Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Spice Isle is the place to be!!

Greetings all,

I just returned from the most fabulous mini vacay to Grenada!! That island is amazing! Rich in history and culture. The people are soo warm, friendly and genuinely NICE! When last you came across all of that in one place? If you get the chance you should go...if you do ask for Anthony...he's the best tour guide!!

Have lots to blog about but until then...here are a few pics to wet your appetite so to speak....

Grande Anse beach

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - St. George's

Levera beach

Concord Falls

Majestic church at Leaper's Hill

You can check out more about Grenada via this link:

 Stay tuned for more.....Feel free to post your comments!

Lucky 7000!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The way, the truth and the life

photo credit - artbible.info
Holy Week is almost at it's peak with the Triduum commencing today being Holy Thursday - a highlight in some religions as Jesus washes the disciples' feet and broke the symbolic bread and wine at the last supper which represented His Body and Blood that was spilt for our salvation. This is still celebrated today in the Catholic church and other Christian religions that celebrate Holy Communion. I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't make it to church today again for this momentous feast where the church is stripped of all paintings etc and persons' feet washed.

Tomorrow is Good Friday where several take the symbolic walk up a hilly slope in their neighbouring communities representing the walk to Calvary where Jesus laboured to sacrifice His life in order to give us new life. The procession reenacts the beatings He endured while carrying the Cross on which he was crucified to save us sinners. On Glorious Saturday Jesus' body lays in the tomb and some religions keep vigils often lighting candles (lit from the main Paschal candle - RC). The 40 day fast fast/abstinence for Lent is also broken on this day. Easter Sunday follows and represents the resurrection of Christ from the dead on the third day.

Whether we are Christian or not, it is important to note the message contained throughout His journey and the belief in a Saviour which may come in many different forms. We are all sinners and we now have eternal life --this is not by chance. Fasting and abstinence should not only be limited to Lent but practised throughout the year so as to become more at peace with oneself and atone for our sins as we give something back to Him as we strive to become closer to our God. In this way, we would realize that life moves a little less arduous and we are able to solve problems more readily that may appear in our lives. We all have to believe in something....and we should all care about what happens to us after we die. I believe in an afterlife. But I can't tell you who to believe in. I place all my trust and cares in God and He never fails me. The choice is yours.

Happy Easter!

I will be giving thanks for life and my many blessings tomorrow but the next time I post to Moment to Moment...I will be enjoying the sun, sea and sand of another island paradise....Stay Tuned.....XO

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fab day to network!

Greetings folks,

I've been neglecting my blog:( I just had to log in tonight to blog about the wonderful day I had! It was just fabulous from beginning to end. Got to catch up with an old friend this morning and it just kept getting better. Sold a few books this morning and then again this evening to the most wonderful readers! Everyone just had the greatest things to say....my heart just expanded. Lunch time I almost got emotional...teary eyed even (which may be in part due to the perfume I was wearing! lol). I think this is the whole purpose for writing in the first place. This evening I attended a networking session with Caribbean Ideas...I can't believe this is the first one I've been to. It was fantastic! I got to meet a bunch of very successful, bold, creative and successful women. This session was in honour of International Women's Day that was celebrated a few weeks ago and boy did we honour them. Truly inspirational. Looking forward to many more!

Hats off to us women!

For those globally interested in purchasing my book THINKING OUT LOUD, it's available on amazon via the following links: 

Happy Reading!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Sunday!! :D

Hope your weekend is going great! I don't have any April Fool's jokes today but it's great to be alive...Happy 1st April!! My the year sure is flying. Nothing like an easy breezy Sunday afternoon...right now I'm watching reruns of 227 on Centric. Although I was just a wee tot when it aired on television...it sure brought back memories. I don't often watch television but this is classic! They showed an episode with the late Florence Delorez Griffith-Joyner. There was also an episode when they all appeared on Family Feud, one where they bought a Japanese restaurant and one where Santa Claus stole all their gifts and they all got locked in the slammer for trying to impersonate Santa to make little Alexandria feel better and believe in the spirit of Christmas. There were some good family values. Go ahead and you tube it! Makes me smile and sad all at the same time to know those days can never come back. Who doesn't miss that time captured with Jackee, Marla Gibbs, Regina King and others...Olivia from Sesame Street and more??!! Wow! Acting, music and writing are some of the greatest gifts bestowed onto mankind.

Hope this brings back memories of a happy time when life was simple. Hope you enjoy!! What are you doing this fine Sunday? If you're spending some quality time with the family...good for you cos chile..."There's no place like home!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

80s Extravaganza!

I've dedicated the next couple weeks to the BIG 80s....the era of BIG hair, hairspray and shiny clothes. Let's take a walk down memory lane with this one!!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's take a stroll down memory lane:)

Did I mention how much I love the 80s??...not that I remember too much...but I just think that was one of the best decades. Television, fashion and don't talk about the music....it was just a fab era!! In tribute, here's a flashback to one of the most memorable TV shows of that period...how many of you remember this one???!!!

Enjoy! Have a gr8 week everyone!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It doesn't really matter...

photo credit -7roses1brokenheart.deviantart.com
A lot of the times we wonder about this thing called human nature. What makes one person react totally different from another? What drives us? What inspires us? How come one person may take a liking to an idea, a product, a photo, a food, a person and another hate the very thought of each of those individual things? I often wonder. Sensitive maybe a tad, but I guess that's what makes me unique....and able to write this blog which in itself may not do a thing for one person yet another may be totally inspired.

I don't want to try to dissect every thought and come up with my own explanation for what I think causes all these reactions and emotions but I will say this. People need to be comfortable with who they are, their journey and individual experiences, history, connections and accomplishments at their stage of development. For that is exactly where we need to be at any given moment. That's what makes us who we are: unique and created for a purpose. God made us unique and with the ability to co-exist in spite of our differences, unique gifts and talents.

Let's try to make it work. Life is too short. Let's all try to get along. For when this world all ends, there's nothing we can do about it and we can't take any of these acquired possessions with us where we are going...and in the hereafter (if you believe in it) we are all the same. The job title won't matter, neither would the beamer or the benz or the mansion in the hills or the house with the seaside view. It's all to be enjoyed in this life and it can be taken away at any moment.

So celebrate your differences and look within and utilize your God given gifts so that when you leave this earth, you would have left behind a legacy by influencing lives for the better AND remember to Make it Count.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My New Book now Available on KINDLE!!!

EllivenEye photography Neville B. Alexander
Pigeon Pt. jetty Tobago
Hello folks...thank God for LinkedIn. After much resistance I joined the site during our Carnival time off. I must say it was one of the best things I ever did. I was able to meet new people, network, join groups and more. Via a writer's forum, I was able to learn how to publish my book to kindle on amazon...amazing!! This after searching the internet and amazon for months sporadically. I was able to successfully complete the process this morning in less than an hour. I was surprised when I got the email notification on my phone a little while ago that my book is now live!! Voila!

Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to announce that my new book THINKING OUT LOUD is now available on AMAZON'S KINDLE STORE!!! Woohoo!!

Please follow the link to purchase your own copy: