate as we are perceived to be.

Spread the Christmas cheer and Make it Count!

I will try my best to share my account of the season with you! ~

Peace & ♥

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1 Year Anniversary of Thinking out Loud!!!

Photo credit courtesy Maurice Burke photography
Thinking out Loud is now 1 year old! Yup that's's been a year since I published and launched my first book Thinking out Loud. It's been a wonderful and exciting journey and I thank all of you for sharing it with me. The support means a lot. I could not have done this without YOU! And the question on many person's "when is the next book gonna be out!?" Well, I've already started 2 very different books many years ago...I'm hoping that 2013 will be great to me and conducive to many creative and inspirational moments!! My wish is to return to my centre and tap into that inner peace required to create a masterpiece. Once again, thanks for the support and I hope to share my new journey and experiences with you. We are all here to learn from each other and I encourage you to THINK out LOUD with me and share your musings and experiences.

Peace & ♥

Your Time is NOW!

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Sometimes when you think nothing is happening despite your best efforts...little do you know, lots is going on in the background. Keep on pushing harder and fighting for what's yours. Pray earnestly and surrender to the many magical moments and sometimes difficult moments that are destined to lead you to your centre. Time is one of life's simple phenomenons. It's the healer of all wounds and a window of hope for dreams to come true. You can't evade time...what's yours is yours and no one can take that away from you except the Creator. Don't ask why, just surrender to the moment and live it to the fullest. Your time is NOW!

Back to Business

hey world!

© image courtesy C. K. Correia

I'm back! Probably wondered where I went to!?

Went into retreat to take care of some business and was without internet access.

Had serious withdrawal symptoms! T'was the longest 5 days ever :(

I feel rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to take on the world :-) Got a lot done too!

Soo much to do still. Shifting focus for a bit but details will soon come...


Beautiful sunset isn't it!! This will be the view from my new locale!

Until next time!


Friday, December 14, 2012


YAY :-)
Thank you!

Courage: What's in a word? TEDx pos 12.12.12

Courage means different things to different people. The speakers at TEDx pos 12.12.12 all gave their own meaning to a word that holds the key to life. Living in a land that favours the bold or "lucky" is sometimes a battle, as it is often the one who is persistent enough and passionate about their cause that wins the race.

 Here was the day's line up of #courage:

Patrice Grell Yursik (Afrobella) started off the day by courageously sharing her story of her
photo credit - C. K. Correia Fort King George, Tobago
personal battles and fight to carve out a niche and claim her place in this world despite disappointment. She explains that it is because of her personal struggles growing up and what society thought of her, that made her who she is today. If it were not for the rocky beginnings she would not be Afrobella - someone who has been an inspiration to many young girls and others who have struggled with the same issues of acceptance.

Afra Raymond gave us food for thought about the political climate both past and present with his wealth of experience in the arena. He challenged us to think outside the box and have a mind of our own.

Christopher Laird gave us a history lesson in the evolution of life in the Caribbean and more so, Trinidad and Tobago in the days of the Federation in the pre-independence era. He defined culture, arts and entertainment, in particular the creation of Gayelle TV in Trinidad and Tobago and what it was like growing up in this time and learning from the stalwarts in the business and later becoming a pioneer in this realm.

Sunity Maharaj echoed my personal sentiments that everyone was created for a purpose. She pointed out that it is important that we take an introspective examination of what our purpose is in this world is, so as to determine who we are and where we are going.

Verna St. Rose Greaves told a story of courage about what her mother taught her as a young girl growing up, caring for her niece who was born prematurely weighing just under 3 lbs at birth. This was a very moving and powerful story about courage and once you heard it, will stay with you for a long time.

Dr. Peter Weller's talk was deep and provided food for thought about the meaning of the different gender roles in the Caribbean and how both genders can work together to voice their concerns so as to reduce the divide and achieve gender equality. His role as the President of The Caribbean Male Action Network - CariMan and as a clinical psychologist was instrumental in leading the discussion to which both men and women can relate.

Nzinga Job - one word sums up her discussion - Wow! Born in Kenya to Tobagonian parents, she is a qualified music and theatre arts teacher. She has penned a "sex journal" to provide a catharsis for having been raped in her late teens. I would imagine that took some courage to speak to an auditorium packed with strangers about her sexual experiences after rape. It was refreshing to listen as it was therapeutic to tell.

Gillian Lucky - there are no words to describe how amazing her delivery was. So much so that she received a thunderous standing ovation. I did not know what to expect, but after just one line, I was enthralled.  She is an amazing speaker. In just under 20 minutes, she demonstrated love for her country, national pride, love and appreciation for her parents who are mentioned more than once, her values learnt from them and how they played a role in her political career and the subsequent decisions she made. She displayed her love for culture, her friends and colleauges, her passion and love for her career as a lawyer and her desire to play a role in influencing change through politics. She was animated, funny as hay and extremely good at what she does. Her passion shines through and she thoroughly captivated her audience. This is a prime example of how important it is to find your niche through your life's work and this she has. Her retelling of her experience about following her dream to sing a calypso was classic. She spoke vividly of how she engaged the Black Stalin to assist with her delivery and it was especially comical...everyone was in stitches!!

E. Gervase Warner - told of his own experience with courage and overcoming the fear and anger about his daughter and family being held hostage by a bandit in his own home. He asked the audience to forgive others for a wrong that was done to them. He also reached out to the audience by asking them and by extension the nation to become more hospitable to each other so that one day ALL of our people can live as one.

Just to add my two cents about what Courage means to me. To me, courage means being bold enough to pursue your dreams and reach for your goals no matter what anyone says. It means taking a creative step into the unknown if you so desire to bring about change in your life. Courage means soaring to new places that you would not usually visit except in your imagination. It means bringing fantasy into life...reality.

All in all, it was a day well spent from beginning to end. Many thanks to the organizers of TEDx and for extending the invitation to attend. Keep up the great work and continue to inspire and challenge others to face their fears. In time, little by little we can make this world a better place TOGETHER with #courage!

Peace & ♥ 


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

TEDx pos 12.12.12


Today I attended the TEDx pos conference held at the Central Bank Auditorium, Port-of-Spain Trinidad. The auditorium was overflowing now only with persons but also COURAGE which was the theme for this year's event! The speakers bared their souls and engaged their captive audience thoroughly with very personal anecdotes of their struggles that they have overcome throughout their life's journey....some still a work in progress.

I can't say that I have any favourites since they were ALL sooo very GOOD! Videos were also shown over the life sized projector and portrayed tear jerking, eternal truths expressed by the speakers to the captive TEDx pos audience.

The event opened and closed with memorable performances by The Freetown Collective Group who always delivers on point without fail. And who could forget demonstrations of the "wine" and the analytical relevance of our cathartic rhythmic movement of the hips by Sonja Dumas.

As you can tell TEDx pos 12.12.12 was EPIC! I wish to blog about this some more in great detail, so stay tuned to this space...In the meantime I share with you another Kodak moment with Patrice Grell Yursik otherwise known as Afrobella whom we have all come to know and love for her hair and fashion blog. It was a pleasure meeting you! Keep doing what you are are a great speaker...and an inspiration to many:)

Until next time...


Also, find me on facebook >>>

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thanks for LIFE!

Taking a little break to  "Think out Loud"

Cheers to dear friends, fond memories, new beginnings and LIFE!

Every now and then, we ought to take time out and celebrate in our own way our blessings GREAT and SMALL. Sometimes it is the little things that matter most. When the big things come, we can appreciate it just the same as we realize how blessed we really are for believing and trusting in Him.

Gratitude and humility are fundamental in our future development, knowing it is said that:

"The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21)

I thank God everyday for blessing me as He has. I receive joyously and bless His Holy name.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Gift

Give a gift of inspiration this Christmas with a copy of Thinking out Loud. It's about life, love, friendship, finding your true passion (career) in life, the holidays, parents and everything in between. Written from the heart with YOU in mind. 

Available @ all locations of RIK, Metropolitan bookstore, Christian Education Centre (Trincity & Excellent City malls), Paper Based at Normadie Hotel in Trinidad and on amazon.

Peace & ♥

Cover courtesy EllivenEye photography Neville B. Alexander

Happy Friday!

Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. Don't let anyone ever brainwash you into thinking that you cannot do something. Courage is believing in yourself and in your convictions to follow your dream no matter what anyone says or no matter how many roadblocks you encounter. To be courageous is to soar above the ordinary to places that you would not usually visit except in your imagination. Believe in yourself and TRUST in God to take you where you need to go! 

Happy Friday:-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

19,000 Hits!!

Thanks for 19,000 hits
Your continued support means the world to me!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy December!

December is here! Oh Happy Day:-) Christmas is near!

It's a happy time for most of us. It means family, festivities and the birth of a Saviour.
It also means parang, carols, food, mistletoe, presents and snow (for some).

Whatever we do, let's not let the meaning get lost in the commercialism of the season.

Santa is good for the kids but let's tell them about the reason for the season also.

