Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sad to see July go....

I'm sad to see July go so soon. Many wonderful things happened in this month. The summer vacation is halfway thru and soon it will be back to school for the kiddies (then regrettably more traffic! No more sleeping late!) I must say that I had a great week and although I am sad to see it go, I am looking forward to what's in store for the rest of the year. Soon it will be September, then parang season and Christmas is right around the corner -- which is my favourite time of year. It's just a wonderful time to be alive and I thank God everyday for special people to share it with and the many gifts and abilities that I am blessed with.

As the months count down, we should ask ourselves: did we achieve some of the things we set out to do when this year had just begun and are we living up to our end of things? I'm sure these months have brought some revelations about things in our life and it's important that we don't ignore it so that we are able to gain some perspective on matters we hold close to our heart and move positively forward. It's hard I know but we must continue to find the lessons in order to grow and evolve into better human beings.

It's not too late, let's continue to make this year our best one yet. Charting our way forward to live our passion and make happy memories of times shared with those close to us.

Peace & Love.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cherish the moment!

This is the day the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! I have much to celebrate and give thanks for not only today but everyday. I am blessed to have a great family and a wonderful complement of friends. What more can one ask for? Sometimes it takes milestones for you to realize how great your life is. A change of pace and atmosphere can make all the difference to give you a greater appreciation for it all. It also gives you an incentive to return to your daily routine refreshed and energized and ready to face whatever comes your way. Sometimes we need to take a time out and step back from reality in order to change your outlook on things. Let’s keep the momentum going and have that special feeling all year through!

© image courtesy C. Daniel

I want to say thanks to all my readers and be sure to look out for the publication of a collection of my articles coming very soon!

What are you thankful for? I am thankful for life, the people in it, talent and the non-material things that can’t be bought or sold! Life is short & unpredictable; cherish and make the most of every moment. ©

Blessed love!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New horizons

Usually I’m at my creative best after a good work out (ironically) or a long road trip or both not in that order. Nothing better to get your blood pumping and creative juices flowing…it also changes your perspective somewhat. The workout releases those “happy” endorphins that make you feel ohh so good and allow you to appreciate all the good things in your life…well at least for me…maybe I’m a dreamer who knows. Not that I like exercise all the time, most times it feels like a chore having to workout after a full day of work, but after I’m through, I’m glad that I did and my body thanks me for it too! After all a healthy body promotes a positive and healthy mind.

image © C.K.Correia

I got to thinking on the drive home, that as we say in this country “after one time is two” meaning no matter what you’re experiencing at the moment - it will only last for a time. There are some things that I would like to see happen right this instant but I realize that nothing happens before its time as one of my colleagues pointed out a while back. Things are working in our lives although we don’t always see it; it’s happening in the background and taking time to manifest in the right way and at the right time...what we're waiting for could be right on the horizon. I think that I have come such a long way in all spheres over the last few years and of course there is always room for more growth. I am really thankful for all the people in my life that are always there for a listening ear or a good laugh….you really make the journey a learning and fun one. I am also grateful for my colleagues and friends for encouraging me to continue writing and I am thankful for those that led me to discover this blog Moment to Moment and all the epiphanies, venting and sharing it has allowed…I absolutely love it!

God is good and to prove it, he has blessed us with all the things we need and sent people along our path for a reason. The lesson is ours to make good judgments about what or whom we allow into our inner circle and into our future. It’s important that we recognize it in time and don’t ignore the blessings right in front of our faces.©

Peace & Love.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Time longer than twine...

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Who likes the waiting game? That period of time when time seems to slow to a crawl and you hang onto every moment as if your life depended on it. Your heartbeat accelerates every time the phone rings and you carry that little technological gadget with you e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e you go! If only you knew what the outcome was without experiencing all of the anxiety…and imagining all the possible scenarios in your head! Yep so you guessed it, I’m on the verge of a life-changing journey and I’m hoping for good news. It’s not really such a big deal but it can change my entire life or perhaps the next few years at best. I’ve struggled with whether or not this is a good decision, listened to advice by a few but of course I came up with my own and it is something that I really want. Although I do not want to think negatively, if this doesn’t happen now then it’s a set back and I may not come this close to such an opportunity again for a while.

In life we create our own destiny, though: “what is for you, is for you” and there’s little you can do about it. Even if you think you tried your best to secure your chance at what you want, if it’s not what God has in store for you then it has nothing to do with you not trying your best. It may seem that all is not in your favour if you didn’t get your wish granted but maybe this wasn’t your dream come true after all. And it’s not a “sour grapes” philosophy. If you had gotten what you wanted, the odds are that you may have ended up worse off than your present circumstance - unhappy, frustrated or perhaps it was not granted to you because you may not have been prepared to deal with the associated risks or factors that this new journey may have brought. Indeed everyone gets his/her own when the time is right…not a moment sooner.

