I am a creative, literary enthusiast...
My name is Carolyn Correia. Writing is my passion, along with many others that sometimes try to steal the spotlight;) But there can only be one true love!
When I'm not blogging or dreaming of such like...you can find me enjoying nature in this magnificent, breathtaking world, taking photos and communing with my Creator, listening to music, spending time ('liming') with friends and family, at the gym, movies, travelling to new places and indulging in new cuisines.
Where does the inspiration come?
From my life experiences and my outlook on life which is attributed to my faith in my God...the one and ONLY true God who has given me the strength to overcome life's obstacles and surpass my expectations for myself. Along the way, I've also dabbled in psychology, literature, drama, film, philosophy, communications, broadcasting, public relations, industrial relations and more.
For the sake of credibility, I'll disclose that in my hunger for knowledge and understanding, I was led to pursue a BA in Literatures in English and Communications from The University of the West Indies and a MA in Mass Communications with specializations in Film and PR from The University of Leicester (UK). Though it's not the be-all and end-all, education is a sure-fire route to truly broadening your mind and scope of the world.
In spite of this, I strongly believe that intelligence and creativity, further more talent/ability is not measured by how many letters you have behind your name; but by your outlook on life and the willingness to adapt and rationalize experiences lucidly...in short to make the most of what you have, be grateful and move beyond your present state always looking for the silver lining.
Thinking out Loud is a collection of inspirational/motivational/self-help articles that promises to hold universal messages for anyone interested in discovering a deeper meaning to life, finding their purpose, letting go of negativity which may be inhibiting the path to your dreams, self-actualization or learning more about themselves and their connections to others in this dance of life.
The name was chosen by a colleague as it describes what we all think about but seldom discuss. It's a little bit of me...it's a little bit of you...don't you just love it when we're "Thinking out Loud!"
In 2014, I also took the advice of a friend and set out to conduct motivational workshops from the principles contained in this first book. I can't wait to see what the future has in store not only in my own country but the world over...
Available on amazon.com and lulu.com in both paperback and kindle.
My Second Book
The second book is a memoir designed for artistes, entrepreneurs, those transitioning fields or interested in self-discovery and self-actualization. It provides hope and inspiration for those who think that their dreams are far off into the distance.
I share my experiences, my Moments of Truth, the risks I took and how I beat the odds by stepping off my ledge and following my dream. I talk about my Dad who first encouraged me to write books and how he played an important role in me becoming an author today. I also share how my family, friends and support system have been there for me during the storms.
It charts my transition from "wanting to be a writer" to actually becoming a published writer and author, wanting to transition from the technical field I was in and return to something more creative and the experiences that led to my breakthrough.
It takes the reader on a journey of how moving to the sister isle of Tobago acted as the catalyst to me "finding myself" and developing my skills and character through the various experiences and people I encountered.
Finally it talks about what led me to take that leap of faith to leave my corporate 8-4 job and become an entrepreneur, consultant and motivational speaker.
I can't wait to share these experiences with you in this book...It's my Labour of LOVE!
To follow my journey please sign up for your weekly email updates on my home page and head on down to facebook and "like" my author's page for more >> https://www.facebook.com/CarolynCorreiaAuthor
If you would like to engage my services, feel free to contact me at hicomegaconsulting@gmail.com.