Have a wonderful season all month long!

Hope all your dreams come true!


Friday, November 30, 2012

Finally Did It!

As I sit here in the carwash waiting on my turn (much earlier)...I am overcome with emotion. The Adele CD playing in the background is not helping much.  I did not know that leaving a place that I've been wanting to for a while could be so emotional. Saying goodbye is never easy as I've come to realize. It was bittersweet to say the least and I did not realize there were so many people that actually cared if I go or stay (each showing it in their own way).  There were many ups and downs during the last seven years and I've grown considerably over the period. Admittedly I am still on the path to further growth. Looking back on some old emails I now realize the impact I had on the staff in whatever small (or meaningful) way. Still I don't know where the time went! 7 YEAARRRSS!! Wow! Trying to search my brain for some highlights but suddenly my brain is like marshmallows...all the years just seem to coalesce into one big BLURR with vague highs and lows! :(( #howsad

Notwithstanding the good, bad and ugly; there was sooo much history, many connections both internal and external along the way, both past and present - some I will carry with me wherever I go in life as long as it permits. Many milestones and firsts both professional and personal, some of which were as a result of my experiences and growth during my tenure. Of course the many, many memories of fun, happy times are priceless and I will treasure them forever. Last night I wasn't sure what I was feeling but I received a phone call from a very special person when I needed it the most, which put it all into perspective. As always she knew the right things to say and I recovered from my melee unscathed. #thebossladyalwayscomesthrough

Admittedly, every day wasn't all smiles and sunshine, but somehow I made it through and rallied to the end by the Grace of God. And now before me to behold is my rainbow and what a beautiful sight it is! You would probably now be able to connect the dots from reading my earlier blog posts within recent years, what my struggle and journey was about as I often questioned the timing of the occurrence of my future "breakthrough." For some time I have been trying to transition fields which is always difficult. I felt that I wasn't using my full potential in the capacity I was engaged in, and this made me severely unhappy in this aspect of my life for quite some time. Many close friends and colleagues who saw my value shared as much, which sort of provided some impetus to push even further in my quest for fulfillment of my passion. But nothing before it's time! I am here now and this day is mine to savour! In actuality the FINAL day won't be for another two weeks as I first proceed on a much needed vacation. However today was officially my last day of work at the office. I'm doing cartwheels as we speak! :D #Dparangnowstart

With this move, I've realized that I have finally come full circle in terms of the lessons learnt and contributions made in order to really move on to the next phase in my life.  Time for a fresh start and a new beginning to make new connections and hopefully influence change in a new realm. Can't wait for what the future holds!! As this old chapter closes and a new one awaits, I would be delighted if you can continue with me Moment to Moment along my journey!! It has indeed been a pleasure sharing with you during this time and many thanks for the support!! Feel free to peruse the "about the author" tabs across the top of your page for more info and how you can give a gift of inspiration this Christmas with your own copy of my book Thinking out Loud. Hot off the press: an audio book version is in the works...and now I have some time, I can tweak the kindle version!!

Best wishes a todos!!

photo credit -

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just some thoughts...

Greetings all,

A warm welcome to all my new and returning visitors from the USA, Trinidad & Tobago, UK, Canada, Belarus, France, Thailand, Georgia, Australia, Germany and Ukraine! Feel free to like and share with your friends and family. I welcome your comments!

I was telling a friend today that sometimes all it takes is a step outside of your door to get a new perspective. Even short trips within your own country can do wonders and has often worked for me. When we do this, we adopt a new point of view that perhaps was not visible before because of our clouded vision. Various things can hinder us from seeing things clearly or maybe having myopic vision.  I had a few revelations of my own:

Saying goodbye to the old...
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Sometimes when a chapter closes in our lives, we should be thankful for all of the events that led to this point. The old cliched adage "everything happens for a reason" is indeed true. When we allow ourselves to be led by faith, we realize the purpose of all events in our lives great and small. What mattered to us 5 years or 1 year ago, I'm sure doesn't have the same impact as it does today. It however served to shape us and prepare us for all the events that have occurred since then. Should we feel sad when a door closes? No, instead be happy for the lessons/memories and know and believe in your heart that another one opens and a new and exciting journey is about to begin!

Me? Sweat the small stuff? 
Lots of times when we "sweat the small stuff" we are really working at cross purposes against ourselves. Although it's often a natural human impulse to react, it's usually wiser and healthier to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and let it roll off our backs. We can choose to react adversely or we can count to ten and smile in the face of conflict, as we find the lesson and use it as an exercise in self control! 

