Happy 1st December, 2014 all!
Wishing you abundance and all dreams realized. It's not too late to Make it Count!
I found it useful to create a visual for how you would like your life to turn out. It's not always easy to block out the negative and keep focussed, but if we condition our minds and try to stay positive, the sky is the limit to our aspirations.
I may not always exude a spirit of perfection....after all...I am human! Nor do I try to be perfect, but I do try to emulate and do introspection and meditation daily. I find that in those quiet moments, the pieces to life's puzzles come together and suddenly all is well with the world again:) I am graciously granted all the blessings I need to be comfortable and attract all the right people and situations. For this I am grateful.
Last week I had to deal with my family member being discharged from the hospital. It was not easy. All the strength that I previously exuded went out the window. Although I did not show it on the outside, I was crumbling on the inside.
I did things that I was never trained to do. I overcame my sheer tendencies for squeamishness and daily luxuries I enjoyed like going out, exercise, work, sleeping in and food.
Suddenly these things mattered little to me in the whole scheme of things. I found the inner strength to remain committed to the task at hand and persevered. I provided comfort and reassurance when me myself needed to be comforted and reassured. I surprised myself and surpassed my own expectations.
Last night I said goodbye to an awful week and ushered in the month of December on a high note. I went to a meeting this morning and it was as business as usual. I received the magazine in print that I have been working on since June. The fruits of my labour were encouraging and gratifying to say the least. I feel accomplished and proud of my hard work and sleepless nights.
I did my errands, visited former co-workers who seemed so happy and proud of my efforts for the past year. Upon my return home, I executed my daily routine as caregiver. Afterwards I had a glass of wine to celebrate my progress for 2014 and success of the magazine. I feel content.
This month I will complete my second book and you will learn about it here, so stay tuned to this space.
Blessed be the month of December. May it bear abundant fruit, life, joy, peace and love.
Love and blessings always.