One thing’s
for sure, no matter how bad things may get, there’s always hope for a new
tomorrow and a new beginning and no matter how many times you fall, you can
always get back up and dust yourself off and start again.
Independence weekend in these parts…I had a fabulous weekend.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately…about lots of things…and as I reflect on the
past 8 months…I must admit it has been great. This was one of the best
decisions I’ve ever made to change locales…Living on my own for the first (well second) time with no family, totally independent and free has been fabulous…in a way it is ironic this
post comes on this here Independence weekend.
I look forward to the wind up of this
great year and I hope it ends as well as it began. Christmas is right around
the corner and it is my favourite time of the year…the music, the food, the reminiscent
feeling of the birth of our Saviour.
Most of all I thank God for blessing me with great people.
For the most part, I’ve made some really beautiful connections with special
people, more so for the past decade…and for the past year, I won’t trade them
for the world. So many people have also visited me thus far and I am always connected
via technology.
Sometimes you move so far away from home and yet you are still
at home…I have come full circle…I feel that I was indeed led to this moment…all
the moments leading up to this one was majestically orchestrated for a purpose.
Not quite sure what the precise purpose is as yet but I’m sure I will soon find
out. Above all, I feel that I have some control over the path I am eventually
made to follow. But yet there is still some mystery which makes it all the more
Time will tell…4 more months to go…Are you ready for your future?
September remember, December I can’t wait…2014 here I come!!