Saturday, June 21, 2014

It Was the Best of Times...It Was the Worst of Times

This week was one of revelations and learning. Some were pleasant experiences and a handful not so much.

I can’t thank God enough for all the amazing people in my life that lighten my mood regardless of the weather and put up with all the various colours, shades and foibles of my personality...

I feel a third publication coming on (maybe under a pen name…any ideas? lol)…but this will take some time and outpouring of new energy…still a distant thought. Need to focus on book #2 and getting that one published. Although I must admit that the most unexpected and unplanned projects sometimes steal the show.

I decided to call it a night an hour ago (early for a change) but here I am because blogging and writing is what I know and love. This fuels my energy and desire to continue. The week ended on a good note with some professional business advice/meeting with an old colleague. The law of attraction is at work: I am thankful that I have people around me that are always willing to offer support when needed. I keep focused and ask God for guidance and He ALWAYS sends the answers without fail and for this I give thanks. This in itself is a blessing to me and I do consider myself lucky.

More about my lessons that I can divulge…I can never wrap my head fully around the human mind, although I wear myself out trying many-a-time. We are somewhat responsible for the negative things that happen to us based on our choices, but a friend of mine said today that sometimes we take a chance on something that seems harmless and authentic by all appearances. At the time, we may never imagine the outcome or impact our decisions can have on our lives in the future.

Even though we are beyond that point, never in our wildest dreams did we expect life to suddenly surprise us with this inexplicable twist of reality, although sometimes it provides the closure we need (or so we hope). Standing here with the wisdom of our past and present day reality, sometimes we realize that our old self was a bit wise and even ‘psychic’… if only we had listened to that inner voice and trust our instincts. But you live…you learn…and hopefully adjust your radar and ability to make wiser more cognitive choices in the future.

It’s easy to let those negative experiences taint us and prevent us from trusting again, but sometimes we have to give thanks for our small blessings and mercies. Things could always be worse and no matter how dismal or painful it seems, there’s always a silver lining. Once you live a certain way, keeping God in the forefront and staying true to yourself, I am convinced that you will be shielded from the harsher ‘blows’ that can prove to be very real realities and tragedies if you did not choose to do this.

That’s as much as I can muster to share at this point in time. Many other things happening simultaneously. Stay tuned to this space as my journey unfolds for updates on the progress of my book and other exciting projects.

Always busy with a thirst to create and share. With a new strategic direction for my business, I have a renewed interest in making it a success…Of course research is a vital component and an ongoing effort for the truly creative entrepreneur who is always seeking to reinvent themselves. Once a week I plan to devote time to just reading and no social media and email...let's see if I can live up to this!

As I throw caution to the wind and search for renewed hope in mankind, I accept the realization that I first revealed in my first book which is that “you cannot change people or the outcome of events in your life no matter how hard you try”…I can however work on me and doing what’s best for myself. Struggle vs Acceptance….

I leave you with the following words of Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Wise man


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