Everyone likes to feel excited I’m sure. Most of us crave new things: yearn for change at different points in our lives. But I’ve learnt that sometimes we need to be sure of the source of our desire. Is it because it would be the best thing for us at our stage of development? Is it for progress or fulfillment? Is it to conform to the status quo or what our friends or peers are doing or is it what we want? Is it to escape our present situation? Sometimes we end up in a situation that’s thrice as bad as what we are supposedly running from. It’s wise that we let some time pass in order to clear our head before we make any life altering decisions that we can possibly live to regret. As for me, I have thought long and hard about my impending decisions and certainly doing it for all the right reasons. In any event I will definitely weigh all the pros and cons of each scenario before I take that leap of faith into the unknown!©

Are you waiting for your luck to change? Your luck is now!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Exciting venture

This is an exciting time as I referred earlier to the publication of a collection of my articles. I am in the process of having the cover designed and photography done. Editing will commence in a few weeks and I'm even considering having professional picturesque photos taken for the inside pages in keeping with the theme of each article. It's going to be just fabulous! It will be available for sale globally and I hope my online readers will patronize my efforts! This will be one of my biggest if not THE biggest accomplishment to date. I am really looking forward to making it spectacular for each and every one of you! The reward is in making people happier and influencing lives for the better. Can't wait...

The count down is on!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

C'est la vie!

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Don’t we wish we had complete control over things and people in our lives! Whew! If we can just talk our way into and out of any situation then wouldn't it just be a perfect world?! We would have the best jobs, business deals and romantic partners! It may appear that some have this influence, power, charm and charisma to make their wildest wishes happen –but it’s not that easy. It took me some time to realize that I cannot change the world, far less how people feel, react or think no matter how hard I try. In fact I did realize it a while ago for personal matters but I thought perhaps in different professional or business settings it may have been different, but this was not so. People will be people and not budge no matter what if they really feel strongly about their convictions or things/other people they hold close to their heart. The truly charismatic among us can influence a person’s thinking to some extent –I have been able to do this however sometimes you have to choose your battles. Someone once told me a long time ago, that a leopard can’t change their spots. Indeed this is so moreover for the older and more experienced folk--as the saying goes you have to “bend the tree while it’s young.” Then there are other times that age is not a consideration for everyone was created with free will to do whatever he or she chooses.
Ceteris paribus -- all things remaining equal, life is what you make it. You have to take responsibility for your own fortune in life and the situations you find yourself in. Learn to deal with the unpleasant ones and not react in the same way in which it was dealt to you. There is a lesson to be learnt from every person or circumstance in life if we view it objectively as if we are on the outside looking in. Now only if I can take my own advice! ©

C'est la vie!

How was your week? Can you relate to this article? Pls feel free to post your comments and ratings! Look forward to hearing from you...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1000 marker!!!

Thanks for sharing the journey with me on my blog Moment to Moment. It has just reached the threshold of 1000 hits!
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Your support is much appreciated!

Let me know what you're thinking, please feel free to follow my blog and post your comments & ratings to the site!

Peace & Love

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Movie night!

Every time I go to the movies it’s like the first time. Little else rivals watching your favourite actors on the big screen with all the effects and cinematography involved in putting together a good movie with a great plot. You feel like a little kid again with all the ohhs and ahhs you fight to keep from blurting out in public. I recently saw X-Men First Class last Friday night and it was just magnificent. It was definitely worth the wait. While everyone waited in extreme long lines to see Transformers, we coolly made our way to screen 9 which surprisingly had its fill of people. The effects were just amazing as it creates a euphoric feeling as if you’re actually in your own fictional world. It gets your adrenaline pumping and takes you to another dimension where it’s just you, your thoughts/emotions and the characters.

You can’t help but take a look at your life in the whole scheme of things. Although it’s not fair to make comparisons it makes us wonder if we are indeed living the life that we envisioned. This holds true for a couple movies I saw over the past few months which included “Jumping the Broom” and Tyler Perry’s “Madea’s Big Happy Family.” The different characters all remind us of some aspect of ourselves or someone we know as the plot is a microcosm of real life. It arouses deep emotions and even brings a tear to the eye for those of us who are in touch with our softer side as we empathize with the characters’ journey and tribulations. Indeed these writers and directors are talented beyond words to have the vision to bring all the different aspects of a movie together into one magical masterpiece to be enjoyed by many. The power to instil and impart valuable messages to the masses and make a difference in another’s life is a great gift that should never be taken for granted. Some movies may just serve as entertainment and while it is important to discern which messages you absorb –sometimes you need a good escape from reality if only for a few hours at a time so that you can return to real life with a fresh perspective and energy. So next time you go to the movies ---think of all of the effort, thought and resources not to mention time it took to create what you see on the screen. ©

Hats off to all the artists out there!

  what are some of your favourite movies?? would love to hear from you!