Sunday is a rest day for most people and it was for me. Although I set out to work on various projects today, sad to say I did not get much done. I cooked and tied up some loose ends.
My day started out with some old friends that came to the house to do some business. It was refreshing in so many ways to catch up and really listen to each other. I am very happy for having stayed in contact with so many joyful and genuinely wonderful people.
I love kids but God knows what He does. I don't think I have the fortitude for the long haul. Maybe one day I will adopt but for now, I'll just cuddle and admire from afar!
Children are a full time job that never stops, not even at 18. So once you decide to take on this responsibility, you must be in it with your whole heart. Your actions can affect another person for the rest of their life!
For now, my baby is writing. And I am in it for life!
Stay tuned as we journey together.
Peace & Love