The journey now start
When we think that we have experienced all there is to life and then some, we realize that the journey is now beginning. Life is fluid, always changing and surprising us with new experiences, people and discoveries. Even through the disappointments we are able to grow and acquire strength in our resolve and solitude. To ask why me, is to lack faith and doubt the bigger picture. When we embrace life for all that it holds is when we stay open to all of the possibilities life has to offer. We then look with exuberance towards each day with hope and desire to make this day better than the last, yet equally special. Give thanks for the here and now and have a little faith!

Tomorrow's a new day, so I'm going to pause for a cause and stay open to the new revelations and lessons the day brings.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Practise what you preach...

Hello world,

As I go through my annual "Christmas cleaning" I clean not only the physical, but also the emotional, psychological and spiritual. I clear out all of the junk that has collected over the past year. I am in a constant state of evolution as I evaluate all that has happened over the period, how I have reacted to it and what I need to change or work on. I was just reviewing my musings over the past few months and out of everything, the following words struck me in my post of October 18th - "Out of chaos comes inspiration" []

"If you have the chance to influence change, when it's needed the most and the intended parties are receptive to change, then maybe that's the trade-off to evolve to the next level in your life." 

Can't believe I really wrote's as though I had a glimpse into the future. All credit to God for this inspiration and gift of speech...I'm speechless:) Ha!

I think that perhaps that's what has just happened.  I kept the faith, believed and now I have evolved to the next level. And it couldn't have happened at a more opportune time. I tell ya...the power of prayer is amazing! The last few years have been particularly good as most things have been working in my favour #eternallygratefultotheMostHigh

Yet sometimes, I feel as though I allow variables to get the better of me. This happens especially when I allow myself to react to people's behaviour and actions. I keep reminding myself...and the conversation begins: "Self: the world is made up of all different sorts of people...You need to get used to it!"

It's true, everyone is not like me or you or anyone else. Our life experiences were different. We see the exact same things quite differently. Our ability to internalize and rationalize things are different. Everyone has their own insecurities and prejudices...likes and dislikes....points of view based on many different factors: life experiences, upbringing, belief systems, circumstances, environment...background. We can't do anything to change who we are or our journey thus far, but surely we can try to understand each other and why we react the way we do. 

Yet this happens from time to time:
All jokes aside. We expect others to treat us the same way we would like to be treated. Whereas in reality this does not happen. We pass judgement on others, at times say unkind things to and about each other and it is done to us, sometimes unknown to ourselves. Some things are best kept unsaid  but sometimes human nature gets the better of us and we find ourselves in a muddle.

Communication is always and when it is done is the essence of how well it works. At some point or another, we have all been guilty of doing and saying the wrong things at the wrong times but for all intents and purposes, what is done cannot be undone. Maya Angelou once said: "people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel." And at the end of the day, that's what it's about.

I certainly have "foot in mouth syndrome" but I'm working on it. Just as I can't understand why others may say or do certain things, the same can be said for me. Tolerance is key. 

As I take all of these lessons with me into the new year and my new realm, I earnestly attempt to start anew with a new outlook, new modus operandi and a new beginning!

Cheers until next time:)

If you haven't already, please join me at my author's space on facebook>>>

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turn another corner
Greetings all,

It's been an exciting couple weeks for more reasons that one, and I am forever grateful for my blessings. I am transitioning into a new phase in my career/life and I can't wait for all that it holds because it's been a long time coming and I'm glad that it's finally here.

The support I've been receiving is overwhelming. Naturally not everyone would be all embracing for reasons of their own, but so the cookie crumbles. Change is here and it's my moment to savour! The journey was certainly a long and interesting one, but I always knew that God was preparing me for greater things. I hope I made an impact on my organization and it's employees over the past seven years in some way however miniscule it may be. I am glad that I now will have the opportunity to tap into my full potential and contribute to an equally important but bigger purpose.

photo credit -
I am forever grateful for the opportunities afforded to me and I will always remember the connections I made and the many initiatives and projects I was able to execute. Many memories and lessons....I will treasure always.
photo credit -

Peace & ♥

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Launch of Nick & 2Js

Nneka checking on her bread from the Authentic Dirt Oven

Last night I attended the Launch of my friend Nneka Daniel Braveboy's restaurant Nick & 2Js.

Got there early to see everything progress from last minute preparations to a full swing party....with multiple media houses present. Her religious leader was present to give the event his blessing and Errol Fabien was the MC. The Member of Parliament was even there to kick things off. The place was overflowing with love as her many loved ones and friends came out to show their support.
Chef Nneka & I

Among the many mouth-watering menu items, it was the lobster corn soup that captured my senses. The fish tacos, curry, doubles and cheese cake were equally scrumptious. The main attraction was the authentic dirt oven which Nneka helped to build from the ground up. Cooking since she was nine, this restaurant was her dream for about 12 years and yesterday all of her hard work paid off. 

But don't take my word for it, if you're in Trinidad go on down to Nick & 2Js on the Corner Agostini Street and the Eastern Main Road, St. Joseph (opposite Wasa) and ask for her Lamb in Tamerind sauce, Overstuffed Chicken Breast and Honey Chilli King Crab with chive steamed buns!! You won't be disappointed. She is also open for breakfast.

Congrats!! xo
You've got nuthin on Nneks!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

NALIS's Lifetime Literary Awards - 50 years of Literature

Tonight I was invited to attend the Lifetime Literary Awards - 50 years of Literature in commemoration of Trinidad & Tobago's 50th Independence. It's remarkable the quantum of talent we have abound in this small but mighty twin-island Republic. I feel very proud to be Trinbagonian. The event was hosted by NALIS at the Central Bank Auditorium and many authors (some posthumously) were honoured for their contribution to the literary canon locally, regionally and internationally. Just to mention a few were Michael Anthony, C.L.R. James, Earl Lovelace, Willi Chen, Dr. Elizabeth Nunez, Marlene Nourbese Phillp, Samuel Selvon and John Stewart. Their diverse background not only on the home front but also internationally was impressive to say the least.

Thank you for paving the way for writers and authors everywhere. We salute you! I plan to catch up on my reading with the great works of these authors very soon! It would be remiss of me if I did not mention the panist Johann Chuckaree who provided the entertainment with his marvelous musical interlude on our national instrument. You made that steel pan sound sweet!

I couldn't help but steal a Kodak Moment with Mr. Earl Lovelace!! Your speech was an inspiration to me! Very nice meeting you:)

Happy Reading!!
Peace & ♥

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas is in the air!

Greetings one and all,

It's been at the back of my mind that I didn't really blog for the month of November as yet...Tonight I would address that!

As Christmas tunes ring out on my radio...I can't help but feel the Christmas spirit. I am really looking forward to the season for reasons of my own...(which I will reveal in time). The count down is on...what are your plans?

Time certainly flies. Last year this time, I was super excited planning and preparing for my book launch. Technology is amazing, I was able to capture it all on camera, video and my blog. It has been an amazing journey and one that I would treasure always as the publication of my first book has been a memorable and rewarding experience.

If you have bought my book, I would love for you do a review on amazon, if you have the time. It would mean a lot to see in writing what readers have to say. The verbal reviews have been great as well as the written ones I have received so far on amazon, facebook and via email. I plan to compete an audio book soon and I am really looking forward to that as I get to utilize my broadcasting skills. I have located a studio and everything seems feasible once I make the time to complete a little gradually.

Although I celebrated many milestones this year, it was also fraught with some challenges. Of course I would have delved into it right here Moment to Moment in my own way as it unfolded, but thank God I could see the end coming up in the distance. But then also I guess some things never go away, but with prayer and faith it can get better. Change is coming! Can you feel it?!

What challenges are you dealing with? What action plan can you put in place to lessen the effects? Have you explored all of your options?

I'll say this to you 'chile': 

"Have a little faith!"

It always works out in the end.

The longest rope has an end.

After one time is two (old trini saying)

And when in God first! He never fails and never let's us down and even if our timing is off balance --- He is always on time!

Have a great weekend!


I'll leave you with a couple photos of the Christmas decorations at one of our local malls (West Mall).

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ideas exchange at the UWIs 1st Caribbean Competitiveness Forum

Hope your week is going great so far! Had a little hiatus for a couple days...attended the [UWI's] 1st Caribbean Competitiveness Forum at the Hyatt...It was an action packed 2 days with many successful local, regional and international entrepreneurs, policy makers and academics. Got to listen to presentations by the creator of Nut-med (Grenada), Salada Food (Jamaica), Angostura, Venture Captial (Trinidad), Alex Pratt (UK) and many more. 

A lot of knowledge was shared for those in the SME sector. These forums are great as it shows us just how talented we are in the Caribbean and how much we can learn from each other. Yet, from an international perspective, it makes us cognizant of the fact that there is still a lot of room for growth and development.

Also present were NEDCO clients showcasing their products and services and other companies and booths including giveaways by Cher Mere etc. 

Very informative session!

Check out UWI's facebook page to learn more~